31 Aug 2022


Hand Washing Among Healthcare Staff

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Academic level: University

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Words: 320

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Hygiene has been a very crucial aspect of human life. For a person to be healthy, they must exhibit a high level of hygiene. The importance of maintaining hygiene becomes more significant in hospital settings where sick individuals visit to restore their health. Hospitals avail cure to different kind of people suffering from different diseases ( McLaws, Farahangiz, Palenik & Askarian, 2015) . However, hospitals can become a potential source of spread of infections when individuals concerned are not cautious enough. For instance, a patient may be admitted with TB but may end up contracting diarrhea because of the poor state of hygiene in a hospital. There are several hygrines that people in the hospital settings must observe; however, hand hygiene is the most fundamental. Hand hygiene helps in reductions of infections associated with healthcare. Though, adherence with good practice remains very critical in hospitals. As much as patients contract another disease because of inadequate hygiene healthcare workers are at risk of contracting diseases associated with poor hygiene ( Kingston, Slevin, O'Connell, & Dunne, 2017) . There have been several incidences where healthcare workers have a fall sick when in the line of duty. Patients contracting diseases as a result of poor hygiene had being given much spotlight, but it is important to equally understand and highlight how healthcare workers contract acquired infections due to poor hygiene practices such as not washing hands. 

PICOT Question 

Does hand washing among healthcare staffs decrease hospital or clinical attained infections?   

hospital acquired infection 
  hand washing 
  no hand washing; other solution; masks 
reduced infection 
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Asadollahi, M., Bostanabad, M. A., Jebraili, M., Mahallei, M., Rasooli, A. S., & Abdolalipour, M. (2015). Nurses' knowledge regarding hand hygiene and its individual and organizational predictors.  Journal of caring sciences 4 (1), 45. 

Kingston, L. M., Slevin, B. L., O'Connell, N. H., & Dunne, C. P. (2017). Attitudes and practices of Irish hospital-based physicians towards hand hygiene and hand rubbing using alcohol-based hand rub: a comparison between 2007 and 2015.  Journal of Hospital Infection 97 (1), 17-25. 

Lehotsky, Á., Szilágyi, L., Ferenci, T., Kovács, L., Pethes, R., Wéber, G., & Haidegger, T. (2015). Quantitative impact of direct, personal feedback on hand hygiene technique.  Journal of Hospital Infection 91 (1), 81-84. 

McLaws, M. L., Farahangiz, S., Palenik, C. J., & Askarian, M. (2015). Iranian healthcare workers’ perspective on hand hygiene: A qualitative study.  Journal of infection and public health 8 (1), 72-79. 

Salmon, S., & McLaws, M. L. (2015). Qualitative findings from focus group discussions on hand hygiene compliance among health care workers in Vietnam.  American journal of infection control 43 (10), 1086-1091. 

Seale, H., Chughtai, A. A., Kaur, R., Phillipson, L., Novytska, Y., & Travaglia, J. (2016). Empowering patients in the hospital as a new approach to reducing the burden of health care–associated infections: the attitudes of hospital health care workers.  American journal of infection control 44 (3), 263-268. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Hand Washing Among Healthcare Staff.


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