1 Aug 2022


The morphosyntactic alignment of Korean language

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Academic level: High School

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Words: 431

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The nominative languages such as Korean have a form of morphosyntactic alignment. In this language form, the subjects of transitive and intransitive verbs are differentiated from the other subjects by the word order, case marking, and verb agreement. The normative-accusative alignment in the Korean language can be identified through morphology. These are visible in the coding properties of the specific constructions. The Korean language has, at most, one subject in every clause. The case marking situations can be identified in many constructions in Korean. Example, “ ttokki-ka, kwi-ka, kil-ta” ( Ryu, 201 4). In the example above, the predicate kilt is intransitive. In the two nominatives, case marking occurs where one is a non-argument while the other is an argument. Multiple case marking occurs in several constructions in the Korean language, especially in the stative verbs. Mulitple case marking occurs both in the passive and active clauses. An example is in “ thokki-ka/*-lul and kwi-ka/-lul.” 

An agreement in the Korean language occurs when the words change the form based on the other related words. The agreement can be based on the grammatical person that is placed in between the verb and subject. An agreement is also noticed in number and mainly occurs between the verb and subject. There are a number of the first person singular and second person plural. The agreement also occurs in various nouns and their modifiers in certain situations. An example is in mucikay-ka. Like any other language, the Korean language also employs orders in their syntactic domains. In Korea, the constituent liner order of the clause. The order of the modifiers is also present in the Korean language. The Korean language has a fixed word order, where it relies on the order of the constituents to convey the grammatical information ( Kim, Lee & Lee, 2010 ). However, it also allows a more flexible word order. One of the properties is that the indicative and feature determinants cannot be repeated. While they have semantics, there are no two indicative determinants that can occur together. An example includes "ku ce chayk 'that book and ku chakha-n ku haksayng.” 

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The Korean language has a lexically-based split. Korean display high levels of flexibility in the distributional possibilities. The prenominal expression in the Korean language usually follows a specified determiner. An example includes " ku chakha-n haksayng-the honest student." The prenominal expressions can either be classified as phrasal or deterministic. Such lexical determinants can be classified into various groups. These can include 

a. characteristic: “say ‘new’, hun ‘old’, yes ‘old’, ttan ‘other” 

b. indicative: “i ‘this’, ku ‘the’, ce ‘that.” 

Korean language shows passive constructions. However, the passive construction does not exist without morphology. The Korean language is majorly classified based on three major factors. Only the transitive verbs are transformable into passives. In this sense, a passive sentence must have both the agent and the theme role. The Korean language sets a corresponding passive voice for every active voice. 


Ryu, B. R. (2014). Semantic constraints on multiple cases marking in Korean. Meaning and grammar of nouns and verbs , 77-112. 

Kim, J. B., Lee, N. G., & Lee, Y. S. (2010, November). Word Order and NP Structure in Korean: A Constraint-Based Approach. In Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation  (pp. 183-192). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). The morphosyntactic alignment of Korean language.


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