16 Dec 2022


How to Create a Strategic IT Infrastructure for the Medical Sector

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Strategic IT Infrastructure


Institutional Affiliation

Strategic IT Infrastructure

The medical world is an intricate and dynamic environment. The provision of exemplary health care services to consumers, as well as effective financial management, is contingent on the use of various IT infrastructures. New technologies in the healthcare field outcome positive patient outcomes, due to enhanced diagnostic procedures. Consequently, a vast number of lives which are would otherwise be lost due to misdiagnosis and overtreatment, are saved. In addition, the advancements also improve financial management, which enables organizations to generate more profits to fund the required IT infrastructures. IT infrastructures, therefore, foster the accomplishment of numerous medical goals.

Part 1: Governing Board 

The Role of the Governing Board ion Oceanside Referral Hospital 

The governing board at Oceanside referral has a number of responsibilities ranging from ensuring that the healthcare resources are efficiently used, to the development of organizational goals, as well as the establishment of an effective strategic plan for mission accomplishment. The panel is responsible for six primary areas. First, it is the responsibility of the board to hire and retain a good CEO. Bismark, Walter, & Studdert (2013) argue that the board also has the duty of developing the hospital's mission, as well as the strategies that would be used in accomplishing it. Thirdly, it is the core priority of this board to ensure that high-quality health care services are offered to all patients. Furthermore, the entity develops and employs effective policies and processes for the selection and reappointment of physicians and medical staff. Moreover, this entity is also charged with the responsibility of conducting financial oversights, as well as the facilitation of board education, development, and most importantly, self-evaluation.

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Individual Roles and Responsibilities 

The members of the board also have some individual roles and responsibilities. For instance, each member should have a heightened sense of commitment to the board itself, the community, as well as the hospital. In addition, these individuals are required to have a deep understanding of the organization's mission ( Bismark, Walter, & Studdert, 2013 ). Furthermore, they should avoid conflicts of interests and rumors. In addition, the board members are required to have exceptional standards of integrity and maintain the confidentiality of the information discussed in board meetings; Moreover, due to the dynamic nature of the medical organizations, these people are required to strive to acquire a working knowledge of the medical industry and the emerging trends. Furthermore, it is mandatory for all the members’ to show up for meetings as well as on-going educational programs. These are the individual roles and responsibilities of the members of the governing board.

The Positives and Negatives of the Board 

The governing board at Oceanside Referral Hospital has one positive attribute, which is its heightened sense of obligation to the organization and its mission. Hence, the board dedicates its time and effort to promoting efficient resource utilization and the provision of excellent health care services to the patients. Nonetheless, there are also a number of pitfalls associated with the board. First, it has failed to effectively conduct self-evaluations as well as acting on opportunities to enhance its overall performance. In addition, the board has been unable to prioritize continuous education in the healthcare field, and the emerging IT trends, which has deterred the organization from accessing strategic IT infrastructure to promote healthcare efficiency as well as competent medical operations.

The Impact of the Board to the Hospital 

The failure of the board to prioritize these critical IT issues has inhibited the hospital from providing quality health care to its patients due to the lack of relevant IT infrastructure.

The Governing Boards Interest in IT Infrastructure 

As stakeholders of the facility, the primary interest of the governing board at Oceanside Referral hospital is the alignment of the facilities IT infrastructure with the organization's goals ( Bismark, Walter, & Studdert, 2013 ).

Part 2: Strategic IT Infrastructure Plan 

Executive Summary 

This strategic IT infrastructure plan is targeted at outlining the need to invest in IT infrastructure at Oceanside Referral Hospital. Investing in vital IT infrastructure will enable the organization to respond productively to the existing constraints with regards to the efficiency and effectiveness of the current health delivery system. Oceanside referral hospital is responsible for the provision of health care services to the eligible people living and visiting Oceanside, California. Nonetheless, the hospital has been unable to deliver high-quality medical services to its consumers due to the deficiency of strategic IT infrastructure to promote service and operation efficiency.

IT infrastructure has become a critical resource in every medical institution worldwide. It is through technology that the healthcare setting can undergo immense transformations, especially in the promotion of positive patient outcomes. The lack of this crucial resource has impacted a number of sectors, ranging from service delivery to the effective financial management and early detection of deadly diseases such as malaria ( Wogu & Nduka, 2018). Moreover, this has deterred the governing board from aligning its IT infrastructure with the organizational goals, which is crucial in fostering organizational efficacy. For the goals of any organization to be fully met, IT investments have to support the set objectives.

The introduction of various technological advancements can make the operations and services rendered at the hospital more efficient. For instance, the use of blockchain technologies can foster effective financial management of the hospital’s financial resources. Therefore, the organization would be able to provide more cost-effective health care services to its patients and make maximum profits as well. In addition, blockchain would also make financial managers more accountable and simplify the process of determining the various ways in which hospital funds have been used.

According to Peterson, Deeduvanu, Kanjamala, & Boles (2016), the blockchain advancements would be productive in inhibiting the embezzlement of hospital funds, ensuring that all the resources are used accordingly. The technology necessitates more than one individual to sign before making any transactions. Therefore, this would deter malicious individuals from illegally benefiting from the resources of the hospital, since the transactions are dependent on the signatures of all the individuals concerned with the transaction. Most importantly, the advancement will be useful in fostering effective and quick financial transactions between the hospital and the organization. For instance, it will aid in the prompt processing of claim forms, enabling patients to access medical care, and the hospital to acquire the funds within a short period of time, promoting the constant flow of money into the hospital ( Zhang, Schmidt, White, & Lenz, 2018). Consequently, more profits would be made and the organization would be able to fund IT infrastructures, as well as their maintenance.

One of the primary deficiencies evident in Oceanside referral hospital is the lack of effective malaria diagnostic protocols. As a result, a vast number of individuals suffering from this ailment lose their lives since the medical staffs are unable to detect the disease in its initial stages. Among the most recent advancements is the lab-on-chip PCR malaria diagnostic microchip, which is useful in the accurate and timely diagnosis of malaria ( Taylor et al. 2014 ). The use of microchips fosters the timely and accurate diagnosis of malaria.

Traditional methods of malaria diagnosis, which are employed in Oceanside hospital, have resulted in the loss of massive lives. The access to quality diagnostic procedures has been limited. Malaria is mostly detected presumptively in individuals with fever, which is an ineffective diagnostic criterion. Consequently, patients are either over-treated or misdiagnosed of probable fatal bacterial infections.

Therefore, there is a need for a new and reliable diagnostic process for malaria. According to Taylor et al. (2014), the PCR hydrogel chips for malaria detection provide the medical staffs with the results in less than two hours which is convenient for the early treatment of this disease. In addition, the test is simple to use, as well as cost effective. The chips would not only save the hospital the massive amounts of medical resources which are wasted in overtreatment but also provide a reliable way of diagnosing malaria. In addition, the use of these chips would save lives that would otherwise be lost due to ineffective diagnostic processes. The need for the hospital to make significant investments in these technologies and other useful ones is dire.

The new infrastructures are very secure in terms of patient rights. According to Peterson, Deeduvanu, Kanjamala, & Boles (2016) blockchain is an encrypted technology which is impervious to data breaches. As a result, the privacy needs of the patients will be catered for since the applications will enhance the privacy of patient information. In addition, it is the right of the patient to access proper medical care and be protected from harm by the medical practitioner at all costs. With this in mind, the introduction of microchips will enhance patient outcomes by preventing overtreatment and misdiagnosis of malaria patients, which is detrimental to health. In the case of employees, training will be issued on the usage of these technologies, which is one of the rights of staffs.

The TNA, training, needs, and assessment tool will be employed to determine the areas of weakness with regards to the usage and the knowledge that the staffs have pertaining to the blockchain and the microchips. Consequently, the healthcare professionals will be able to provide more holistic care to patients and adequately manage the financial resources of the organization ( Elnaga & Imran, 2013 ). The main limitation of the blockchain, is its susceptibility to hacking by, malicious individuals who can put both patient information and organizational funds at risk. Despite the fact the advancement is encrypted, the technological intelligence of hackers is augmenting as new technologies develop. As a result, it is possible for the application to be breached, which would result in a number of adverse organizational outcomes.

The overall strategic infrastructure plan is highly effective in meeting the needs of the organization. The introduction of the proposed IT infrastructures would intensify the quality of the medical services provided at Oceanside Referral hospital, as well as maximize the profits attained as a result of improved financial management. Nonetheless, the proper use of these technologies is contingent on staff training. Through training physicians and other medical professionals would be equipped with knowledge and skills pertaining to the best use of the devices. Transformational leadership is recommended, to promote the adaptation of the staff to the implemented changes. According to Van der Voet (2014), t ransformational leaders are change agents who inspire and motivate followers to embrace new transformations, by instilling in them positive attitudes, and a sense of intense appreciation for the changes. The main challenge that will be faced during the introduction of the new IT infrastructures is the reluctance of the staff to embrace new procedures, as opposed to continuing with the conventional ones. It is therefore crucial for the most effective leadership style to be employed, to enable the staffs to transition effectively from the old to the new.

RFI Examination of the Specific Needs and Requirements 

A request for information (RFI) is a standard process used in business with the purpose of collecting written information about the capabilities of various suppliers (Langer, 2016). Before an organization make the last decision of engaging in a certain thing or implementing a particular function, it is supposed to engage with the suppliers to request for more information about the product. RFI helps the organization to have more knowledge about a product or service and evaluate its advantages and disadvantages, and also the impact the product or the service will have on the organization (Langer, 2016). In this case, the governing board at Oceanside referral hospital should request for more information about the malaria microchip detector and the blockchain technologies from various vendors to get more knowledge on them.

The hospital should do an RFI on the microchips which will be used for the malaria diagnosis to get an understanding on various things such as how the technology works, how long it will take to train its staff to use these microchips, how accurate the microchips are in detecting malaria among other types of information. It is important for the hospital to get detailed information about the use of this new technology before engaging in it because despite being praised on its efficiency in detecting malaria if it fails, it can be fatal for both the patients and the hospital. If the technology fails, the patients may be diagnosed with the wrong diseases and the hospital credibility will be questionable, and it may be followed by lawsuits.

The hospital should also use an RFI to gather more information about the blockchain technologies. First, it should get details of how safe this technology is with the money transfers and organization and patients’ information. The RFI should also explain whether the system will be complex to be used by all individual or whether it requires some training before using it. The hospital should request for information on an example of other organizations that have effectively used this technology. The RFI should also include challenges that may be encountered by the hospital if it concludes that it will implement the use of the blockchain technologies.

RFP Examination of the Specific Needs and Requirements 

A request for proposal (RFP) is a standard process used in business with the purpose of collecting written information about the capabilities of various suppliers for the sake of awarding contracts (Langer, 2016). An organization request for proposals from all vendors who are interested in supplying the specific product or service and the vendor who is rated highest on the basis of the information in the proposal is awarded the contract. Sometimes the RFP and RFI are combined together where the vendor will provide information about both his or her business or the company as well as the quality or characteristics of his or her products or services (Langer, 2016).

The hospital should request for proposals from vendors who would be interested in supplying the microchips for detecting malaria, and also from those who want to provide blockchain technologies. The proposals should include all information that ties the vendor to the product or service he or she is providing, and state how he or she is planning to work with the hospital if he or she is awarded the contract. Firstly, the vendor should give the background information about his or her company such as the primary contacts and the overview of the company. Secondly, the suppliers should provide information about the product history such as when it was developed, where else they have used it etc. This information will help the hospital to have more understanding about the product.

The proposal should also include references from organizations that have already used these technologies or from experts in their relative fields. The vendor should also include how the product meets functional and performance requirements, product technical requirements, security and reliability, and interoperability. The proposals are also supposed to explain the training, usability and supportability of these new technologies, their implementation plan, and all the documentation about the malaria microchips and blockchain technologies. The hospital should also request the vendors to provide their contract or service considerations if they win the contract. Lastly, when requesting for the proposals, the hospital should also request the vendors to provide a separate sealed document that contains the price proposal. This document will help the hospital board to choose the best vendor who will not be too costly.

Integration Solutions from the Chosen Vendor 

The hospital will collaborate with the selected vendor for the integration of the appropriate solution based on the most critical needs. The organization has developed a clear plan to integrate the information system, to ensure the proper usage of the new IT infrastructure. The organization will have an hour-hotline active for twenty-four hours a day; internal applications, virtual live assistance, as well as an information system control at all the stages of infrastructure integration. Most importantly, the system will be subjected to continuous upgrades to sustain its quality.

Moreover, the introduced IT infrastructures such as the microchips will be used for the diagnosis of malaria. Blockchain technologies, on the other hand, will be used for financial management, since they store critical financial information, and are impervious to data breaches and modifications ( Peterson, Deeduvanu, Kanjamala, & Boles, 2016). The blockchain is an encrypted device which makes it impossible for individuals to change or remove any recorded information. In addition, the new infrastructure will be employed for the proper storage of patient health information, as well as medical insurance claims. These advancements will transform financial and health care operations in the hospital.


The integration of new technologies in the medical sector has been extremely beneficial in terms of patient outcomes. Traditional methods of financial management, as well as diagnosis, have ceased to be used due to their ineffectiveness. Hospitals which are lacking in terms of these infrastructures fail to attain their medical objectives. Hydrogel microchips are useful in the accurate and timely detection of malaria, while blockchain technologies foster good financial management which enables organizations to maximize their profits and reduce loses, which is critical for funding critical IT infrastructure. The advancements promote the provision of cost-effective and holistic care to patients, one of the core goals of every medical institution.


Bismark, M. M., Walter, S. J., & Studdert, D. M. (2013). The role of boards in clinical governance: activities and attitudes among members of public health service boards in Victoria.  Australian Health Review 37 (5), 682-687. 

Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2013). The effect of training on employee performance.  European Journal of Business and Management 5 (4), 137-147. 

Langer, A. M. (2016). Establishing Requirements Using a Request for Proposal (RFP) and a Request for Information (RFI). In Guide to Software Development (pp. 49-70). Springer, London.

Peterson, K., Deeduvanu, R., Kanjamala, P., & Boles, K. (2016). A blockchain-based approach to health information exchange networks. In  Proc. NIST Workshop Blockchain Healthcare  (Vol. 1, pp. 1-10). 

Taylor, B. J., Howell, A., Martin, K. A., Manage, D. P., Gordy, W., Campbell, S. D., ... & Atrazhev, A. (2014). A lab-on-chip for malaria diagnosis and surveillance.  Malaria Journal 13 (1), 179. 

Van der Voet, J. (2014). The effectiveness and specificity of change management in a public organization: Transformational leadership and a bureaucratic organizational structure.  European Management Journal 32 (3), 373-382. 

Wogu, M. N., & Nduka, F. O. (2018). Evaluating Malaria Prevalence Using Clinical Diagnosis Compared with Microscopy and Rapid Diagnostic Tests in a Tertiary Healthcare Facility in Rivers State, Nigeria.  Journal of tropical medicine 2018

Zhang, P., Schmidt, D. C., White, J., & Lenz, G. (2018). Blockchain technology use cases in healthcare. In  Advances in Computers  (Vol. 111, pp. 1-41). Elsevier. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Create a Strategic IT Infrastructure for the Medical Sector.


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