27 Dec 2022


How to Create a Business Plan for a Business Consultancy Firm

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Vision Statement 

Realization of a stable and vibrant economy driven by the growing and new businesses 

Mission Statement 

The mission of this business organization is to offer the necessary business consultancy assistance to its clients and to empower them towards building and developing profitable and sustainable businesses. 


Deliver high-quality business consultancy services 

Provision of result-oriented business strategies 

Upholding high standards of integrity in service delivery 




Trustworthy Experts and Advisors 

Ethical Consideration 

Customer Care 


Recruitment of qualified, skilled, experienced and reliable business consultants 

Training and professional development of members of staff to be able to provide clients with exceptional business consultancy services 

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Expansion and growth of the organization to compete among the top five in the business consultancy industry 

Services provided 

This organization is a profit-making and business consultancy firm that focuses on providing its clients with a wide range of services. Some of these services include company secretarial administration, business advisory services, advisory on taxation, auditing services, general bookkeeping, and compliance and risk assessment services as well as reporting 


At the start of the venture, the organization will be run by four permanent and full-time employees. However, the organization may recruit other employees when a need arises which may be occasioned by its growth in the future. Additionally, the organization may decide to employ workers on the casual or part-time basis when whenever it is faced with temporary tasks and responsibilities that could be overwhelming to the existing employees. 

Overview of Human Resources Policies 

Work Timings 

In this organization, the working days will be five days a week namely Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The arrival time will be eight o'clock and the departure time will be five o'clock for each of the five days. In the course of the working hours during the day, there will be a one-hour lunch break between one o'clock and two o'clock. In future, the organization will think about exploring the possibility of introducing a human resource model that allows some of the workers to discharge their roles and duties from their homes with having to report to work physically. Such a model will be crucial towards saving time wasted while going and coming from the workstation as well as resources used while setting up offices for such workers within the organization. For a startup, the organization will only focus on daytime working schedules thus there will be no night shifts included. However, the introduction of the night shifts may be considered nu the organization in future depending on the value of work available to be done. It is noteworthy that all the necessary labor laws and regulations will be made applicable to the work timings by the human resource management. 

Leave Application 

The Human Resources Department in this particular organization is expected to put in place the necessary categories of leaves which employees and workers will be entitled. These categories will include casual leave, sick leave, annual leave, maternity leave and half day leave among others. Depending on the need, urgency and convenience, the Human Resource Department in the organization will be able to develop clear-cut guidelines to be applicable for each of the categories of leave to avoid instances of confusion and ambiguity from disrupting various operations within the organization. 

Overtime and Additional Hours 

Overtime will be regarded as hours of work undertaken by employees upon the direction from the manager in addition to the number of hours for which they are contracted to work. If an employee is unable to work for overtime or additional hours for one reason or another he or she would be expected to notify the manager with clear explanations to that effect. 

Lateness for work 

Any late arrival or absence from work owing to injury, illness or any other compelling reason would be expected to be accompanied by a personal report from the employee to the supervisor in charge as soon as it is practically possible. 


The company will recruit its employees on a permanent and full-time basis. However, casual workers, part-time workers, trainees or apprentices may be brought on board whenever the management deems it necessary. The process of recruitment and selection by this organization will be guided by a professional and robust approach with the objective of attracting and hiring people with the relevant qualification and skills. All appointments to various positions by the organization will be guided by the principle of merit as well as compliance with the relevant state and federal legislation and other related processes. 


There will be a six months period within which the management of the organization will be able to conduct a probationary exercise with the aim of assessing and determining the suitability of new employees as well as his or her competency in discharging given roles and responsibilities. During this period, the organization will show its commitment towards the performance of the employee under probation. At the end of the probation period, the management will only confirm the permanent status of employment for an employee under assessment upon being satisfied with his or her performance. 

Company Resources 

Company resources shall not be used for any other purpose that other than for the best interest of the company or as may be defined by the management. Such resources may include company vehicles, offices, and stationery as well as telephone and internet connectivity among others. Nonetheless, there may be instances where employees will be left to use their discretion while handling company resources as long as they observe the principle of prudent use as well as the effective performance of their roles. 

Work Culture 

The culture of work in this organization will be guided by a biblical perspective of integrity and morality. The culture will place more emphasis on integrity, equal opportunity, ethical behavior and respect for other employees among others. Moreover, employees will be expected to desist from violating the privacy and confidentiality regarding the data and information of the clients, sexual harassment and any form of misbehavior. Workers within the organization's premises and acting on behalf of the organization will be expected to adhere to the principles of commitment, professionalism, and diligence towards undertaking their various roles and responsibilities. Workers operating within the company will be expected to comply with the organization's dress code at all times (Melé & Fontrodona, 2016). 

Strategic Human Resource Planning 

In this particular venture, the human resource will be subjected to strategic planning with the involvement of the analysis and identification of roles of every employee and worker for the organization to meet its objectives. The significance of introducing a strategic plan in human resource is the reduction of the considerable lead time that maybe later on the discovery of various job requirements and the best-suited candidate to fill such positions. This implies that the human resource department will be expected to operate from the knowledge of the status of the job market and ways through which it may be matched with the needs of the organization in meeting its goals and objectives. The process of hiring and recruitment for this particular organization will require the human resource department establish a procedure that ensures the applicants who are hired are most versatile with the requirements to fit the job criteria (Grundy, 2017) 

Strategic Training and Development 

This management of this organization will be expected to ensure subjected to regular training as a way of enhancing their skills and improving their competitive advantage. Training and development of workers is a critical component for every organization that places value on the potential of its workers. It is through this process that the organization will manage to transfer skills, knowledge and the relevant abilities in performing certain tasks and operations (Garavan, 2013). Moreover, strategic positioning of development and training has a direct influence on the promotion of the organizational business objectives and goals. Key challenges in business will require the management of the organization have a thoughtful gauging of its expected position in the market. 

Integrating the Concept of Framing and Reframing 

As a way of integrating the concepts of framing and reframing, this organization will work towards the incorporation of the different perspectives of other professionals in improving its operations. The application of the concept of reframing will assist in the growth, development, and sustainability of this organization. In the course of running the affairs of the organization, it would also be essential to apply both framing and framing principles as a way of obtaining innovative solutions to different problems and challenges (Fairhurst, 2015). In this respect, the management and organizational problems that have previously been framed will be required to be subjected to reframing for the management of the organization to be in a better position to a different perspective of such challenges. Upon gaining a deeper understanding of the framework within which a problem exists or arises, it becomes easier to develop new solutions from a different perspective innovatively. Moreover, everything often comes down to finding appropriate solutions to some problems that may hinder the growth and development of a business venture. For this particular organization to be successful in its business operations and the general growth, its management would be expected to focus on finding innovative solutions to some of the challenges that are likely to face it (Brown, 2009). 

Balancing the Management Style in a Competing Values Framework 

Striking a balance in concerning the style of management in a competing values framework for this particular organization would require some considerations. One of these considerations will involve shifting the focus of the organization to the internal emphasis on the development of the employees and their wellbeing. Furthermore, there will need for the consideration of the external focus directed towards the development and wellbeing of the organization and its operations. Another consideration would entail a representation of the contrast between change and flexibility as well as control and stability through the differentiation of organizational preference when it comes to structure (Melo, Silva & Parreira, 2014). The idea of obtaining a balance between the style of management that this particular organization intends to adopt and the framework for competing values is associated with the need for the flexibility and adaptability of organizations as well as saving time and controlling conflicting messages. 

To this extent, this particular organization will seek to introduce for different models in management. One of them is the human relations model which would be expected to put more emphasis on internal focus, flexibility, morale, and cohesion among employees in the organization as well as the development of human resource as a way of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. The other one is the open system model that will be expected to emphasize external support, resource acquisition, growth and development, readiness as well as external focus and flexibility. The third one which is a rational goal model will place more emphasis on control and management of external forces, setting of goals and planning as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of productivity. Internal process model will be the fourth one, and it will emphasize the need for control and stability of the operations within the organization, the role of communication as well as management of information both internally and externally (Belasen & Frank, 2008). 


Belasen, A., & Frank, N. (2008). Competing values leadership: quadrant roles and personality 

traits. Leadership & Organization Development Journal , 29 (2), 127-143. doi: 


Brown, P. (2009). Seeking success through strategic management development. Journal Of 

European Industrial Training , 27 (6), 292-303. doi: 10.1108/03090590310479929 

Fairhurst, G. (2015). Reframing The Art of Framing: Problems and Prospects for Leadership. 

Leadership , 1 (2), 165-185. doi: 10.1177/1742715005051857 

Garavan, T. (2013). Strategic Human Resource Development. Journal Of European 

Industrial Training , 15 (1). doi: 10.1108/eum0000000000219 

Grundy, T. (2017) Human resource management—a strategic approach. Long Range 

Planning , 30 (4), 474-517. doi: 10.1016/s0024-6301(97)00030-7 

Melé, D., & Fontrodona, J. (2016). Christian Ethics and Spirituality in Leading Business 

Organizations: Editorial Introduction. Journal Of Business Ethics , 145 (4), 671-679. 

doi: 10.1007/s10551-016-3323-3 

Melo, R., Silva, M., & Parreira, P. (2014). Effective Leadership: Competing Values 

Framework. Procedia Technology , 16 , 921-928. doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.10.044 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to Create a Business Plan for a Business Consultancy Firm .


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