7 Dec 2022


Future of Nursing: Transforming Health Care in America

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The nurses' fraternity profoundly influences the efficiency of the healthcare system of the United States. Using the IMO report of 2010, it is evident that the nurses should be given a great deal of attention. The attention is highlighted in the recommendations and the subsequent strategies for implementing the recommendations provided in the IOM report. Therefore, this discussion offers highlights of the IOM report and the recommendations. The strategy of implementing the recommendations follow suit while a reflection on the relevance of these recommendations is given a thought of consideration. Therefore, the overall exploration of the nurses and their future is explored in this discussion. 


In the IOM report of Future of Nursing, it is evident that the committee was formed that focused on the analysis of the possible ways in which capacity building among the nurses would be initiated. The initiation of capacity building would be a good opportunity to improve the service delivery of these nurses to meet the demands of the current healthcare and public health system, which is undergoing reforms (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2016). The key target in initiating the program as noted from the IOM report was the creation of opportunities, which would be significant in the transformation of the healthcare sector of the United States of America. As highlighted in the IOM report, the transformation of the industry would be achievable through the provision of quality, seamless, affordable and accessible care to all the citizens of the United States (US). Therefore, the report offers recommendations concerning this achievement of the transformation. 

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Recommendations of IOM Report 

While identifying the problems that the healthcare system o the US faces as embedded in quality delivery, affordability, accessibility, and a coordinated system, the committee listed the following recommendations: 

The healthcare system of the US needs to conceptualize the role that nurse play, the shortage of these professionals, the nurse-associated societal issues and the examination of the current and future technology that these nurses would use 

The need to expand the nursing faculty by increasing the capacity granted to the nursing school, which will demand the redesigning of the educational curriculum of the nurses to ensure that the number of nurses is enough in the workforce (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2016). The nurses need to be well- trained as well as adequate in numbers to meet the demand of the increasing patient-clientele. 

The healthcare fraternity should be empowered to examine the existing innovative solutions in the sector. The innovation should be encouraged in both quality delivery as well as the delivery of nursing education for better and improved nursing services in hospital settings. 

The last recommendation in the IOM report focused on the need to manage the healthcare sector so that the education system can attract and retain nurses that are well-prepared and equipped with knowledge regarding their duties and responsibilities in multiple care settings. The nurses targeted herein should be in the position to serve in these multiple care setting which includes long-term care, primary care, public health, and ambulatory services. 

Strategies to Implement the Recommendations 

The nursing recommendations provided herein help in intersecting the health needs of the populations from diverse backgrounds across the lifespan of humans and the effectiveness of the nursing workforce (Saunders & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, 2016). The key messages delivered in this report are the strategies recommended. 

In the first message presented in this report, the nurses need to ensure that they go through the full course of the course before being considered to be well-trained after undergoing the full extent of the educational system. In this case, the nurse is presented with the highest potential to lead in innovation in the healthcare sector. To re-conceptualize, the role nurses play in the delivery of quality care; it is significant to empower them with full education and training before granting them the opportunity to serve diverse populations in the multiple care settings. Offering complete education to these nurses should be supported by the existing regulatory frameworks and the policies (Gerard et al., 2014). Therefore, this key message can be achieved by making revisions to the policies barriers that have the limitation that prevents nurses from exploiting their full potential. Policy review should help in supporting nurses to engage actively in the widespread transformation of the healthcare sector through education and training. 

The achievement of high levels of education and training among nurses is possible when the nursing school curriculum and the education system have been subjected to reforms. The reforms will allow the promotion of seamless academic progression among the nurse and; therefore, the US education system will be directly integrated with the changes in the healthcare system of the nation too. Changes in the healthcare system should also correspond to changes in the education system so that the nurses will manage to have adequate training and skills in the management of the multiple healthcare settings effectively. An improved nursing education system will be the best strategy to improve the delivery of quality, safe and patient-center care to the current and future generations. With the increasing healthcare demands that need the services of nurses in both the primary care and public health, nurses have been challenged because of the low-level of competency that they have (Shaffer et al., 2014). The lack of competent nurses to handle the different machines and technology-oriented innovations within the healthcare setting of the United States, the education system of nursing practitioners has been tasked with the expansion of its educational policies as well as the need to drop some regulation that limits nurses engagement in the healthcare settings. Expanding the educational facilities and the installation of healthcare equipment in these learning institutions will be the most suitable strategy to increase the levels of competence among the nurses as well as increase the enrolment rates to curb the problem of shortage of nurses. 

The last strategy that can be sewn with the recommendations of the IOM is the need to adopt effective planning and policy-making which should be driven by data collected from the diverse populations. The transformation of the healthcare system of the United States requires the involvement of all professionals, ranging from the nurses to the physicians concerning practice and the balance of skills. The balance is an aspect that can be achievable by obtaining of relevant data regarding the number of healthcare professionals employed and the type of duties they are assigned within the healthcare environments (Pittman et al., 2015). The data can be used locally, regionally and nationally so that the areas that experience the shortage of nursing employees can be identified and thus improvements initiated thereof. 

Perspective on the Recommendations 

The recommendations provided in the IOM report are relevant to the current and the expected outlook of the nursing profession and their effectiveness in their service delivery. Overall, the recommendations are ground on the existing healthcare challenges such as the shortage of nurses, the low levels of competency among nurses and the policy related barriers to nurses’ advancement in their education. The future of the nursing profession is significant heroin. The nurses continue to stand out as the most frequent medical practitioners that mediate between the physicians and the patients within the healthcare and public settings. Therefore, the recommendations offered in the IOM report are relevant by inclining towards the improvement of their education and training, the collaboration between them and other healthcare professionals. In this way, the improved nursing education and competencies will allow the healthcare system of the US to achieve high levels of quality, safe and effective care for all the citizens. 


Gerard, S. O., Kazer, M. W., Babington, L., & Quell, T. T. (2014). Past, present, and future trends of master's education in nursing.  Journal of Professional Nursing 30 (4), 326-332. 

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2016).  Assessing progress on the Institute of Medicine report The Future of Nursing . National Academies Press. 

Pittman, P., Bass, E., Hargraves, J., Herrera, C., & Thompson, P. (2015). The future of nursing: monitoring the progress of recommended change in hospitals, nurse-led clinics, and home health and hospice agencies.  Journal of Nursing Administration 45 (2), 93-99. 

Saunders, H., & Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K. (2016). The state of readiness for evidence-based practice among nurses: An integrative review.  International Journal of Nursing Studies 56 , 128-140. 

Shaffer, F. A., Davis, C. R., To Dutka, J., & Richardson, D. R. (2014). The future of nursing: domestic agenda, global implications.  Journal of Transcultural Nursing 25 (4), 388-394. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Future of Nursing: Transforming Health Care in America.


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