15 Sep 2022


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 300

Pages: 1

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This research about the physiopathology of HIV indicates that for 30 years of in-depth research on how host and viral factors contribute to the determination of the inconsistency in the outcome of HIV-1 infection. The pathogenesis of HIV is still an interesting topic that needs further research (Kanmogne & Woollard, 2015). A comprehension of the precise process of how these elements influence affecting HIV pathogenesis is crucial to the effective development of strategies to avert infection. The disease has been developing faster without any progress to find a cure. Currently, according the research findings, over 930,000 people in the US are living with HIV. The infectious disease has been consistently maturing, and hence, researchers should take a keen interest in keeping up with the current state of the infection to contain it (Simon, Ho, & Abdool Karim, 2016). 

Topic reflection 

The most important topic I grasped is how the disease is transmitted and how it affects human beings. In addition to that, my understanding is that after some time the condition transforms into acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. The concept that I found most difficult to grasp was how the disease changed from HIV to AIDs. The process by which HIV weakens CD4 + T cells (Naif, 2013). How a second receptor is needed as a second doorway for HIV to progress itself to the immunodeficiency state ultimately. Furthermore, as a learner, I should work more on finding out other ways the virus can be contracted because some people may be infected but cannot tell how they got the infection. I also plan on working on the different methods of prevention to help me in future and also how to manage the disease after infection. A measurable goal that I have set for myself as a student is that by the end of the topic, I should be able to understand how the condition transforms from HIV to AIDs. 

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Kanmogne, G., & Woollard, S. (2015). Maraviroc: a review of its use in HIV infection and beyond.  Drug Design, Development and Therapy , 5447. doi:10.2147/dddt.s90580 

Naif H. M. (2013). Pathogenesis of HIV Infection.  Infectious disease reports 5 (Suppl 1), e6. doi:10.4081/idr.2013.s1.e6 

Simon, V., Ho, D. D., & Abdool Karim, Q. (2016). HIV/AIDS epidemiology, pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment.  Lancet (London, England) 368 (9534), 489–504. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69157-5 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).


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