31 Mar 2022


How Did the Prohibition Affect America in the 1920s and How Is It Still Affecting Us Today

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The society has continued to experience many issues that cut across many generations with some running over 100 years and beyond. Historical events that touch on the political, economic as well as societal aspects, thus, have contributed to impacting the present society either directly or indirectly as a result of the many issues experienced in the past that affect the present times. Understanding the past historical events, thus, is viewed to be a critical aspect of life as it helps people understand the past as well as the present enabling them to project about the future activities and developments in the society. It, hence, enables people to plan and respond to many issues. It also gives people a reference and opportunity to study the impacts that such historical events had to the people and, therefore, learn from the historical events. Such events have touched on the many societal issues such as race and ethnic relations, civil society movements, healthcare access, education and training, and religion among other societal concerns that have enabled scholars and professionals in the different sectors to better understand the past, the present and also the future. The societal movements, thus, have played an important role that deserves the right respect and acknowledgment. However, among the many societal events that have happened in the past, this paper analyses how the prohibition that occurred between the years of 1920 to 1933 affected America at the time and how it is still affecting us today.

The prohibition entailed a period in the American history that saw the sale, manufacture, and transportation of beverages with alcoholic contents prohibited and, thus, illegal under the terms of the eighteenth amendment between the years of 1920 to 1933. The effect of such period impacted many societal units and interests such as families, the political processes, and the economic aspects at the time that some have continued to impact up to the present times (MacGirr, 2016). First, the prohibition affected families positively and encouraged responsibility in families. It is imperative to note that families constitute the lowest societal organizations that have proved to be critical that provides the foundation in which other societal units and organizations are developed. At the time that the prohibition was in effect, it led to increased stable families that had less societal challenges and concerns such divorce and healthcare problems such as sickness related to alcoholic consumption. Statistics indicate that it is a time in the history of the United States and the world at large that has seen great reduction of alcoholic consumption noted to be slightly over 30 percent of the population. The impact that the Prohibition had of reducing alcoholic consumers in the population by over 30 percent was beneficial to many families at the time. Alcohol consumption is among the many reasons that families have broken up leading to increased divorce rates. It is because it encourages irresponsibility where men and women become irresponsible and neglect provision of critical basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare at the expense of alcohol. Alcoholism in itself is a disease especially when it is consumed beyond the capacity that results to addiction. Many people that are taken to the rehabilitation centers for rehabilitation on alcoholism by families and friends spend more money in acquiring such treatment and help. Also, the amount of finance spent in purchasing and acquiring such alcoholic products is expensive. The alcoholism consumption, therefore, has proved to be an expensive affair for most families. The prohibition period, thus, helped families stay together leading to reduced cases of family break-ups and divorce among other possible family challenges such as conflicts and quarrels that might lead to more negative consequences such as injury and death in worse situations. The period saw reduced incidences of alcoholism rehabilitation and counseling services that are an important aspect in the social world (Okrent, 2010). Families, hence, which are important sociological units were positively impacted by the prohibition times that laid the foundation for setting moral standards as far as family responsibilities are concerned as well as stabilizing other sociological institutions such as educational institutions, religious organizations, and healthcare services among others. 

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The prohibition period also encouraged the creation of gang groups and development of the culture of ‘gangsterism’ that has continued to impact the present society, for example, Al Capone in Chicago. It also encouraged the development of criminal activities such as bootlegging. It is human characteristic to be innovative and creative in life and the people at the time who were great fun of alcoholic beverages looked for alternative ways in which their demands and interests could be realized. The majority that did agree with the law, therefore, resorted to the creation of illegal activities and smuggling of alcoholic beverages to avoid arrest and detection by the law enforcement agencies. It was common in urban centers and towns where such groups were dominant and active as compared to the rural populations that mostly had adhered to the law. The illegal smuggling business proved a profitable business for the groups and people doing them that it attracted many interests and formation of the gang groups due to high profits that the illegal business had. They, therefore, devised different ways that they evaded the police traps and discoveries. The rival gang groups also competed that led to the rapid rise of the gang and criminal groups in the society (Mappen, 2013). Such rivalry at times was fatal as gang members of such groups struggled to control their territories and shield their business from other rival groups as well as the law enforcement agencies. The culture, thus, led to the formation of an organized gang and criminal groups in most of the urban and town setups that have continued to exist to the present times even beyond the time that the prohibition was effective. After repealing the 18th Amendment in 1933, the alcohol business returned to the normal status experienced before the prohibition period. It, therefore, meant that the strong business was no longer illegal and, therefore, the gangs and criminal groups that had thrived on the business run out of business. The groups, therefore, resorted to other illegal activities to maintain their financial position and benefits that they got from the alcoholic trade when it was illegal. They resorted to other criminal activities such as drug smuggling and drug business among other acts prohibited by law. The gangster and criminal culture, therefore, continued to the present date where the society and especially the law enforcements groups have continued to battle such gangs and the criminal activities that they keep doing in the society. In the course of such engagements, such gang groups continue the rivalry witnessed at the times of prohibition and in some instances has resulted in fatal outcomes where members of rival gang groups fight with each other or the police at large.

The prohibition also affected the political process at the time. It became a political question and concern for the people and the politicians of the time. It is imperative to note that at the time that the prohibition was in use, the great depression had slowed the economy of the US and, thus, rival parties exploited on the situation and possible political solutions that could turn the economy upwards. Franklin D. Roosevelt, for example, campaigned on a platform that he could appeal the prohibition and he emerged victoriously (Back to Hypertext History: Our Online American History Textbook the Jazz Age: The American 1920s Prohibition, 2012). It is rumored that most of the people who had been impacted by the prohibition and were not happy with the decision and Act voted for the candidate that promised to appeal the Act. Also, the politicians had looked at the opportunities that would result from such action such as revenue and tax that could be collected when the business was legalized. It was a time that the US needed an additional source of income and funds to run the government's affairs. They also noted the amount of jobs that could be created from the act and address the issue of unemployment. 

Religion was also impacted greatly by the prohibition. It is imperative to note that the temperance movements that were religious movements had revived at the time with the intention of reforming and changing the society to encourage moral and religious tenets practiced by all. It gave religion an important part of the society at the time as well as a great influence on the decisions reached at by the political leaders as well as societal leaders at the time. The perfectionist movements as they were referred at the time also advocated for other critical issues that affected the society such as ending the slave trade as well as racial and ethnic discrimination in the society. The religious institution, hence, influenced the political decisions made at the time for most. It is also the reason the incumbent president at the time of prohibition Herbert Hoover had supported the prohibition and described it as a ‘noble movement’ that would transform the society due to the good impacts that it would instill in the society and related benefits. Religious institutions, therefore, from that time to date has continued to take position and influence outcome of political concerns in the society such as noted presently in matters related to issue such as gay and lesbians marriages among others. They were empowered at the time of the prohibition to actively engage in the issues affecting the society and state their positions to the political leaders and organizations involved. The Prohibition also led to the creation of many religious movements also noted presently that intend to lobby and petitions politicians as well as other people to support the moral values in society and decisions made concerning different subjects.

America was also affected by the prohibition economically. The period coincides with the tie that America had realized recessions economically. It meant that the government lost revenues and taxes that they could have collected for the people operating alcoholic beverages. The economy, therefore, was affected negatively on the one hand due to lack of taxes. The companies that operated the alcoholic beverages also collapsed as there was no market that led to the establishment of illegal brewers that did not submit any revenue or tax to the governments (Pauly, 2014). It, thus, shrunk the economy of the country. On the positive note, the prohibition period also impacted the economy positively. There was a reduction of alcohol consumption in the country by 30 percent. It was at the time that the industrial revolution had taken shape in the world. There was the need, therefore, for enough labor that would steer the industrial revolution developments and change realized at the time that had great economic impact. The provision, thus, realized that requirements regarding labor and economic development were realized. 

The healthcare sector was impacted positively at the time. It led to a reduction of healthcare challenges related to alcohol consumption as a great percentage of alcohol consumers quit drinking as result of prohibition. The number of people that visited the health facilities had reduced greatly. The costs that would have been channeled in treating such diseases related to alcohol were directed to other relevant issues such as infrastructure development that were critical at the time of industrial revolution. It also enabled the country to save as the period of depression the country realized many difficulties economically.

The law enforcement agencies responsible for enforcing the law also found difficulties in implementing the law requirements such as apprehending those involved in the business at the time of prohibition. Many urban and town centers deliberately broke the law. Their actions contributed to the watering down of the law as they created a picture that showed that the majority did not respect the law and many are the reason is that it limited their freedom and choice and movements as were enshrined in the constitution (Wasserman, 2009). Initially, the enforcement was done by the Internal Revenue service (IRS) before the police intervened. The law was however strictly enforced in the rural areas than when compared to the urban areas. It indicated or created a picture that the law did not take into consideration the views of the people in urban areas and towns who violated the provision watering it down as well as looking for alternative illegal ways that they met their alcohol needs and demands. It, therefore, led and impacted the police service as it provides a reference and case that they could learn about the many issues related to illegal and organized crime. It, therefore, helped them come up with the strategies that apply even to date about dealing with such gangs and criminal organizations. The strategies apply even to date and, thus, the prohibition impacted the police work as well.

Other beverages businesses that dealt with the non-alcoholic products were impacted positively by the provisions Act. Their market share increased as a result of the consumers of alcohol that turned to such drinks such as Pepsi and Coca-cola for instance. Such increase meant that the businesses realized higher profits as far as growth in productivity as there was an increase in demands for such not- alcoholic beverages resulting from the prohibition act (MacGirr, 2016). The demands also-also led to increased job and employment opportunities as such non-alcoholic beverage companies expanded and established firms in many parts of the country as a result of the increased demand that they had to meet and exploit the business opportunities that had been created by the prohibition effect. Some of the business companies that deal with the non-alcoholic beverages have up to date stayed competitive and relevant perfecting and mastering their business environment as a result of the experience that they realized at the time.

Presently, the provision is still affecting us directly. It has impacted the education sector and in particular the subject of history and governance that provides a case study that many historical events can be analyzed and comprehended. It is, thus, an important part of history as a subject that touches on the political developments of the country. The various impacts that prohibition had to the society at the time such as the impacts to the economy, to the healthcare sector, religion, and business organizations among others can be used as case studies and as a reference point if the country realizes a similar scenario. The many civil society and social justice movements established by then under the religious and other perfectionists movements have continued to exist to date that is actively involved in societal affairs that advocate for change and reform in maters that affect he society. It has led to reforms in many issues that touch on social justice such as ending of discrimination in the society such as witnessed in the movements that encourage freedom and justice for all the people without consideration of their race or ethnic backgrounds. 

In conclusion, the prohibition Act impacted the society in many ways at the time that touched on all the aspects of life in the political, economic as well as social sector. It indicated a period that marked a significant time in the history of the United States. Some of the impacts have continued to be felt to the present times that show the relevance of the prohibitions as far as history among other aspects is concerned. The developments and impact that the event had, thus, can be used as a reference by the present leaders in various sectors as the event impacted almost all the sectors in life as stated above. It, thus, proves to be a great historical moment that merits recognition by all not only in the United States, but the entire world as a whole. 


Back to Hypertext History: Our Online American History Textbook The Jazz Age: The American 1920s Prohibition. (2012). Journal of the West , 51(1): 66-67.

MacGirr, L. (2016). The War on Alcohol: Prohibition and the Rise of the American State . New York : W.W. Norton & Company

Mappen, M. (2013). Prohibition gangsters: The rise and fall of a bad generation . New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press.

Okrent, D. (2010). Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition . Simon and Schuster

Pauly, P. J. (2014). Is Liquor Intoxicating? Scientists, Prohibition, and the Normalization of Drinking. American Journal of Public Health , 84(2): 305-313.

Wasserman, I. M. (2009). Prohibition and Ethnocultural Conflict: The Missouri Prohibition Referendum of 1918. Social Science Quarterly (University Of Texas Press) , 70(4): 886-901.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). How Did the Prohibition Affect America in the 1920s and How Is It Still Affecting Us Today.


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