26 May 2022


Genetic and Environmental Factors in Autoimmunity

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 576

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Autoimmunity is described as an immune disorder in which the immune system targets and attacks its own body cells. Scientific and medical research suggests that autoimmunity can be caused or triggered by environmental and genetic factors. However, it is also believed that environmental factors play a greater role in triggering or causing autoimmunity as compared to genetic factors. This is because numerous research on identical and fraternal twins carried out by various researchers show that a larger percentage of the immune system is controlled or determined by environmental factors. While identical twins share almost all the genes, the nature of their immune system is not always similar. Some of the environmental factors which can influence or cause gene expression include food or dietary components, toxic chemical, infections, sunlight among other factors ( Stockinger, 2012) . Various scientists have also discovered specific enzymes which are believed to cause immune disorders genetically. This paper aims to briefly discuss some of the environmental and genetic factors which are responsible for autoimmunity. 

Environmental factors in Autoimmunity 

Studies carried out in twins have shown that the environment plays quite a huge role in determining the nature of our immune systems. While identical twins share almost all the genes, the immune systems are largely different in nature (Ceccarelli et al., 2016). Studies suggest that over seventy five percent of the immune system is determined by environmental factors. This therefore rules out the belief that autoimmunity is only or mainly caused or influenced by genetic factors. Environmental factors can switch on or influence the expression both desirable and undesirable genes in the body as asserted by Vojdani et al. (2014) . An individual's environmental exposure may, therefore, determine his or her gene expressions as well as the nature of their immune system. The various food that people take, for instance, may influence gene expression and ultimately give rise to a defective gene thereby developing an immune disorder ( Piligian, 2012) . Exposure to sunlight, usage or exposure to various chemicals may also have a similar influence on the body. Autoimmune disorders may arise from the expression of various undesirable genes, caused by the exposure to certain environmental factors. 

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Genetic Factors in Autoimmunity 

Most often, when an individual is suffering from autoimmunity, there is no much that doctors can do other than prescribe drugs that will suppress the immune system. This is due to the belief/fact that autoimmunity is mainly caused genetically, which limits ideas on how such conditions can be approached. Generally, most people suffering from autoimmune disorders have family histories of the disease condition (Mariani, 2004). Recent research indicates that a defect or irregularity in the formation and function of the CD4 positive T helper cells is the underlining cause or trigger of most immune disorders, that is, immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders. The Gimap5 gene which is responsible for the formation of T cells in that it regulates and inhibits the activity of an enzyme, GSK3, which cause damage to T cells ( Mandal, 2018) . The pathology of most immune disorders is associated with abnormal T cell. This study presents that, this enzyme could be the cause of autoimmune disease. 

While genetic factors are strongly believed to be the underlining cause of autoimmunity, recent scientific and medical research suggests that autoimmunity can also be caused by environmental factors. Today, people are more exposed to chemicals, adverse weather and climatic conditions and unhealthy foods or poor eating habits. These environmental conditions can influence the nature of a person’s immune system in various ways. An individual’s exposure to various environments factors can determine the nature of his or her immune system. 


Ceccarelli, Fulvia, et al. (26 Jan 2016) “Genetic Factors of Autoimmune Diseases.”  Journal of Immunology Research , Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 

Mandal, MBBS Ananya. (1 Feb 2018) “Scientists Discover the Genetic Cause of Immune Disorders.” News-Medical.net

Mariani, Sara M. (8 Dec, 2004) “Genes and Autoimmune Diseases -- A Complex Inheritance.”  Medscape General Medicine , Medscape. 

Piligian, G. (2012) “Possible Environmental Triggers Associated with Autoimmune Diseases.”  Hospital for Special Surgery

Stockinger, B. (16 Aug 2012) “Environmental Factors Linked to Development of Autoimmune Diseases.”  News-Medical.net

Vojdani, Aristo, et al. (24 Dec 2014) “Environmental Triggers and Autoimmunity.”  Autoimmune Diseases , Hindawi Publishing Corporation. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Genetic and Environmental Factors in Autoimmunity.


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