19 May 2022


From Schoolyard Bullying to Genocide

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Academic level: College

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Words: 553

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Bullying can be defined as unwanted or aggressive behavior among a certain group of people especially school children. Bullying involves real or perceived power imbalance between the involved parties. The behavior has the potential to be repeated over with actions intended to making threats, spread rumors, or physically attacking someone. The party being bullied is excluded with a purpose. According to Coloroso in TED talk, teaches that bullying is not a conflict because conflicts are normal, natural, and necessary. However, to her bullying is conscious, woeful and deliberate acts intended to harm another person with the aim that the perpetrators gets pleasure from the painful acts to others. Bullying is having contempt towards one another where perpetrators do not feel empathy to the party being bullied. Perpetrators’ will act in any manner without shame or compassion. Whatever children are exposed to, in turn, affect their imagination and future actions? People around us including family members, friends, teachers, and society model us. 

It is a process to walk from being a bully to perpetrators of genocide. The first step is unquestioning obedience to authority. If children are not taught how to think, they will never question the authority even when they are taught suicidal acts. Nevertheless, when they know what they should think, they will question every direction their authority gives. For instance, if one is asked to vandalize a building, he/she is likely to ask why?, Hence keeping off perpetrators of violence. On the contrary, when they fail to ask they are the ones that are easily taught to take genocidal acts. Rational children are likely to stand out for values and against social injustices. Genocide is planned and brutally executed and is not an instant thing according to Coloroso. She gives examples of the 1994 genocides in Rwanda, Cambodia, and Germans genocide against Jews. After the acts, perpetrators felt heroic; this is madness and irrational.

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The second step is routinization of cruelty. When we are routinely exposed to cruelty, it becomes normal in our lives. Undertaking or exposure to routine cruelty makes people think of unimaginable things and hence become conceivable. The conceivable becomes reality at last, and people kill each other. Cruelty starts with simple bullying behavior in schoolyards. They become normal in society and eventually reality, when we kill each other. People should not be perpetrators, instigators, or planners of bullying because these kinds will negatively affect society. 

The last step is dehumanization of other human beings making them inferior. Bullying begins by calling each other names such as a fool, slut, whore, dump, cockroach, dog, and many more. In reality, people hate all these names listed above and therefore will act to eradicate them from society. In Rwanda, they killed each other referring them as cockroaches. In Cambodia, they referred to them as dogs. In Germany, they called Jews as venoms. In all three scenarios, they wiped out the cockroaches, venom, and dogs. It was never a single day acts but hatred had been planted in people’s heart for so long.

Coloroso believes that genocide has never been the case of taking machete, guns or other kind of weapons and killing your sister, brother, neighbor, or parents but she believes that, what people are exposed to or imagine is responsible for genocides witnessed across the globe. Bullying is a few steps to genocide. It starts with a punch, to crimes, and finally to genocides. She argues that people should expose their children to positive images or education. Such exposure will model this generation children to be responsible, resilient, and compassionate human beings that will think logically and not just act because they are asked. Most of our acts have propagated bullying in schools and in society. We should mind the manner in which we treat people around us irrespective of their social class, color, ethnic group, and religion because children around us learn from what they see. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). From Schoolyard Bullying to Genocide.


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