27 Apr 2022



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Globalization is one of the biggest phenomena to affect the global society. It is depicted as the continued process of interaction and integration of the people, governments, and corporations from different countries primarily through international trade, investments, and information and communication technologies. Anthropology is a social science that studies on the different aspects of human beings. It is evident that language, culture, religion, and traditions form a basic foundation of being human. 1 In this regard, anthropologists compare the individuals from the past and present to develop a better understanding of the evolution process and what influenced the changes noted. For instance, physical anthropology one of the numerous branches of the discipline is concerned with biological and behavioral factors of human beings. In this case, it illuminates the evolution process noted from the societies of the past and those of the present. Archeology will play a major role in these findings as researchers are able to depict different brain structure and sizes in the comparison. 

Physical anthropology also focuses on the significant variations among human beings, including racial disparity. In this case, the discipline attempts to provide an explanation on how these distinct variations influence behavior of the current society. The study also shows how biological aspects of an individual affect the behavior. In respect to globalization, physical anthropology helps uncover ancient migration routes that were used by previous societies and how they affect the current distribution of ethnicities and races. Cultural and social anthropology in definition seem to overlap with one another. However, there are significant differences in terms of the emphasis in study. The former is an approach that stresses the coherence of cultures, which include the norms of behavior, attitudes of the world, language, and material creations. On the other hand, social anthropology refers to the social institutions and how they relate. These two contrasting but similar views of the society significantly impact the study of globalization. It is evident that interactions take place during the incidence hence cultural anthropology identifies how ideas or values are transmitted, effectively intensifying social relations. 2 Through cultural anthropology, individuals around the world are able to identify the significant differences in norms and values that are held dearly by particular community. As a result, people are able to interact without showing disrespect to others of a different culture. 

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The continued occurrence of globalization has been driven to a large extent by cross-cultural research. The concept as used in anthropology refers to the scientific method of study that centers on systematic comparisons of cultures and aims to answer questions on the incidence, distribution, and influences of cultural variations. 3 It is evident that cultures evolve over time hence the need to incorporate particular foci in the evaluation process. In this regard, cross cultural research helps recognize the sources and patterns of coherence between various cultures in terms of linguistic expressions, social roles, norms, beliefs, and practices. 4 Anthropologists will incorporate this data when researching about globalization. In this case, it is evident that the scientific method has brought a greater understanding of how the differences and similarities in the diverse cultures have enabled the continued incidence of globalization. For instance, communication is a basic means of promoting globalization. However, despite similarities in language, individuals are likely to experience misunderstanding and conflict caused by the differences in values and traditions. A focus on linguistic anthropology would be necessary to ensure seamless and effective communication between different cultural groups.

Description of topic

The following research focuses on globalization and anthropology explicitly identifying the influence passenger travel and cargo transportation by air. Aviation as is the popular term for both practices has been a phenomenon with a great history. Through its study and analysis, anthropologists can better understand the nature of societies from its past to the present times. 5 It was not until the mid 19th century that civilizations in Europe were able to make significant strides towards the creation of the airplanes. However, through the study of the practices of the members of the society, it was evident that human beings were greatly concerned about their ability to achieve flight. Kites and hot air balloons demonstrated man’s desire to defy gravity and glide through the air. However, many of them were simply dangerous and led to the fatal demise of the individuals who attempted to ride them. The innovations by George Cayley were in 1846 brought about in-depth knowledge on the physics of flight and how to achieve weightlessness despite being heavier than air. In anthropological terms, the society particularly of western nations identified the vast distances between one country and the next which limited transportation. 6 The community members were determined to shorten the time taken to cross long distances particularly over large water bodies. 

It was only until the early 1900s that the Wright brothers who had undertaken significant research to rectify and improve on mistakes done by previous researchers. The first recorded flight was of 120 feet in just 12 seconds, but a fourth flight conducted the same day would achieve a distance of 852 feet in 59 seconds. It was witnessed by a few lifesaving crewmen and local members of the society. It was at this point that major strides were made to achieve a quicker mode of transportation as opposed to the use of vehicles. While the vast majority of the global society noted the benefits drawn from automobiles, it was evident that it had limitations as it could not travel long distances in a short period. As the demonstrations made by the Wright brothers, it was clear that significant modifications would be required as an effective means of achieving the goal. It was also clear that through air travel, quicker transportation would be beneficial to the numerous challenges of the modern world. 7  

At this point, the global population was experiencing significant conflict that would lead to the beginning of the First World War. Western countries such as the US recognized the importance of air transportation as an effective means of dominating other countries. In 1917, the first commercial flight recorded in 21 minutes between St. Petersburg, Florida to Tampa, Florida. It would be the beginning of a revolution where man could travel vast distances in nearly half the amount of time it would take using other means of transport. These developments were particularly important in the international trade practices that required quick and efficient transportation of people and goods. The year 1922 marked the commencement of the first major airline, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Its existence in the industry today makes it the oldest operating airline in the world. The creation of this industry would accelerate the incidence of globalization as it promoted greater interaction between different nations of diverse cultural backgrounds. It was important that the interacting countries understand their differences of their societies as a means of minimizing conflict. By the mid 20th Century, airplanes would be integrated into the military as an appropriate means of spying and deploying troops on enemy turf.

Article Critique

A critical analysis of the globalization has demonstrated significant importance of air travel and transportation of cargo in accelerating and enforcing greater cultural interaction. In the mid-20th Century, air travel was considered a luxury to majority of the global population. Many of the countries, particularly in the third world, had yet to establish national airlines. This occurrence was primarily due to the enforcement of numerous barriers of entry into the industry. 8 The high cost of fuel was another major factor that limited private corporations from entry into the industry. Only the elite members of the society were able to afford the high cost of air travel limiting the number of people from different cultures interacting. The 1970s and 80s saw a significant change in this practice. Numerous organizations identified the importance of establishing greater access with the third world countries as they looked to expand their markets into the global society. The economic powers would seek to minimize the cost of production by outsourcing majority of their insignificant processes in the production process. The practice would create a situation that is beneficial to the parties involved. 

Countries like China, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore among others demonstrated a high potential of achieving technological development. Despite the rapid growth experienced by many of these countries, there was an uneven distribution of development requiring the involvement of major economies to undertake direct investment. Foreign direct investment tends to experience a rapid growth than international trade. In this case, First world states and their major corporations usually recognize the importance of providing technology transfer in exchange for cheaper labor. 9 The exchange shows a significant benefit for the involved parties. On the one hand, the major corporations in the first world countries are able to reduce cost of production through the cheap labor. On the other hand, the recipient nations are able to increase employment opportunities and revenue in the form of tax as a means of eradicating poverty while accelerating economic growth. The Asian countries above have benefited greatly from this economic trade off practices and have been integral to the continued growth of their economies. The commerce between the foreign countries has greatly increased interactions between cultures that were once considered worlds apart.

One of the major benefits of continued interaction between individual states has been the opening up of foreign markets and increase in competition. 10 In the mid 20th century, it was evident that only major national airlines would participate in international travel and limited the entry of organizations from smaller countries. However, with the increased demand for air transportation to sustain the growing commercial activities, these airlines could not effectively supply the required services. In this regard, western countries would open up their international flight routes to match the demand while enabling significant improvement of the industry. Singapore Airlines is one of the major beneficiaries of the deregulation of the market. The corporation has since grown to become one of the major airlines in the international market in terms of revenues earned. The practices of the company have also enabled continued transfer of culture and values to the foreign countries it serves. The use of the flagship, Singapore Girl, as a central figure in the branding of the company has played a major role in the exportation of its cultural beliefs, values, and practices. The SIA network now serves over 93 destinations in 42 countries located in Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South West Pacific, and the Middle East. 


The case of Singapore Airlines, demonstrates the significant importance of air travel in the process of globalization. 11 In the early 20th Century, historical events demonstrate the presence of high tensions and possibility of conflict between countries particularly those of contrasting cultures. One of the major causes for the high tensions and animosity was based on the fear of the unknown. The large distances between Europe and Asia, or the Middle East and North America created a lot of concern and lack of knowledge. However, through the incidence of globalization has greatly reduced these tensions and instead directed focus on establishing mutually beneficial relationships. The strategic location of Singapore has proven to be an important factor in the increased connection into Asia particularly for commercial concerns. The European and American corporations have identified the country as a major destination in the crossroad of the world. The increased trading links with these countries have led to the small country becoming an economic success story. Furthermore, the country has been able to achieve global recognition through its exportation of its culture. 

The increased number of commercial passenger and cargo airlines in the international market has effectively brought about a reduction of the significant distances that divide the countries. In this case, more and more people are making efforts to become part of foreign cultures that are different from their own. American citizens will be seen immigrating to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, or UAE to engage in the employment opportunities. Similarly, large corporation from the Western world are opening up divisions in countries that have a contrasting culture from their own. In this practice, these countries are also opening up their borders to allow immigrants who would wish to ply their trade in the foreign land. While not all individuals would wish to become citizens in the foreign country, the ability to travel to and from the home country becomes an important resource. The airline corporations undertake much of the responsibility of ensuring this seamless travel between foreign lands. To ensure effective cooperation between the member countries, the different societies are obliged to understand the foreign culture before undertaking business propositions. It is evident that even in cases where individuals from either country have a good grasp of the foreign languages, misunderstanding may arise due to variations in expression. International corporate divisions may experience heavy losses if they fail to understand the culture of the land they seek to extend their business services. 

The availability of air transport at affordable rates has greatly increased the incidence of globalization which in turn results in benefits for individual economies. It is evident that through the numerous airlines entering into the market, the ticket prices have greatly reduced. This practice is a major factor towards reducing the costs incurred by travelers and businesses that wish to export and import goods to and from foreign locations. 12 The above analysis of the air travel and air cargo demonstrates that globalization is an appropriate phenomenon for the global population. While the civilizations of yester centuries were marred by wars and intense conflict between contrasting cultures, the modern epoch will benefit greatly through continued cooperation and appreciation of the diversities of the people. The increased competition from emerging corporations in the aviation industry among others helps stimulate new technology development that will create value and competitive advantage. The onus of the airlines is to identify ways in which they will serve their diverse customers in respect with their significant cultural backgrounds. The customers from Europe may have contrasting demands to those from the Middle East, hence the need to identify such factors to improve on service delivery. 


The airline corporations play an integral role in the continued increase in globalization. In this case, it is important that countries continue to deregulate the policies of air traffic routes. There are numerous countries that are restricted from gaining access to particular destinations in the Western countries. In this regard, such countries continue to experience high levels of poverty and low economic development. While many of such countries are considered to pose significant threat to the security of the restrictive countries, isolation is not the appropriate course of action. Anthropology identifies the importance of establishing close understanding and appreciation for contrasting cultures as a basis of achieving peaceful coexistence. When a restrictive ban is established against a particular country, it is less likely that a peaceful interaction will occur in the near future. In this regard, first world countries should refrain from incorporating excessive punishment of such countries and promote diplomacy to achieve a common objective goal. 

It is evident that cultural appreciation is an important part of ensuring continued positive impact of globalization. While this is a practice that involves organizations learning the different traditions, values, norms, and traditions, it should also be incorporated as a public knowledge for all citizens. 13 The history of the American society shows how individuals from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds were integrated into the development and establishment of the great nation. However, one of the major factors limiting the capabilities of the country is a continued focus on the negative characteristics of cultures different from their own. This practice has been integral to the radical attitudes towards Middle Eastern and Islam countries. Elected political leaders and influential members of the society have promoted this attitude in their practices and communication with ordinary citizens. For instance, many Americans believe that immigrants from Iraq or Iran have been radicalized by terror organizations and could be a danger to the society, a statement that lacks significant evidence to justify the beliefs. Alternatively, the leaders should promote a higher appreciation and acceptance of individuals irrespective of their indigenous country. The policies of the land should advocate extending globalization prospects into such countries to better understand the plight of the people and demonstrate that criminal behavior is not based on one’s religious beliefs or ethnic background. 


Busch, Dominic. "Cultural theory and conflict management in organizations: How does theory shape our understanding of culture in practice?." International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 12, no. 1 (2012): 9-24.

Handwerker, W. Penn. "The construct validity of cultures: Cultural diversity, culture theory, and a method for ethnography." American anthropologist 104, no. 1 (2002): 106-122.

He, Jia, and Fons van de Vijver. "Bias and equivalence in cross-cultural research." Online Readings in Psychology and Culture 2, no. 2 (2012): 8.

Heracleous, Loizos, and Jochen Wirtz. "Singapore Airlines: Achieving sustainable advantage through mastering paradox." The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 50, no. 2 (2014): 150-170.

Jackson, Evan. " The Anthropology of Airlines: Flag Carriers, Nationalism, Place, and Identity ." PhD diss., Florida Atlantic University, 2015.

McCutcheon, Robert. “ Globalization pressures: Lessons from the US aircraft industry ” PWC Industry Insights, 2014. http://usblogs.pwc.com/industrialinsights/2014/01/20/globalization-pressures-lessons-from-the-us-aircraft-industry/

Smith, Michael. “ Qantas sees globalisation key to survival, eyes partnerships ” Reuters, 2011. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-qantas/qantas-sees-globalisation-key-to-survival-eyes-partnerships-idUSLNE76J01320110720  

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