28 May 2022


Historical Fires Compared to Modern Fires

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Words: 1208

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The analysis of historical and modern world fires have been associated with the cause of deaths and injuries to human beings. The construction, inspection of premises, and building structure present a threat to human life or health challenges under the fire code provides some notice and orders to remove or remedy the conditions to minimize the adverse impacts of world fires. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire that occurred in 1911 resulted in the death of several people though such deaths were preventable. The occurrence and consequences of this fire reflect the neglected safety features and failure to implement successful disaster response strategies. The camp California fire also represents some fault human activities though the spread of fire is associated with issues of climate change. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and Camp California fire represents some realities and differences between traditional world fire and modern world fires. 

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire occurred in the building that was designed as a sweatshop and employed women who worked as tailors. The occupants of the building were teenaged girls, but the designing of the building formed challenges in evacuating and running for safety to avoid the fire. The building consisted of two stairways that exited down outside the building (History.com Editors. (2009). Location of the two openings could have made it easy for people to escape. One of the stairs remained locked from outside to prevent stealing by workers, causing a challenge for the occupants to escape during the emergency. The designing of the escaping floor stayed too narrow such that it could take several hours for people to avoid in case of an emergency. The death and injuries witnessed in this factory could have been prevented if safety measures were implemented in constructing the building. 

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On the other hand, the Camp California fire occurred in various building structures such as residential buildings, shelters, and hotels. These buildings had different plans and recommendations that could be applied to evacuate the people when the fire occurred. In effect, thousands of people were displaced from these buildings, making it one of the destructive and deadliest world fire in California (Martinez, 2018). Despite the spread of the light to different regions, the origin of the fire is attributable to the broken lines that occurred at the PG & E power company in California. This fire disaster caused approximately 85 deaths though it occurred from different structures. 

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and Camp California fire that occurred in 2018 had similarities and differences in human reactions to the occurrence of the fire. In both cases, people reacted by escaping the scenes through elevators and the uses of firefighters. In the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, the owners escaped through the roof while the manager tried to use the hose fire extinguish to fight the fire, but it only proofed to be ineffective (History.com Editors, 2009). The firefighters arrived at the scene, but the ladders prevented the people from camping the fire above the seventh floor. Similarly, the people tried to escape, but the most active engagement in fighting the fire was thousands of fire extinguishers that helped in fighting fire outbreaks. The firefighting systems used in both incidences appeared to be similar though the methods used in camp California fire showed some enhancement. 

The differences in the firefighting systems reflect through the condition of the fire extinguishers and the ability of firefighters to address the problem successfully. For instance, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire revealed poor coordination of the firefighters and installation of firefighting equipment in a building. For example, the manager at the company tried to use the hose fire extinguisher, but it had rusts making it nonfunctional. Additionally, the elevators in the building were two, with only of these systems remaining functional. However, the Campfire reflected an improvement and commitment for the government through the installation of thousands of fire extinguishers to fight the spread of the fire (Martinez, 2018). The Camp California fire was one of the deadliest recent wildfires but reflected an enhancement in firefighting approaches in California State. 

The causes and reactions to the fire provided an insight into the government to a particular aspect of human life. For instance, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire compelled the government to enact a code of ethics associated with employee safety and exposure of workers to an excellent working condition (Mestrich, 2014). This lesson originates from the fact that the owners of the building and government officials were aware of the working condition and the failure for the government officials to adhere to the minimum safety or escape materials required by the fire code of ethics in any of the buildings. This fire hazard created an opportunity for questioning the transparency between government officials and building owners regarding employee safety and following the minimum building requirements for enhancing employee safety. 

However, the lessons learned from the 2018 California campfire focused on environmental protection laws rather than construction and building safety. The occurrence of the Campfire was attributable to the faulty electric lines in uncleared vegetation in the region. The electric distribution lines were owned by the PG & E Company as the agency acknowledged its contribution to the occurrence of the spread of fires (Dabiels, 2019). The fire was consumed by the original fire, which started earlier in Pulga and spread across a vast area resulting in the death of 85 people and 236 missing individuals. The spread of the fire contributed to an acknowledgment of the adverse effects of climate change and the challenges they cause in incidences of fire. For instance, the hot and windy climate in the areas proofed to be a challenge for firefighters to fight the fire. Success only occurred as a result of a combination of three consecutive rainy days and the use of thousands of fire extinguishers. 

The occurrence of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire opened a public concern on the issue of labor unions and labor safety. The effectiveness of this fire tragedy is witnessed through labor reforms and the commitment of the government to enforce these efforts in enhancing the labor reform and protection policies. Workplace reforms and real changes were implemented immediately to as witnessed through various systems (Mestrich, 2014). Historically, there never existed labor reforms until the labor reforms and politicians to minimize the adverse impacts that would occur in the absence of well-regulated labor reforms. The occurrence of the Camp California fire contributed to the creation of state regulations that require strict vegetation management by the utilities, including PG & E (Daniels, 2019). The rules and policies intended to keep vegetation clear and avoid the occurrence of fire along the electrical transmission fault lines. Today California utilities are liability and negligence claims in situations where their activities cause calamity that is likely to cause death and tragedy in the state. 

In conclusion, California Camp Fire and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire played a critical role in enhancing the environment protection and labor regulation policies, respectively. Both world fires reflected human fault that contributed to the disaster that resulted in preventable deaths. For example, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire showed poor working conditions and absence of focus in implementing building structures and installation of systems that could ease evacuation and escape in an incidence of a fire or any other disaster. This disaster compelled the Canadian to enact laws that promoted labor safety and installation of safety systems buildings. However, camp Fire in North California contributed to the emergence of environment protection and utility policies that minimize the occurrence of world fires and the impacts they cause to society. 


Daniels J., (2019). Officials: Camp Fire, deadliest in California history, was caused by PG&E electrical transmission lines. Retrieved from: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/15/officials-camp-fire-deadliest-in-california-history-was-caused-by-pge-electrical-transmission-lines.html 

History.com Editors. (2009, December 2). Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Retrieved from https://www.history.com/topics/early-20th-century-us/triangle-shirtwaist-fire 

Martinez G., (2018). The California Fire That Killed 48 People Is the Deadliest U.S. Wildfire in a Century. Retrieved from: https://time.com/5453710/california-camp-fire-deadliest-wildfires-us-history/ 

Mestrich K., (2014). Why the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Is Important Today. Retrieved from: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-the-triangleshirtwai_b_5029158?guccounter=1&guce_referrer

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Historical Fires Compared to Modern Fires.


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