16 Jan 2023


How to Choose the Right Career Path

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Communication and collaboration 

Question a 

There exist numerous guidelines within the context of the fourth amendment that demystifies the distinct differences and ability of the police officers, probation officers, and prison guards to carry out legal searches. For instance, the ability of a police officer to conduct a legal search is determined by the judge under reasonable grounds, especially in pat-down searches (Giannelli, 1976). A police officer can only conduct a legal search upon finding the probable cause. The probation officers have the authority to conduct legal searches on probationers only. The probation officers do not have the legal mandate to conduct a legal search on ordinary citizens who are not on probation. The prison guards have the authority to conduct a legal search only on the incarcerated prisoners or inmates. An example of interagency collaboration that guides the initiative of legal search entails sharing intelligence regarding the eligibility of active cases. 

Question b 

Given the context of the case where police offer wishes to know whoever is in communication with the incarcerated prisoners, it is quite imperative to note that such a police officer have no otherwise but to collaborate with the prison guards. The police offer does not have the legal mandate to conduct a legal search on inmates (Rosecrance, 1985). Hence, the fact that prison guards have the authority to conduct a legal search on the incarcerated prisoners means that they are the only legitimate platform for gathering intelligence form the inmates. 

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Question c 

The fact that the report is written and compiled prior to sentencing means that the active case has not entered the court branch or the corrections departments. Hence, both the probation officers and the prison guards cannot assist in conducting the investigation at this stage. The police department is the only legally mandated body to conduct an investigation at this stage. Besides, the fact that there exists a higher probability that the convicted criminal is held at the local annex means that jail officers could be the most probable officers to help in the investigation (Giannelli, 1976). The completion of pre-sentencing report is to give both the court and the jury an opportunity to establish ethical decisions with regards to understanding the facts of the case. The assistance offered by jail officers to complete the presentence report with the police departments demystifies the sense of intelligence sharing as an aspect of interagency collaboration. 

Question d 

The case of Estelle vs. Gamble comes out as the most idealistic landmark for depicting and reshaping the philosophical standpoint of the corrections practitioner. The case outlines the essentiality of providing adequate and effective healthcare to the incarcerated prisoners. In this context, issues regarding civil rights movements take center with regards to reshaping the role of corrections practitioners. The case demystifies that Gamble was injured but was not accorded the quality healthcare, which adversely compromised his health and was also punished for not engaging in the prison routines (Estelle v. Gamble 2). As a result of this case, it is quite imperative to note the new civil rights that protect the inmates’ healthcare have been established. For instance, the right to access quality health service and the right to seek professional medical judgment by the incarcerated prisoners take center stage in redefining inmates’ healthcare. 

Question e 

Given the content presented in this milestone, I would consider the probation department as the most affirmative line of a career that I intend to explore. Ideally, my current job that entails working in the Sheriff's department that entails engaging people from diverse career paths and different personalities gives me the most solid foundation and confidence that I can effectively handle the professional duties of a probation officer. Hence, the probation department tasks shall enable me to have the opportunity to investigate criminals and share intelligence as an aspect of interagency collaboration. 


The dynamics of the criminal world are constantly changing, especially regarding how criminals are targeting their victims through technological approaches. Advancements in technologies have also influenced techniques used to catch criminals by law enforcement officers. The police, the correctional officers, and the probation officers can use emerging technologies to enhance how they discharge their duties. 

Automated fingerprint identification (AFI) coupled with DNA sequencing technologies will enable the investigative officer to generate a lead into the crime quickly. The AFI will be used to quickly and easily run a comparative test with an extensive virtual database ( Maltoni et al., 2017 ). Once they have a lead with the AFI and magnetic fingerprinting techniques, the investigators will use the DNA sequence technology of the available suspects ( Vidaki et al., 2017 ). With these technologies, it will be able to cut down the time taken to close an investigation with positive results as the reward. 

Installing body scanners such as the ones used in airports in prison gates will help guards combat the issue of contrabands. The imaging system will use technologies such as machine learning to detect weapons, drugs, and cell phones hidden in clothes. A guard will, therefore, not need to frisk an inmate or a visitor manually. 

Remote supervision technologies can be used to decongest prisons. Global positioning system (GPS) supervision is one such technology that can be used to monitor a person under probation. GPS requires a participant to wear a bracelet around their ankle that will help an officer to monitor their whereabouts through a signaling system. 

In the case of United States versus White, 401 U.S 745 (1971), the police without a court order, put a wire on an informant. The investigators were able to eavesdrop on the exchange between the informer and the suspect with the information being used in a court of law. However, the conduct of the law enforcement officer adversely affected the public trust and confidence they department enjoyed. Having high-tech contraband scanners in prisons is a technology that I have interest in because it will contribute to the safety of correctional facilities. 

To sum up this section, each branch of criminal justice has emerging technologies that will have positive impacts on its operations. It is upon these sectors to embrace and learn about these technologies to streamline their functionalities. 

Ethical and Professional Practice 

Professional ethics entails principles and values governing a specific behavior, career path, or the environment. Ethical and professional practice directs one’s action and relationship towards a group of people or individuals. In the scenarios presented in this assignment, criminal justice practitioners are set to apply ethical and professional standards, principles, and practices in decision making. The questions are talked on each paragraph. 

At the neighborhood Deli, the uniformed police should have Professional loyalty and transparency. The police officer should reveal all the relevant information with honesty to explain if the bill should be paid or it was unnecessary ( Belinova et al, 2017) . The officer should not conceal anything but should clarify the matter to the Deli owner. The officer should also remain committed to his professional guideline that doesn’t necessitate payments at the Deli. The police department needs to uphold transparency and loyalty. These standards promote trust and excellence. 

The prison guard should apply professional integrity while making the decision on how to handle his high school buddy found smoking. The guard should also apply Justice and fairness to all, and therefore he shouldn’t favor his high school buddy. The guard should apply the necessary law and punishment against the lawbreaker regardless of their relationship. Integrity will allow the guard to uphold strong police moral principles and values as well as honesty even with no supervision ( Souryal et al, 2019) . The above values are essential to the police officer department since, at times, the police work under less to no supervision. Integrity allows them to work with honesty and moral abiding at all times. 

When conducting an ethical and legal search of a probationer’s house, the police must use the exclusionary law or the fruit of the poisonous tree rule. The exclusionary law allows for any evidence gotten from an unreasonable not to be considered against the probationer or the criminal. The exclusionary rule respects the principle and right to privacy; hence the search cannot be conducted in the absence of the probationer or without his/her consent. This constitutional law is important to the police department in their quest to look for evidence. The law is applicable in this situation as it involves the application of high humanitarian levels and abiding by the principle of privacy and integrity ( Bazelon et al, 2017) . The fruit of the poisonous tree rule is applied when the police already have evidence anyway. It can be less applicable in this situation. 

  Drawing reference from the Herring V. United States case study, a court case where a man was seen moving around carrying illegal money and drugs several times was presented to a court. The man’s case had not been documented anywhere by the police who searched with fail. The residents had spotted him, but there were no records at the court. The court didn’t have tangible evidence against the illegal money and drugs possessor. The man accused the police of the mistake of an unlawful search, which he claimed was unconstitutional and unreasonable. The court released the man under the good-faith rule since the evidence was marginal or nonexistent. The case was suppressed. 

Criminal Justice or police department career path is in line with the ethical beliefs and professional disposition I possess. Moral beliefs, including honesty, integrity, justice and fairness, transparency, confidentiality, law-abiding, fiduciary duty, accountability, loyalty, and respect, are in line with the criminal justice career ( Belinova et al., 2017) . The beliefs encompass humanity and empathy in providing service to the people. The career path chosen comes handy in the application of personal ethical beliefs.  

Career revision 

The U.S criminal justice system comprise of three main branches which are the law enforcement, courts, and corrections. They all conduct carry out their roles within the limits of the law. The law enforcement is made up of officers who have the first encounter with people involved in different crimes ( Falk , 2016). They include patrol officers, detectives, sheriffs, and federal agents among others. They investigate criminal activities and determine if a situation requires an arrest according the proof available and accounts provided by an incident’s eyewitnesses. Officers involved in enforcing law are given greater discretion in conducting investigations and making arrests. They in most cases closely collaborate with prosecutors in moving cases along. 

The court system comprise of local, state, and federal courts. The courts comprise of judges, jury, attorneys and the ancillary members ( Falk , 2016). Disputes and other law related issues are heard and addressed before a judge or a jury. A suspected criminal’s guilt or innocence in regard to a criminal activity is established in a court. A suspected criminal becomes the defendant and is given a chance for defense in a court as proof of crime is given. In the court system, judges apply knowledge related to law to provide a fair and just environment for cases to be heard until a suspect is declared guilty of a crime or innocent. The role of a prosecuting attorney is to prove that a suspect is guilty of a crime while a defense attorney strives to prove the accused innocent. If a suspect is found innocent, he/she is released but if guilty, he/she is handed a sentence or punishment and handed over to the corrections department. 

The corrections system protects the society by allocating the appropriate and correct punishment to those found guilty of committing crime. It involves all kinds of sentences and punishments such as incarceration or probation (Windell, 2016). The branch includes probation, corrections, and parole officers. Their duty is to supervise and ensure that convicts serve their sentence as determined and declared by courts. Correction officers’ work in jails is to oversee inmates serve their sentences. Probation officers are involved in supervision of both adult and juvenile lawbreakers under monitoring by courts in place of a jail sentence (Windell, 2016). They also carry out investigations before a sentence is handed down and provide sentence recommendations to judges in consideration of the information gathered from investigation. The investigation conducted includes criminal record, interviewing close people such as friends and family members. In addition, probation officers provide reports on the progress of the individuals under probation to courts and propose any likely revocation. Parole officials on the other hand supervise people who have been released from prison before the sentence period is over on a parole ground. They make home visits, assess use of drugs, and enforce compliance with parole conditions. They also recommend revocation of parole if conditions are not met. 

Investigation Findings Highlight 

From the career path investigation conducted, I found out that the criminal justice system is comprised of three main branches each with its own mandate and duties. In conducting legal searchers for example, a police officer has the mandate to do a legal search if a probable reason is identified while a probation officer can do a legal search on a probationer only. A prison guard on the other hand can carry out a search on people who are incarcerated or inmates only. However, all the three branches work in coordination, collaboration, and harmony. 

The three departments of the criminal justice system ought to communicate in order to ensure that there is appropriate and just judgment of offenders and maintain community safety (). When for example a deviant is in the process of being allowed back into the community, the correctional system should communicate the information to the law enforcement department. Decisions made by one branch of the criminal justice system affect the other. A decision made by correctional facility has an impact on the law enforcement working in the area where the offender is released. Efficient flow of information in between the three branches is imperative to not only the agencies themselves but to offenders and the security of the community. A decision made by correction facility to either sentence or release an offender has an impact on the courts as well as the law enforcement. 

The career investigation also revealed that the criminal justice system applies different types of technologies in different branches to execute duties and responsibilities. In the current century, technology is used to commit crimes hence the need for adapting to technology advancements (Barnard-Wills & Wells, 2012). To maintain public system and preserve human life, it is essential for criminal justice system to apply current software and tracking technology among other relevant technologies. Technological evolutions directly impact how the criminal justice system conducts its activities at different important levels (Pattavina, 2005). 

Monitoring probation officers for example use RF and GPS technologies to monitor offenders especially adults while juveniles are monitored using RF. Such technology is detailed to an extent that speed of travel and when a person makes a stop at a certain location for a period of time is identified. I also found out that ethics play a significant role in all the three branches of the criminal justice system and there are professional standards for all the different areas of practice in the field. Officers are expected to adhere to them and execute their duties in an ethical and professional manner. 

Career Aspiration Description 

I aspire to be a probation officer. Although I have been working in the Sheriff’s department, the career investigation has opened my eyes to a field that interests me a lot. I feel that I possess the strengths needed to execute duties as a probation officer. My passion to help and see people succeed in life makes me feel that a career as a probation officer would give me fulfillment and satisfaction. Probation officers help empowers those under probation to adjust and make the required changes in their lives to be incorporated back into the society ( Probation Officers Occupation and Education Overview, n.d. ) . In addition, they provide protection to the society by ensuring that those under probation comply with the required laws and guidelines related to probation and parole within their area of jurisdiction ( Probation Officers Occupation and Education Overview, n.d. ). Furthermore, they co-work and collaborate with judges in order to assess the criminal history of an offender before trial which is important in helping judges make decisions that are informed. 

Moreover, besides working with other officers in the justice system, probation officers also co-work with social services organizations to ensure that the offender on probation get appropriate help required in rejoining the workforce. Such help includes housing, education, and looking for employers who are willing to work with the individual. The probation officer can also link the offender with vocational rehabilitation centers and other important community resources that can help the individual return to normalcy. A probation officer also investigates any failures of the person on probation to comply with the orders given by the court. They fact that probation officers are involved in helping their clearly understand court orders and all the related regulations is also among the duties that appeal to me in the profession. Seeing offenders reform and become obedient, compliant and productive people in their own lives and in the society is something that would give me fulfillment in my work. 

I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that a career as a probation officer fits me and it will give me a chance to apply my investigative abilities and at the same time use my compassionate nature and passion to help in assisting offenders to reform and become good people. Empowering others is something that goes a long way in not only helping the individuals but those around them and the entire community. Empowering individuals on probation to overcome challenges related to employment would help them stay occupied, earn a living, and at the same time apply their knowledge, skills, and talents to help themselves and the society in general. I have realized that being a probation officer is a life changing career because the officers help people achieve their once lost dreams, rebuild, and regain what was lost. The society also benefits from the work of a probation officer through reduction in the rates of crime, more skilled employees, and decongestion in prisons. I therefore feel that the benefits derived from working as a probation officer extend to the society as a whole and ensure a secure environment. All the above reasons make me want to pursue a career in probation. 

How the Findings Solidify or Change the Career Aspirations 

The findings from the career investigation solidified my career aspirations of being a probation officer. The investigation revealed that a career as a probation officer matches with my career interests and personality. I feel that working as a sheriff is not fulfilling as being a probation officer. In addition, comparing the nature of work involved in the three branches of the criminal justice system, the correctional duties were appealing to me. The nature of work done by probation officers was particularly of interest to me and matched with my career aspirations. 

The fact that communication between the three branches is important as identified in the investigation makes me feel that I can effectively help offenders on probation comply and reform because I possess solid and strong communication abilities. In addition, I am technology fascinates me and I like applying it in executing my duties whenever applicable. I have a solid background I technology use especially the ones used in monitoring criminals and I believe would be of help in monitoring offenders who are on probation in order to report on their progress and take appropriate action to ensure that they do not pose any security threat to the society. My passion has always been to work within the criminal justice system hence the choice of a career path within the system. 


Barnard-Wills, D., & Wells, H. (2012). Surveillance, technology and the everyday.  Criminology & Criminal Justice 12 (3), 227-237.  https://doi.org/10.1177/1748895812446644 

Bazelon, L. A. (2017). Ethics in Criminal Advocacy.  ABA Sec. Crim. Just., The State of Criminal Justice

Belinova, N. V., Bicheva, I. B., Kolesova, O. V., Khanova, T. G., & Khizhnaya, A. V. (2017). Features of professional ethics formation of the future teacher.  Revista espacios 38 (25). 

Bulman, P. (2009). Using technology to make prisons and jails safer.  NIJ Journal 262

Estelle v. Gamble, 429 U.S. 97 (1976)  https://www.law.uh.edu/healthlaw/perspectives/2009/(CC)%20Prison%20Health.pdf 

Falk, G. (2010).  The American criminal justice system: How it works, how it doesn't, and how to fix it . Pozostałe: Praeger. 

Giannelli, P. C., & Gilligan, F. A. (1976). Prison Searches and Seizures: "Locking" the Fourth Amendment out of Correctional Facilities.  Virginia Law Review, 62,  6, 1045-1098. 

Humanservicesedu.org. Retrieved April 18, 2020, from  https://www.humanservicesedu.org/probation-officer.html 

Maltoni, D., Cappelli, R., & Meuwly, D. (2017). Automated fingerprint identification systems: From fingerprints to fingermarks. In  Handbook of Biometrics for Forensic Science  (pp. 37-61). Springer, Cham. 

Pattavina, A. (2005).  Information technology and the criminal justice system . SAGE. 

Probation Officers Occupation and Education Overview . (n.d.). Human Services Education 

Reinhart, C. (2014).  Electronic Monitoring of Offenders . Cga.ct.gov https://www.cga.ct.gov/2014/rpt/2014-R-0065.htm. 

Rosecrance, J. (1985). The probation officers' search for credibility: Ball park recommendations.  Crime & Delinquency,  31,4, 539-554. 

Souryal, S. S., & Whitehead, J. T. (2019).  Ethics in criminal justice: In search of the truth . Routledge. 

United States v. White . Invispress.com. http://www.invispress.com/law/justice/white.html. 

Vidaki, A., Ballard, D., Aliferi, A., Miller, T. H., Barron, L. P., & Court, D. S. (2017). DNA methylation-based forensic age prediction using artificial neural networks and next-generation sequencing.  Forensic Science International: Genetics 28 , 225-236. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Choose the Right Career Path.


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