8 Sep 2022


Growing Up in a Christian Family

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Personal Statement

Words: 562

Pages: 2

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I consider growing up in a Christian family to be one of the greatest privileges in my life. Being born into a Christian home means to be born into a house of prayer. My parents instilled Christian doctrines from an early age by teaching me how to pray, read the Bible and the importance of attending Sunday service. I grew up surrounded by a community of believers so it was easy for me to make friends with other kids at school. Throughout the years we interacted, I was able to grow in faith and gain more knowledge in theology. I always felt like I had someone watching my back and guiding me whenever I went astray.

I believe in the claim that God has all the knowledge and wisdom. Proverbs 9:10 is at the core of this belief, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom”. God is the prime source of knowledge. He does not limit it or provide it with bias, but only provides it to his true believers and followers. I can attest to this, since I have seen the hand of God in many situations in my life. Whenever I encounter a problem, I choose to pray or turn back to the Bible for guidance and inspiration towards making a decision. God knows we live in a difficult world, but he makes it easier to maneuver our daily lives by providing us with daily inspiration.

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I believe that my Christian doctrines are true by just taking a look around in the world we live in. The mountains, rivers, the sun and sky show exactly how mighty the lord is. He created a world worthy of his creation. As a child, faith does not hold much meaning until one begins to grow in reason and age. I began to understand my life better as I approached my teenage years. I learned the true meaning of prayer and how to do it correctly. Most times my mother would hold my hand and she would recite the grace with me to teach me what prayer should be. I began to slowly understand what it meant and later on I could feel the connection praying created with God.

The Bible also emphasizes on the true nature of God and his presence among us. The holy book was written with a lot of consistency and the guidance of God. The Bible already predicted a lot of events that are taking place in the modern world. The suffering, tragedy and diseases show that the end and salvation of mankind is drawing near. Job 26:10 says that the earth hangs in space. Keeping in mind that this book was written at around 2000BC before science could prove this fact shows the divine nature of the Bible. It further indicates that God is the giver of all wisdom and knowledge in that he allowed Job to gain understanding of a phenomenon that would only come to be proved centuries later.

One cannot describe their Christianity without mentioning Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ was full of grace and truth. He provides the link between mankind and God. Jesus led a life filled with tribulations throughout his ministry. Had it not been for his unwavering faith in God, we would not know the church as we do today. I strongly believe that Christ was an example of what is to come for true believers. He died on the cross for all of mankind, even people he did not know. God resurrected him and now he rules by his right hand. My beliefs are the map that directs me to the life which fulfills God’s expectations.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Growing Up in a Christian Family.


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