18 Jan 2023


How to Build a Team to Address Change in the Organization

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 1139

Pages: 4

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Building the team that can propel the organization forward is the hardest thing for managers. Effective teams always outperform those people who are working individually especially where multiple skill sets are required ( Hickman & Silva, 2018 ). However, building effective teams that can address the desired change in an organization is cumbersome since they require more than an abstract commitment. 

The first way of building a team is by encouraging cooperation and trust among team members. As a manager, you should recognize that all the relationships that team members form are crucial as those ones you form with them. As the team takes its shape, managers should pay close attention to the working relationships of team members and take steps to improve communication, trust, cooperation as well as respect in those relationships ( Hickman & Silva, 2018) . Encourage information sharing among team members. Whenever you are trying to build a team that can address change, it is important to emphasize contributions from team members. As a manager, you need to demonstrate how jobs operate and move the entire team closer to the organization's goals. 

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The other way of building teams is by facilitating communication among team members. Effective communication is the most important factor for successful teamwork. Effective communication parse means setting as an example by remaining open to concerns and suggestions, offering help to teams and asking questions where necessary and do everything possible to avoid confusion in your communication ( Hickman & Silva, 2018) . 

How to show Enthusiasm and Commitment to draw in the Right Team Players 

Building a great team does not necessarily require hard work. For a team to be truly effective, components such as unity, consistency, and enthusiasm must be prevalent. The following are the cornerstones of how to show enthusiasm and commitment when drawing in the right team players. 

First, managers need to make the vision of the organization clear. Employees want honesty and transparency. In the process of providing giving clarity to teams on the expectations, they learn on how to do things and when to do them. In so doing, teams are set at ease and they are now ready to build the purpose in themselves. All hidden agendas should be removed so that commitment and trust to have a starting point ( Russell & Brannan, 2016 ). 

The second way is to offer training to teams. In order to show enthusiasm, all employees must be fed with skills, tools, knowledge or communication in order for them to grow and become more engaged in their job. As a manager, you should also create a deeper sense of purpose as your employees attain confidence in performing their duties especially when all the tools and skills are available to them. Providing other advantages like training and support can act as proof to them that joining your team is the right thing to do. 

By getting people on board, managers can be able to show enthusiasm and commitment to potential team players. By reaching out and connecting with employees, walls of distrust can be broken and this allows managers to share their commitment with them ( Russell & Brannan, 2016 ). If employees’ talents are recognized by organizations, it is easy for them to join a team since they can be able to meet their expectations. 

Eliminate chances of complacency. The greatest challenge of every manager that is likely to show commitment and enthusiasm is complacency. When aiming to source the right team players, managers must stay sharp and help teams to stay sharp too. Some of the methods that can be used here include mutual accountability, rotating project leadership roles, and vacations. This will enable you to establish an atmosphere that will allow incoming teams to have a challenge as well as a new leader to coordinate the charge with. 

How to Model Trust and Teamwork 

Trust is one of the elements that allow managers to delegate tasks without worries of whether it will be done or not. When building teams that can efficiently work together, maintain good morale and accomplish mutual goals, trust stands out as significant quality. Therefore, managers who want to model trust and teamwork should do the following. 

Treat team members equally and avoid playing favorites. Managers who play favorites destroy the working relationships that exist among teams. Employees who perform well should be rewarded without favoritism and openly so that other employees can witness ( Peñarroja et al., 2015 ). Managers should also treat everyone fairly. The set organizational expectations should be similar to both old and new employees. 

The second way of modeling trust is by fostering commitments. Trust at the workplace ensures that team members focus on the ultimate goal and as such, they help each other to work towards the goal. Since teams encounter different obstacles and challenges, it is hard for them to outdo them without commitments. It is, therefore, important to create an element of trust in order for teams to achieve the ultimate goal. 

Another way of modeling trust and teamwork is through building relationships. Managers should stay close to employees, engage and care for them. They should also strive to address issues and concerns that affect employees at all levels and ensure employee satisfaction. By so doing, teams can be able to achieve targets without even worrying about deadlines. In the end, leaders can also demand feedbacks from team members to assess whether employees’ careers are developing. 

When modeling trust and teamwork, the organization can structure itself such that it finds out which team members need to be involved in the brainstorming process regarding creating proper teams. Team members should be reduced to 10 for easy management. After assembling the right team members, the problem that is being solved should be indicated to all each member to shout and allow possible solutions to be attained. All the ideas should be stated for all members to see them ( Bolden, 2016)

After finding the number of possible solutions, they should be divided into sections to arrive at a possible solution. This will represent the number of votes that each team member holds. Upon analyzing the options, managers should read every idea. With this few good solutions, test and research option the most effective and feasible one. 

How to Inject Energy into the Team 

There are several ways a manager ejects energy and passion into the group. This includes keeping the purpose present. Team members are likely to create their own energy when they are excited about the essence of their work. 

The second way of ejecting energy is by leader becoming an example. The manager should mirror themselves if they are offering the energy that team members can see. At this stage manager’s attitude will be monitored and mimicked ( Bolden, 2016)

The third way is to help team members to tap their own energy. Managers should allow team members to share and show their energy strengths with others within the organization ( Bolden, 2016) . Managers should also allow teams’ work styles and natural passions to flourish. When managers expect more energy and permit it to flow, more of it will flow. 

Some of the pitfalls of this process include failure to communicate and formalize recognitions and rewards for team members. At some point, managers fail to write down plans. Another pitfall of members is the failure to make use of ground rules when conducting meetings. 


Bolden, R. (2016). Leadership, management and organizational development. In Gower handbook of leadership and management development (pp. 143-158). Routledge. 

Hickman, C. R., & Silva, M. A. (2018). Creating excellence: Managing corporate culture, strategy, and change in the new age . Routledge. 

Peñarroja, V., Orengo, V., Zornoza, A., Sánchez, J., & Ripoll, P. (2015). How team feedback and team trust influence information processing and learning in virtual teams: A moderated mediation model. Computers in Human Behavior , 48 , 9-16. 

Russell, S., & Brannan, M. J. (2016). “Getting the Right People on the Bus”: Recruitment, selection and integration for the branded organization. European Management Journal , 34 (2), 114-124. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Build a Team to Address Change in the Organization .


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