25 May 2022


Gay Identities in Cinema and TV

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 2664

Pages: 9

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One of the foundational principles that govern the American society is equality and freedom of the individual. All Americans have the right to pursue whatever makes them happy and allows them to achieve their purpose. Sexuality is one of the elements of human life that contributes to one’s level of happiness. For years, the gay community endured oppression and lived in fear. Beginning in the 1970s, the community has secured greater freedoms and its members are now able to express themselves without fear. 1 Laws that criminalized sodomy were repealed and the mental health community removed homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses. 2 These achievements set the stage for the freedoms that members of the gay community enjoy today. The United States has now joined the short list of nations that allow same-sex couples to marry. The Obama administration has played an important role in supporting the gay community. The administration has been aided in its efforts by cinema and television. Today, movies and television programs depict gay characters who do not hide their identity. The question of gay identities in cinema and TV is the subject of this paper. This paper makes the argument that cinema and TV have provided members of the gay community with a platform that they can use to express their identity and to gain acceptance. 

Before delving into the discussion on the role that television and cinema continues to play, it is important to set the stage by examining the current state of the progress made by the gay community and explore the importance of the issue that this paper explores. In the introduction above, it has been mentioned that members of the gay community have endured injustice. This community continues to suffer condemnation particularly in conservative and religious societies. 3 For instance, in the Muslim world, individuals caught engaging in homosexual acts face harsh penalties that include execution. Recently, the Islamic State released videos which depicted the execution of gay men. The atrocities that this terrorist group committed highlight the pain and injustice that members of the gay community have been subjected to. It is true that the gay community is yet to attain total liberation. 4 However, the progress that is being made especially in the Western world is encouraging. It can be hoped that the rest of the world will join the West in supporting and accepting members of the gay community. The gay agenda is closely linked to feminism. This is because members of the gay community have suffered the same challenges encountered by women. For example, gay men and women are denied rights and opportunities. Women had to fight to gain the freedoms that they enjoy today. 5 The fact that women and gays encounter the same challenges makes gay identity as question of feminism. In the discussion that follows, focus is given to the role that the media has played in allowing members of the gay community to freely express their sexuality.

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In previous years, it was unthinkable for a gay individual to come out publicly and declare their sexuality. 6 Those who shared with the world that they were gay risked hostility and rejection. Today, more and more gay individuals are coming out. This is encouraging and points to the remarkable progress that the globe is making in promoting tolerance. Cinema and television can be credited with the progress that the gay community is making. The fact that films and TV programs dare to feature gay characters is worth noting. These films and programs need to convince audiences to tune in. It would be expected that the creators of the films and programs would feed audiences content that is in line with their beliefs and traditions. They are supposed to feature heterosexual characters and make no mention of gay identities. Yet, there are hundreds of films and television programs that portray gay characters and themes. The creators of these films and programs have exhibited courage and provided members of the gay community with the confidence needed to express their identities. The creators understood that they could lose viewership but they decided to promote the gay agenda. For this reason, it can be said that cinema and TV have served as tools for the gay community to open up to the public and appeal for acceptance. 

The creators of films and TV programs that feature gay characters and themes went beyond merely bringing gay characters on board. They have proceeded to develop stories and themes that offer audiences a look into the struggles of the members of the gay community. 7 Philomena is one movie that sheds light on the lives of gay men. While the movie focuses on the struggles of a mother who seeks to be reunited with her son, the audience is provided with insights into the life of a gay man and his partner. The mother understands that his son is gay and seems to accept him and love him unconditionally. 8 It appears that the creators of the film wished to make it clear that love defeats hate. They must have desired to rally their audiences behind the gay community. As one watches the film, they are able to sympathize with the mother and to understand the struggles endured by the members of the gay community. TV and cinema today portray gay men and women as normal and productive members of their communities. These individuals are not flawed in any way. They are simply different. This is the message that the creators of TV programs and films must have desired to pass across. They should receive some credit for the progress that the gay community continues to make. 

John D’Emilio authored an article in which he shares insights into the struggles of the gay community. He mentions that members of this community have been regarded as “freaks of nature” and condemned by society for years. 9 He goes further to remind his readers of the injustice and pain that the Nazi government subjected members of the gay community to. D’Emilio speaks from the perspective of a gay man. One is able to relate to his personal struggles and the tribulations endured by the larger gay community. The efforts of such individuals as D’Emilio have been complemented by cinema and TV. In addition to portraying gay characters and themes, cinema and TV has boosted the momentum of the gay movement by offering gay actors the confidence to come out. There are a number of gay actors who have gained the confidence to open up to the world about their sexual identity. Jim Parsons who plays Sheldon Cooper in the TV show The Big Bang Theory and Neil Patrick Harris who features in the show How I Met Your Mother are among the many actors who have come out as gay. Television has also supplied the world with individuals who identify as gay. Anderson Cooper who has delivered news stories for years is one such individual. These actors and media personalities have had the effect of providing the gay community with confidence. The community has inched closer to total liberation thanks to the efforts and courage of the actors and personalities who have come out. 

In addition to shedding light on the challenges faced by gay men and women, D’Emilio sets out to debunk myths about the gay community. 10 His main objective appears to be informing his readers about the true nature of the gay identity. Cinema and television have also sought to achieve this objective. Recently, the artistic world has committed incredible effort to opening the eyes of the public to the accurate and true picture of gay men and women. In the past, these individuals were portrayed as perverted. 11 There were efforts to cure gay men and women of their perversion and convert them to heterosexuals. Today, there are still programs that purport to rid gay men and women of their same-sex attractions. These programs have been found to be ineffective and harmful but they are still applied. Television and cinema seeks to guide the public to the light regarding the truth about being gay. There are many programs and films that are aimed at debunking myths and presenting the public with the truth about the gay identity. It can be hoped that these films and programs will be successful in their efforts to gain support and acceptance for the gay community. The bigger voice that the community is relying on today to call for acceptance and respect is partly the result of the efforts by the creators of films and programs which tell the truth about the gay identity. 

Fear is one of the forces that derail progress. Individuals are usually scared of phenomena that are strange or foreign. This is true for the gay identity. There are many who think that the gay community presents a threat to traditional values and institutions. For example, there are those who argue that gay men and women threaten the traditional family. They use this argument to support their opposition to gay marriage and the permission of gay couples to adopt babies. Cinema and television seeks to assure the public that the fear against members of the gay community is ill-informed and harmful. There are numerous TV shows and films that present gay individuals as harmless and normal members of their societies. Modern Family is one of these shows. This program tells the story of a gay couple who successfully care for a child. The child appears normal as she is provided with a loving environment that allows her to develop in a healthy fashion. This show serves to educate the public that one’s capacity for effective parenting is not defined by their sexual identity. Gay individuals are just as capable as heterosexuals to provide their children with a loving home. The example of Modern Family highlights the role that TV and cinema plays in shedding light on the gay identity. Thanks to films and television programs, the gay community is achieving greater respect and progress. 

Heterosexual couples have dominated cinema and television. 12 This is not surprising since they constitute the majority of the population. The gay community only makes up a small proportion of the population. In most films and television programs, focus is given to the love and sexual lives of heterosexual characters. Almost no mention is made of the sexual and romantic activity of gay men and women. This is changing as films and television programs begin to explore the expression of love and sexual desire among gay men and women. 13 There are a number of films that take viewers on a journey about how the love between two men or women developed. Thanks to these films, the audience is able to understand that members of the gay community are not driven by lust or carnality. They are able to develop deep feelings of affection that allow them to care for their partners. Modern Family is just one of the many shows that shed light on the love between gay individuals. The two gay characters are presented as being deeply in love and there are countless instances where they declare their love for one another. Such shows as Modern Family opens one’s eyes to the true nature of the gay identity. This show and cinema and TV in general should receive praise for their effort to clear the air on the issue of gay identity. There are others shows that examine the challenges that gay couples encounter in their relationships. Heterosexual couples encounter hurdles that threaten their relationships. This is also true for gay couples. Will & Grace and Queer as Folk are among the shows that shed light on the struggles of gay couples. 14 These shows essentially make it clear that gay relationships are not different from straight ones. Both types of relationships come with challenges. The depiction of the struggles that gay couples encounter allows audiences to recognize the fact that gay relationships are normal. Therefore, it can be argued that cinema and TV have contributed to enlightening audiences around the globe about the gay identity. 

More communities are becoming more accepting of members of the gay community. Gay sons and daughters are being embraced by their families and becoming fully integrated into their families. However, homophobia is a challenge that is still present and hampers the efforts by the gay community to secure liberty for its members. The hate, violence and hostility that gay men and women save rob them of happiness. This pushes some gay individuals to end their lives. There have been news reports of gay teenagers committing suicide. The deaths of these teenagers have been blamed on the hazing and rejection that they suffer. Television and cinema have sought to highlight the plight of gay individuals. A Single Man is an example of a film that explores the deaths of gay individuals. 15 This movie allows viewers to share in the pain and desperation suffered by members of the gay community. One is able to imagine the immense pain felt by the gay individuals who commit suicide. A Single Man serves to demonstrate that cinema and television shed light on the gay identity. This identity appears rather fragile and delicate. Without love and support, gay men and women are driven to isolation, depression and even suicide. The main message that one needs to draw as they watch films and television shows that focus on gay themes is that members of the gay community require protection, support and love. 

From the discussion so far, the important role that television and cinema has played in shaping perceptions about the gay identity is clear. For the sake of balance, it is important to explore the harmful impacts that cinema and television has had. This will allow for a more comprehensive perspective of the gay identity and the role of television and cinema, to be gained. The harmful impacts of television programs and films are explored in the discussion below. 

Flamboyant and sissy. These two words have traditionally been used to describe and identify gay men. 16 On the other hand, gay women are thought to be masculine. While there is some truth in these stereotypes, they do not necessarily offer an accurate depiction of the gay identity. There are many gay men and women who defy the stereotypes. For example, there are some gay men that are masculine and possess traits that are traditionally associated with heterosexual men. The same is true for gay women. The perpetuation of the gay stereotypes can be blamed on television and cinema. Most gay characters in programs that depict gay themes exhibit behaviors that gay men and women are associated with. Dr. Ken is one of the shows that feature a gay character. Clark, the gay character in this show is rather feminine. His behavior serves to solidify the beliefs that individuals hold regarding the character and behavior of members of the gay community. While it may not have been the intention of the creators of Dr. Ken to reinforce stereotypes, the portrayal of the gay character has the effect of solidifying traditional beliefs and myths. Therefore, television and film have played a role in eroding the progress made by the gay community by reinforcing stereotypes. 

The discussion above has been provided as a counter-argument to the position that this paper assumes. This discussion deals some blow to the position of the paper. However, it has to be remembered that cinema and television have been helpful in delivering freedom to the gay community. Thanks to films and television programs, the public has been able to gain a better understanding of the gay identity. Additionally, films and television programs have provided members of the gay community with a voice to articulate their desires and demands. These functions that television and films continue to play serve to offer strength and validity to the position that the paper defends. Therefore, television and cinema have had the overall impact of promoting the gay agenda and shedding light on the gay identity. 

In conclusion, gay men and women still live in fear. Many are unable to open up to their families and communities as they worry that they will suffer rejection and ostracism. The situation is worse in countries where same-sex relations are outlawed. It is encouraging that more and more countries and individuals are warming up to the gay community. Individuals are beginning to recognize that gay men and women are not freaks. They represent a healthy deviation of human sexuality. The fresh perspectives that the world is adopting are the result of cinema and television. Gay actors and the creators of television programs and films that feature gay themes are behind the progress that the gay community is making. If this progress is to be sustained, the entire globe needs to lend its full support to the gay community. 


Aslinger, Ben. “It’s Not Easy for Two Men to be a Couple”: Revisiting Gay Dating in Will & 

Grace and Queer as Folk, In Queer Love in Film and Television: Critical Essays, ed. Pamela Demory and Christopher Pullen. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). 

Federici, Sylvia. Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle. Oakland: PM Press, 2012. 

John, D’Emilio. Capitalism and Gay Identity. 

Jonathan ,Ned Katz. “Homosexual” and “Heterosexual”: Questioning the Terms. In A Queer World, edited by Duberman, Martin. New York: New York University Press. 

Messner, Michael A. Becoming 100 Percent Straight. 

Moody, Rick. “”Big Sissy”: The Queer Construction of Lance Loud”. Journal of Literature and Art Studies 6.8 (2016): 911-922.

Lee, Joseph G L Christine B Agnew-Brune, Justin A Clapp, John R Blosnich. “Out Smoking on The Big Screen: Tobacco Use in LGBT Movies, 2000-2011”, Tobacco Control 23 (2014).

Paul, Steven Davies. Out at the Movies : A History of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and  Queer Cinema . Harpenden, UK: Oldcastle Books, 2016. 

Philomena, directed by Stephen Frears. New York City: Weinstein Company, 2013. 

Pullen, Christopher Documenting Gay Men: Identity and Performance in Reality Television and  Documentary Film. McFarland, 2007. 

Stevens, Kyle. “Dying to Love: Gay Identity, Suicide, and Aesthetics in A Single Man”. Cinema  Journal 52.4 (2013):99-120.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Gay Identities in Cinema and TV.


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