22 Jun 2022


How sexism affects women in society

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Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 308

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Sexism is a form of discrimination mainly based on gender or sex against females. Sexist people have the belief that they are superior to or more valuable than people from the other sex. Sexism limits what women and girls can and should do while also limits what men and boys can and should do. Some of the extreme forms of sexism that exist include sexual harassment, FGM, and rape. Sexism is rooted in the social roles that are based on a person’s biological sex.

Sexism is prejudice based on gender where women are predominantly the victims of this type of discrimination. Sexism stems from the stereotypes that people hold on gender roles ( Bennett-Alexander, & Hartman, 2019 ). These gender roles are rooted in the traditional narratives on what males and females should do and how they should behave. Traditionally, females are believed to lacking in the realm of rational and logical reasoning (Becker et al., 2014 ). This view makes people believe that they are less qualified to perform certain tasks thus are expected to stay at home, caring for the family while letting men go to work to provide for the family. In society, sexism is a learned behavior where people learn from what they see (Becker et al., 2014 ). As children grow up, they see how different genders are treated and the various roles they play. If a child grows up in a sexist homestead and does not learn to respect people’s genders, they are likely to practice sexism. Sexism helps to maintain patriarchy in society. Sexist individuals oppress, exploit, and devalue females and their work.

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Sexism is a form of discrimination that mainly affects women in society. Women are devalued and not respected by sexist individuals as they believe women are inferior to men. Sexism limits what females and males can and should. It helps uphold the patriarchy in society as gender roles inform the practice. Sexism is therefore rooted in traditional gender roles that are held in society.


Becker, J. C., Zawadzki, M. J., & Shields, S. A. (2014). Confronting and reducing sexism: A call for research on intervention. Journal of Social Issues, 70(4), 603-614. https://escholarship.org/content/qt7fv3k41w/qt7fv3k41w.pdf?t=o5hccg 

Bennett-Alexander, D. D., & Hartman, L., P. (2019).  Employment law for business . McGraw-Hill, Education. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How sexism affects women in society.


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