11 Aug 2022


How Cultural Capital Can Be Utilized to Reproduce Inequality

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 326

Pages: 1

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Bourdieu is a French sociologist who developed the concepts of cultural and "habitus" (Jenkins, 2014). In his theory, Bourdieu intended to explain how the relationships of social inequality can be reproduced through the systems of education. The essay illustrates how cultural capital can be utilized to reproduce inequality by reflecting on an education system example as suggested by Bourdieu. 

According to Bourdieu, education systems can lead to an aesthetic disposition (Ahearne, 2015). Aesthetic disposition results in a class of inculcated attitude which allows individuals in the upper level to admire clothes and art resources more than those in the lower class, hence causing societal inequality. Again, the systems of education cause fractions of classes. A class fraction varies from one level to another. It implies that lower; middle and upper classes are differentiated from one another. As a result, there is an increased level of inequalities in both cultural capital and economic aspects. 

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More so, according to Bourdieu, systems of education have led to higher rates of collective misrecognition. The above happens where individuals are failing to initiate measures to curb inequalities. Again, there is evidence of high levels of imbalances in the economy of practice. Social classes and some individuals are irresponsible such that they don't make reasonable strategic investments that will expand and maximize cultural and economic aspects for all members of the society. 

Furthermore, inequality is being raised by an invalid game of culture. It means the education at large is participating in tastes and evaluation practices that are distinctive. In other words, Bourdieu perceives education system as a way that contributes to a lot of class conditioning which eventually results in higher levels of social class differences. Additionally, from a given perspective, education is entrusted with the transmission of materials that cut across dominant cultures. In the event, its undertaking has become a monopoly to only those social classes which can acquire such materials by their means without relying on external support. Finally, those in higher social levels become the dominant of all crucial resources, creating a social imbalance. 


Ahearne, J. (2015). Between cultural theory and policy: the cultural policy thinking of Pierre Bourdieu, Michel de Certeau, and Régis Debray. Coventry: Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, University of Warwick. 

Jenkins, R. (2014). Pierre bourdieu. Routledge. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). How Cultural Capital Can Be Utilized to Reproduce Inequality.


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