19 Dec 2022


Gangs and Guns in America: A Comprehensive Guide

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Gun misuse by gangs in the United States has become a controversial topic. A gang can be described as individuals who aim to strike fear through organized crimes and severe criminal activities. Gangs often commit criminal acts from burglary and arson to murder to convey dominance to their communities. There are around 33000 violent motorcycle gangs, prison gangs, street gangs, and neighborhood gangs feloniously active in America (FBI, 2020). Most gangs are well structured and sophisticated, use fierceness to control their neighborhoods, and improve unlawful money-making acts, including drug and firearm trafficking, prostitution, and robbery. Some gang members endure committing crimes even after being sent to jail. Most of the homicides in the United States are committed with firearms, especially handguns (Brock, 2020). Given the rising number of gun-related deaths, the prevalence of gun culture, and various other elements, higher gun safety measures should be adopted to make the United States a better place to live ( Cook, 2020) . However, the FBI has tightened its efforts to deal with these gangs. Therefore, this paper will discuss the impact of criminal gangs, various gang groups, demand for firearms, and anti-gang initiatives. 

Impact of Criminal Gangs 

In 2020, many Americans significantly experienced high rates of violence from both wrought on and within their societies. Gun crimes and gun violence rose drastically, with over 19000 people killed in firearm-related incidents and shootings ( Maghami et al., 2020) . That was the highest death toll recorded in the United States in more than 20 decades. These totals do not include gun suicides but only unintentional deaths and homicides victims. Despite being no large-scale shooting, the total mass firings categorized as an event in which four or more persons are shot and killed or injured has drastically risen to over 500 in the past five years, which is around a 50% increase compared to 2019 totals ( Maghami et al., 2020)

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Most of these shootings have significantly been impacted by poor black and white communities aggravating discrepancies already deceptive in ancient patterns. Black Americans are associated with 68% of shooting victims in larger capitals, where many are victims of gun violence. According to NGIC, homicides increased by 35% across 27 major metropolises, including Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, and Los Angeles, between July and November compared to the same period in 2019 ( National Gang Center,2019) . By late November, the total gun killings surpassed that of the past five years. 

According to the National Gang Intelligence Center, gang affiliation has been escalating due to new gang formation, aggressive recruiting, newer opportunities for drug trafficking, and collaboration between gangs ( National Gang Center,2019) . From these reports, the nationwide gang presence per capita certainly relates to regions curbed by violent crimes. These crimes are not limited to blackmail, larceny, burglary, motor vehicle theft, homicide, aggravated assault, robbery, intimidation, and vandalism. 

The gangs also play a critical role in drug distribution. Drug-related gang activities are predominant in mid-size and big cities. Gang-related drug activities are associated with deadly violence since the gang fight over the control of drug territories. In 2020, law enforcement organizations in 50 major cities saw a noteworthy level of gang-linked drug dissemination. NDIC report indicated that 71% of law enforcement interventions reported gang association with drugs and lethal weapons like pistols ( National Gang Center, 2019) . The NDIC also reported that drug-related crimes have become sophisticated due to gangs' involvement in large-scale drug trafficking, which has increased violent crimes. Kidnapping, homicides, robbery, and assaults have grown along the U.S. Southwest border. 

In Some cases, particularly in major cities, gun violence is intimately connected to gang violence. For the past five years, Illinois and Chicago have recorded an incredibly high rate of violent crimes. This year, crimes have fallen, but murders are still up, particularly in the case of shooting deaths. Strengthened gun regulations should be enforced as soon as possible to curb this problem. Some people, however, argue that people should be allowed to buy weapons for self-defense in their homes which in most cases leads to criminal gangs acquiring the firearms ( Cook, 2020) . Despite this being a reasonable sentiment and possibly being the most reasonable and fair excuse to have a gun, the reality of its effectiveness is very different. Unlike the United States, some nations have effectively enacted weapons bans on their citizens to stem gun-related violence. For example, after the 1994 shooting in Australia, which resulted in 34 civilians being killed, a national ban on rifles and semi-automatic shotguns was enacted ( Maghami et al., 2020) . America can also follow the same gun control initiative to deal with the rising number of gangs. 

Gangs in the United States 

Street Gangs 

Street gangs are criminal gangs formed in the streets but operate across the nation. They vary in ethnic and racial composition, structure, and number. According to the FBI, these gangs are extremely violent. The street gangs have continued to increase and extend their impact on criminal initiatives and are known to be involved in several violent street criminal offenses ( Ouellette, 2020) . These activities are not limited to shootings, weapon trafficking, firearms offenses, homicide, home invasion robberies, extortion, drug trafficking, and assault. These gangs are highly involved in drug-related offenses as they are associated with smuggling, transporting, distributing, and producing large amounts of illicit drugs. Drug trafficking and drug distribution have increased in recent years, and there is no indication that it will stop soon. Some street gangs include MS-13, Gangster Disciples, Crips, and Bloods. 

MS-13 is the most dangerous gang that the FBI has not successfully managed to control. They are notoriously ruthless, cruel, and violent, with machetes and guns preferred as the weapons of choice. However, it has formed MS-13 Task Force mandated to stop the gang and update the public about the threats posed by this gang. Its missing fingers and distinctive tattoos distinguish the gang ( Ouellette, 2020) . There was a time in the United States shootings from this gang was the talk of the town since they were merciless. Most of the criminal activities done in the United States, the MS-13, are behind them. The FBI regards MS-13 in the same class and level as the Mafia. Gangster Disciples comprise Black Disciples and The High Life Supreme Gangster involved with drug trafficking, homicides, and gun trafficking. 

Prison Gangs 

These gangs are organized within the penal system and operate within the corrections facility. They consist of inmates with an organized hierarchy and operate around a code of conduct. They may, however, vary in composition and operation. In most cases, these gangs are organized around ethnic and racial lines, and they generally have fewer members in the street gangs. They are often identified under a single name, tattoo, or symbol. Some known prison gangs are the Mexican Mafia, Nuestra Familia, and Aryan Brotherhood ( Gundur, 2020) . These gangs are also street gangs and maintain control over the street gang members from inside prison facilities. They smuggle contraband goods like mobile phones, guns, and drugs into the prison yard. After the members are released from prison, they continue with crime and violence in the community. 

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) 

These groups are known for their preference for motorcycles to carry out criminal activities. They often engage in weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, and violent crimes. There are approximately 3000 gangs nationwide comprise around 44000 members ( Bright & Deegan, 2021) . OMGs pose a lower threat than prison gangs and street gangs since their membership is low. There is, however, a significant increase in gangs like Outlaws, Vagos, Mongols, Wheels of Soul, and pagans in several jurisdictions. 

The Mongols consisted of Hispanic men mainly from Los Angeles, where it was formed. The group is feared in southern California, where it has maintained control since the 1980s. They are known for their involvement in criminal activities like assault, murder, extortion, robbery, money laundering, and drug trafficking. The Outlaws motorcycle group was formed in Illinois in 1935, is classified as one of the big four by the FBI, and is known for using lethal weapons in assaulting community members. The pagans have approximately 1300 members divided into 100 chapters ( Bright & Deegan, 2021) . This gang is also part of the big four that pose a considerable threat to the community. They are widely feared due to their ties with Aryan Brotherhood and the Italian Mafia. They are often accused of smuggling and producing drugs on a large scale, which has led to numerous weapon deals and bombing. They are also accused of having illegal weapons like rocket launchers in their possession. 

Vagos criminal gangs were formed in 1965 and have recently expanded. They are considered dangerous OMGs and have approximately 4000 members ( Bright & Deegan, 2021) . They are primarily involved with drugs smuggling between the United States and the Mexican border. They are also involved with the assassination of innocent people. The Wheels of Soul was formed in Philadelphia in 1967 ( Bright & Deegan, 2021) . This gang is predominantly comprised of black OMG. They are involved with prostitution operations and territory wars with other gangs. 

Neighborhood/Local Gangs 

These gangs operate in confined jurisdictions and neighborhoods, are powerful, and often imitate larger gangs. They challenge the authorities since they are several and have no known leadership beyond their community. They are often involved in shootings in the neighborhood streets as they engage in turf wars with rival gangs ( Shappert, 2020) . Some gangs like Crips, MS-13, and Bloods recruit their members from NBGs. Locals, therefore, consider them as dangerous due to their involvement in criminal activities. 

Demand for Firearms 

Every gang group in the United States possesses guns that they use in their criminal activities. There is a significant difference between gang groups in America and other nations. Those outside the United States commit scarcer violent acts, specifically gravely violent acts, unlike in the United States. The firearms used by the gangs are often procured on a low scale, where most of them are revolvers and pistols. Sometimes the gangs can procure semi-automatic submachine guns and shotguns, but they hardly assault rifles ( Brock & Routon, 2020) . If there is no continuous contact with the firearms traffickers, the gangs use alternative methods like darknet, straw purchases, gushing private sales, cross-border purchases, and theft. The gang members can also source firearms through their connection with burglars. Thieves and burglars sometimes sell their stolen firearms in a concealed market which is a source of guns to the gangs. The burglars, therefore, sell the weapons at a discounted price. 

In the United States, gang members acquire high-mechanical military-grade weapons that pose a huge threat due to their potential to engross in deadly encounters with police, civilians, and rival gangs ( Brock & Routon, 2020) . Gang members are reported to use weapons like AK-47, high-caliber semi-automatic rifles, body armor, grenades, and assault rifles. 

Firearms are not only a tool for crime, but it is also a cultural object among the gangs. The firearms, therefore, represent a reflection of one's eminence. The number, model, and type of weapons the gang members possess bring fear and respect to a specific set with status acknowledgment. In almost all the gang groups, it is estimated that all the members have at least one firearm ( Brock & Routon, 2020) . The criminal gangs also use guns to gain power, maintenance, commission, and facilitation of offenses and a lucrative trading commodity. 

Firearms as Tools for Power 

Most gang groups focus on territorial control. Thus they attempt to use their guns to gain and control territory. In most cases, gang vehemence is directed to other gang groups, which justifies why a gang should possess guns to protect themselves from rival gang attacks. Therefore 24% of gang members own firearms for protection ( Brock & Routon, 2020) . These guns, therefore, make the gang members feel safe and more powerful. 

Firearms as Crime Enablers 

Gangs accrue capital from illegal activities that are mostly executed at street levels. Extortion and racketeering, assault and robbery, debt collection, prostitution, drug trafficking, gangling, and firearms trafficking are some criminal activities the gangs commit. Gang members hardly use their rifles against the citizens, but their possession of firearms is linked with resistance preventive and as a tool to catalyst the commission of criminalities ( Brock & Routon, 2020) . However, the situation is different if the criminal acts are against members of rival gangs. Armed assaults, endeavored murders, and murders are achieved through the operative use of firearms. 

Gang-related criminalities carried out using firearms have an enormous impact on a nation's homicide rate, as depicted, for instance, in Canada, where street gangs have significantly increased, thus severely impacting the nation's homicide rate ( Brock & Routon, 2020) . In the United States, the methods of committing homicides have varied from knives to guns over the last five years. The homicide report reveals that most homicide cases are related to shootings. 

Anti-Gang Initiatives 

The FBI is devoted to dismantling and disrupting the most dangerous gangs through intelligence-driven initiatives and investigations and partnerships with the national gang intelligence center, transnational anti-gang task forces, and violent gang task force ( FBI, 2020) . Therefore, the FBI believes they will win the war against criminal gangs through concerted efforts and partnerships formed with the taskforces. 

National Gang Intelligence Center 

Through the directions from Congress, established NGIC in 2005, intending to stop the growth of gangs and criminal-related activities. The NGIC incorporates local law enforcement, state, and federal intelligence on the migration, growth, gangs association, and criminal activities that pose an enormous threat to the United States ( FBI, 2020) . NGIC also supports law implementation by sharing accurate and timely information regarding the gangs by giving intelligence analysis. The main work of NGIC is to identify gangs that pose an enormous risk to the community and target those using investigative assets and federal racketeering decrees and investigative techniques and intelligence used to spell organized crime. 

Transnational Anti-Gang (TAG) Task Forces 

The 18th street gang and MS-13 are significantly expanding their influence across America. According to the FBI, these transnational gangs are all over the country; they have continued to grow their membership, and they are now targeting young recruits than they used to do before. The TAG task force was therefore established to counteract this growth. This task force is located in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador ( FBI, 2020) . This task force's primary focus and mission are to investigate, dismantle, and disrupt transnational gang groups in three Central American countries. They are also mandated to gather and propagate intelligence to support linked United States-based investigations. Therefore, this task force collaborates with the United States security agencies to examine gangs at the national level, including pinpointing groups and members, cliques, leadership structure, and their area of operation. 

The FBI operates the TAG task force and vetted law implementation officers from the PNC. Every year, TAG trains officers in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador on gang-related issues and carry out officer exchanges with the FBI field officers to facilitate best practices and intelligence sharing. Apart from providing guidance and training to the PNC, the FBI officers assigned to the task force also carry out their tasks collaboratively on international and national investigations targeting 18th street gangs and MS-13 ( FBI, 2020) . The TAG task force is also mandated to oversee the Central American Law Enforcement Exchange program. The program creates prospects for the United States and law enforcement officers from central America to cooperate and strengthen gang intervention and prevention techniques and build law enforcement capability. 

Violent Gang Task Forces 

This task force initiative is a tool that all the local, state, and federal law enforcement organizations collaborate to address the community's violent crimes. The FBI's anti-gang task forces oversee around 160 violent gang task forces all over the nation. They pursue violent criminals through pre-emptive, joint, constant investigations to prosecute criminal acts such as firearms violations, drug conspiracy, and racketeering ( FBI, 2020) . This task force notion expands communication and cooperation among local, state, and federal law enforcement organizations, thus increasing efficiency and evading replication of probing efforts. 

The central aspect of this task force initiative is the Enterprise Theory of Investigation (ETI). By merging short-term execution activities with a sophisticated technique like financial analysis, Tittle III wire and consensual monitoring guides the investigation using ETI, which is aimed at rooting out and arraigning the whole gang ( FBI, 2020) . The ETI has therefore verified how efficient drug intrigue, firearms investigations, and federal racketeering can be, 


Criminal gangs are very dangerous, and they have to be stopped. The community should be at the forefront to help the law enforcement agencies deal with the gangs. Gangs and gangs related activities are inevitable to stop them immediately. The FBI should successfully eliminate gang activities and growth ( Chalfin et al., 2021) . If the citizens see or hear anything about the gangs, they should immediately report making a difference in cleaning up the American streets. However, the FBI is doing a commendable job as it is a dangerous and challenging job since the gangs are armed. Therefore, more substations are set in all the neighborhoods to deal with the gangs. 

Gun regulations are the most meaningful and powerful solution to deal with gun violence among the gangs in the United States. School shootings and gang activities have become almost regular events in America; thus, it requires immediate actions to remove the weapons from the streets as fast as possible. Mandatory background checks, restriction of assault weapons possession, and health screening should be implemented to resolve gun violence witnessed in the United States' streets ( Chalfin et al., 2021) . A total ban on guns and assault weapons with increased magazines and background checks on all weapons purchased should also be implemented. Just like the gangs use force, the law enforcement agencies should also do the same to deal with the gangs completely. 


Brock, J., & Routon, P. W. (2020). The effect of mass shootings on demand for guns. The southern economic journal, 87(1), 50-69. 

Bright, D., & Deegan, S. J. (2021). The organizational structure, social networks and criminal activities of outlaw motorcycle gangs: A literature review. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, (621), 1-16. 

Chalfin, A., LaForest, M., & Kaplan, J. (2021). Can precision policing reduce gun violence? Evidence from "gang takedowns" in new york city—Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 

Cook, P. J. (2020). Thinking about gun violence. Criminology & Public Policy, 19(4), 1371-1393. 

FBI. (2016, May 3). Gangs. Federal Bureau of Investigation.  https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/violent-crime/gangs 

Gundur, R. V. (2020). Prison Gangs. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 

Maghami, S., Hendrix, C., Matecki, M., Mahendran, K., Amdur, R., Mitchell, R., ... & Sarani, B. (2020). A Comparison of the causes of death and wounding patterns in urban firearm-related violence and civilian public mass shooting events. Journal of trauma and acute care surgery, 88(2), 310-313. 

National Gang Center. (2019). National Gang Center https://nationalgangcenter.ojp.gov/ 

Ouellette, K. (2020). A Comparison of Street Gangs and Fraternities in the United States of America: Demographics, Conduct, and Criminal Justice Perception and Responses. INvoke, 6. 

Shappert, G. C., & Murray, C. F. (2020). Violent Neighborhood Gangs: Two Districts, Two Strategies. US Att'ys Bull., 68, 187. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Gangs and Guns in America: A Comprehensive Guide .


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