1 Aug 2022


How social media has influenced the language to communication

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 548

Pages: 2

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The article published in The Guardian by Emmy Favilla evaluates how social media has influenced how people use language to communicate. The internet has introduced new ways through which people use abbreviations, syntax, and punctuation to convey a particular message within a given context. According to the author, the use of language on the internet has contributed to the development of English as a less formal but expressive language. How a person communicates is influenced by the context and medium of communication, which paves the way for the casual forms of expression used online. The internet has enabled people to communicate casually via text and social media to articulate the views and connect with an audience that relates to what they are communicating. Emmy Favilla affirms that the different uses of punctuation on social media have created a platform that allows people to use more casual expressions. The new-fangled use of punctuation has led to language shifts as slang, and common abbreviations are now adopted as significant elements of the English language. Thus, in some instances, adherence to the grammar rules in English is overlooked, and writers and editors are encouraged to depend on their judgment when they encounter grammar conundrum. 

This article provides insight into how the use of language on the internet has changed how people communicate and engage with each other. Online platforms have allowed people to develop new linguistic aspects that have contributed to the evolution of the English language. The author implies that writers and editors should consider the different elements of expression that their audience has adopted while they are engaging with others via text and social media. This is a valid suggestion as it informs mainstream media outlets to embrace the new revolution in grammar usage and communication. Favilla provides a clear example of how punctuation on social media sites such as Twitter is used to create emphasis. Although the use of punctuation on online platforms fails to observe the grammar rules, it is useful in enabling the speaker to convey their intended message. 

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Individuals who have basic knowledge in linguistics can recognize how people communicate online and the impact that casual expressions and slang have on the communication context. The article deepens one's understanding of ways in which people can utilize syntax and apply the words observed on social media to connect with specific audiences. For instance, the author acknowledges that for writers to be able to connect with their readers, they should observe how certain words are used in different contexts and utilizing those observations methodologically. This implies that in some contexts, writers will be expected to overlook the rules that make language to engage with their audience. 

Online communication systems have enabled social media users to develop their own linguistic structures in order to create a communicative connotation of language. As a result, both the speaker and recipient of the message conveyed use an inductive approach to evaluate how language has been used. Similarly, when communicating with such an audience, it is critical to observe target language in the text and analyze its usage and use it in order to apply it as a communication tool effectively. Emmy Favilla highlights the language shifts in society today, which are reinforced by the developing influence that the internet has on young people. Favilla’s article is relevant in today’s society as it emphasizes the need to keep up with the evolving aspects of the English language and its usage. 


Favilla, E. (2017). How the internet changed the way we write – and what to do about it. The Guardian . Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/booksblog/2017/dec/07/internet-online-news-social-media-changes-language 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How social media has influenced the language to communication.


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