24 Jan 2023


How to Create a Strategic Plan for Increasing Employee Output Efficiency at HCHHA

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Mission Statement 

The mission of the Hillsboro County Home Health Agency (HCHHA) is to serve the various individuals in the society while they are in their typical environments (Green et al., 2018). The outlook of HCHHA to the provision of service to the members of the society spans both the well and healthy people to those with illnesses and disabilities as well. Therefore, the mission statement of HCHHA is all-encompassing. In the mission statement of HCHHA, the facility also works extra to prevent diseases, prevent the exacerbation of maladies, and to mitigate the adverse effects of an unavoidable infection affecting the various members of the society (Green et al., 2018). The mission of HCHHA also covers the provision of adequate care to the sick and disabled members of the community that are non-institutionalized. The mission of the health agency, therefore, goes ahead to eliminate the lack of adequate healthcare made worse by the lack of money among the various people in the society (Green et al., 2018). Another important aspect of the mission statement at Hillsboro county home health agency is the provision of information to the various members of the society regarding infections and how to avoid them. The passage of information to the society targets both the healthy and the sick (Green et al., 2018). For the healthy, they are constantly reminded by HCHHA on how to ensure that they remain safe at a time when health hazards are increasingly being a menace in the United States of America. For the sick, the information helps them seek the necessary medical attention that may benefit them In the long run regarding combating their sickness and avoiding it more in the future (Green et al., 2018). HCHHA is, hence, a vital institution in the society, particularly in the United States of America, as it promotes health in general among the various members residing in the modern American society. 

Vision Statement 


The vision statement of HCHHA is "to serve the community by promoting a healthy lifestyle which includes preventative measures in order to have a healthier community as a whole" (Green et al., 2018). The vision of HCHHA can be facelifted four aspects that are relevant to the work of the organization in the society. The first aspect is the development of strategies that address the absence of a medical care hospice. For some time in its history, HCHHA has been reported to inconvenience patients who may need the hospice care in the society (Green et al., 2018). That has led to the negative publicity that the hospital has amassed in the recent past. The establishment of the office in Jasper three years ago and the change of its name from Middleboro Home Health Agency have both contributed to the establishment of a positive perception about the role of HCHHA in the American society (Green et al., 2018). The other aspect of the vision of HCHHA is the development of strategies that enhance the overall financial performance of the organization in the market. HCHHA has been involved in financial constraints in the past. Its nationalization is expected to increase its financial standing in the long term (Green et al., 2018). The other aspect of HCHHA's vision statement is the improvement of its operational performance. The operational performance of the organization is to be enhanced by the management of the company, which has been assuming various roles in HCHHA. The last aspect of the vision of the organization is the addressing of the various factors that threaten the market share of the HCHHA (Green et al., 2018). The above aspects are relevant to the provision of health to the American society currently and shortly as the rate of medical cases in the country increase. The enhancement of the vision statement of the organization will also place it on a competitive position in the market that will secure its market share (Green et al., 2018). The vision statement of the company will also act as a factor influencing proper management in the finances and operations of HCHHA. 

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Core Values 



The first core value supporting the vision statement at HCHHA is integrity (Soltani & Maupetit, 2015). Integrity as a virtue is upheld in the institution starting from the management to the employees of HCHHA. The honesty in their work ensures that the company provides accurate and detailed information to the community, for example regarding illness and how it can be controlled. The treatment of the workers with uprightness ensures that the management is an excellent example to the employees in their provision of medical services to the society (Soltani & Maupetit, 2015). Thus, integrity supports the vision statement of the organization. 


The management and the workers of HCHHA have to ensure that they treat the patients and the entire community with dignity in the process of ensuring that the healthcare services reach the members of the society on various levels (Grover, 2014). The employees are bound to treating one another with respect as they carry out the noble role of alleviating human suffering in society through the provision of medical care to the sick in the American society. HCHHA also honors the importance of the work-life balance of the employees (Grover, 2014). The workers are given enough time to bond with their families and friends by having short to medium length shifts for them at work. 


The management team at HCHHA headed by Martha Washington as the executive director encourages the employees to form groups with few members to increase their interaction among themselves while they work effectively at the organization (Warrick, 2016). The other value of teamwork at HCHHA is that it makes it easier for the organization to educate the community on the practice of healthy lifestyles and the prevention of the various diseases that continue to be a threat to the American populace (Warrick, 2016). Teamwork, thus, enables the employees to reach out to the community especially in the education of the community members. 

SWOT Analysis 



The first strength of HCHHA is the presence of two convenient locations. HCHHA currently operates from both Hillsboro and Jasper. The locations of HCHHA enable the organization to serve the community better by enhancing the accessibility of its services. The other strength of HCHHA is the robust management. Martha Washington, the executive director of the organization, who has divided the agency into three divisions; home care, private duty, and community health, has ensured that the organization is up to its task and both the vision and the mission statements are observed. 


One of the weaknesses of HCHHA is the overall nosedive of financial performance over the years. HCHHA has implemented some strategies to correct its financial decline, which have proven futile. The management has been tasked with the development of strategies that would alleviate the problem in the long term. The other weakness is the different perspectives that the members of the board of directors have regarding patient care in the society. The differences weaken the effectiveness of the management at HCHHA. 


One of the most significant opportunities that HCHHA has in the healthcare industry is the increasing interest of the insurance companies and the managed care organizations in America towards the home care services. HCHHA may derive mergers and financial aid from such organizations to ensure that its services are adequate. The need of the community for the Medicare-certified hospice is the other opportunity that HCHHA has in the society. 


The growth in of competition in the home care field in the United States of America is one of the threats facing HCHHA. The challenge has to be taken care of before reducing the market share of the organization significantly. The other threat facing HCHHA is the requirement for the home care division to obtain the necessary recertification of the physicians every sixty days for the sake of the Medicare patients due to the number of expenses involved in the process. 

Grand Strategies or Long-term Strategic Priorities 


Strategy 1: Expansion of the Scope of Services at HCHHA to Include Medicare-Certified Hospice 

HCHHA will intensify the resource allocation and expand the community health division to ensure that it provides Medicare-certified hospice to the members of the community. The expansion of the scope of services offered to the community by HCHHA will not only point to the increase in the facilities of the organization but also to the diversification of the various services that the institution offers to the public. The expansion of the services will enable HCHHA to meet the expectations that it has stipulated in its mission and vision statements. 

Goal 1 

To ensure the well-being of the members of the community who have previously been denied the Medicare-certified hospice by the local agents. 

Objective 1 

The expansion of the Medicare-certified services by HCHHA hopes to see an overall improvement in the health and well-being of the people that are enrolled in hospice care in the community. 

Objective 2 

The offering of at least 68.5 days on average in hospice care is expected to increase the life quality of the patients in the society. 

Goal 2 

The provision of the Medicare-certified hospice to the patients has the goal of increasing the efficiency of HCHHA and position the company correctly in the Middleboro's market that requires service. The nurses' efficiency will be increased by decreasing the time they use to travel to attend to the patients. 

Objective 1 

To decrease the time a nurse spends on the provision of continuing care visit to the patients. Usually, a nurse may take an average of 1.1 hours per visit made. The decrease of the time will increase the efficiency of the practitioners in that they will be able to attend to many patients within a short time. 

Objective 2 

To enhance the current average travel time; which is twenty minutes, and increase the length of time that each nurse in HCHHA is expected to spend on direct patient care. 

Strategy 2: Formation of an Alliance with the Middleboro Community Hospital 

HCHHA targets to serve the community better. Thus, the strategic alliance with the Middleboro Community Hospital will enable HCHHA to reach the patients that are in dire need of continuum care provided by the medical practitioners on different levels in the society. The alliance will provide HCHHA with more financial resources that will increase its market share and reduce competition by providing the organization with a competitive advantage. 

Goal 1 

To provide constant outpatient care to the various patients who are at HCHHA facilities in Hillsboro and Jasper. That will reduce readmission to the Middleboro Community Hospital. 

Objective 1 

The first objective is to reduce the readmission rates to the hospital by 25% within the next year. The reduction of the readmission rates will target the connection of the patients with the resources provided by HCHHA as soon as they are discharged from the Middleboro Community Hospital. 

Objective 2 

The other objective is to enhance the discharge planning for care and improve the transitory process between Middleboro Community Hospital and the community health division of the HCHHA. That will be made possible by the coaching of the staff at the various departments in the hospital. The coaching will entail the process of making the discharge instructions more transparent for the hospital staff. 

Goal 2 

To establish an incessant excellence network between HCHHA and Middleboro Community Hospital by enhancing their relationship more and more. 

Objective 1 

The first objective is to establish an alliance between the physicians working at Middleboro Community Hospital and the providers working at HCHHA to contribute to the exchange of information and knowledge. The exchange will ensure that the patients taken care of by HCHHA receive patient care of the best quality, which is affordable for them. 

Objective 2 

To hold yearly meetings with the board of directors from both HCHHA and Middleboro Community Hospital to determine the link between the two medical institutions. The meetings with the board of directors will also lead to the various improvements that ensure the alliance is effective. 

Strategy 3: Identification of the Areas that can be modified to Increase Efficiency and Decrease Expenses 

The organization can make use of its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to manage its human resources and technological advancement to reduce the expenses required to run the hospital. The staffing, for example, can be re-evaluated to identify the shortages that can be dealt with by increasing the number of workers and reorganizing their roles to ensure that every staff member is involved. 

Goal 1 

The first goal targets to increase the output efficiency of the employees. The increase in the output of the employees is expected to lead to the increase in the employees attended to at the organization and the reduction of the time taken to address their needs. 

Objective 1 

The first objective is to maximize the attention given to the patients. The use of the ERP to ensure that human resources at HCHHA are properly utilized will ensure that there is the right number of workers to take care of the increasing number of patients requiring home healthcare. 

Objective 2 

The increase in the efficiency of the employees at HCHHA is expected to reduce the time taken by the medical practitioners in getting their tasks done such as in the care for the various patients brought to the medical institution. 

Goal 2 

The other goal is to decrease the various operating expenses incurred at HCHHA in the care for the various patients that seek the organization's services in the community. 

Objective 1 

The first objective tied to the goal is to target the patients that have various financial capabilities in the community. By decreasing expenses, HCHHA will ensure that the patients under economic constraints ae able to afford its services just as those in the middle class or the wealthy. 

Objective 2 

The other objective enhancing the goal is to increase the demand for the patients who require the Medicare-certified hospice services in the society. The reduction of the expenses is a strategy targeting the members of the society in the process of marketing the services that HCHHA provides them. 

Strategy 4: Establishment of a System of Education to Increase the Quality of Operations 

The education of the various social classes of people in the society provides the various members of the society with the information regarding the real health needs and problems that the majority of the citizens in the United States of America may not have. HCHHA will provide the education in its particular care system in the organization's home health department. 

Goal 1 

The first goal of the provision of the true system of care to provide education to the various members of the society is the improvement in the quality of operations and solves the various operational pitfalls that HCHHA has been involved in on several occasions in its history. 

Objective 1 

The first objective tied to the goal is the increase in the patient-centered care, which has proven to have many benefits in the modern healthcare, including the reduction of the expenses at the medicare institutions and the increase in the responsibility of patients towards their hospital care. 

Objective 2 

The other objective is the solution of the various operational problems that HCHHA has encountered in its outreach. The education of the society regarding health tends to take much time, mainly when the members of the society are unaware of the various hazards that surround them and continue to affect their health and wellbeing, for instance adversely. 

Goal 2 

The other goal is to create a community-based home care division at HCHHA that offers resources and the workforce to the local society. That will improve the operations of HCHHA by ensuring that they have created links with the members of the community. That will reduce resistance among community members when it comes to educating them on their health. 

Objective 1 

The first objective of the goal state above is to provide a competitive advantage for HCHHA over the other home health agencies in the United States of America. The reduction of the various operational challenges by educating the members of the society regarding their health will lead to the reduction of healthcare costs, which will increase the number of customers seeking the services of HCHHA. That will increase the revenue of the company. 

Objective 2 

The other objective tied to the goal is the increased access to culturally competent, quality care and long-term services that support the local patients. The value of health education to society is inseparable from the vision of HCHHA in the future of a healthy American society. Thus, the provision of education will appeal to the patients' culture and provide them with quality educational care to prepare them for patient-centered treatment plans. 

Operational and Tactical Plan 


Currently, there is no medicare-certified hospice at HCHHA. The organization, however, plans to provide such services to eliminate the negative perception that the members of the society have against it (Mor & Teno, 2016). The short-term plan to target the position of the hospice will be to lower the costs of home health care to increase the number of customers seeking hospice care at HCHHA (Mor & Teno, 2016). 

HCHHA exists as a single organization. The merger or alliance with the Middleboro Community Hospital will provide the hospital with the various opportunities that lead to the growth of the financial resources as well as its competitiveness (Pinheiro et al., 2017). HCHHA can use the tactic of taking care of more patients that are discharged from Middleboro Community Hospital as part of the short-term plan towards the alliance. 

Financial constraints have hit HCHHA on various occasions. The short-term plan to achieve temporary financial stability in the organization, according to Pinheiro et al. (2017), is to employ a professional accountant or hire an auditing company to perform financial analysis and advise HCHHA on the practices that the company can integrate to free it from financial constraints. 

The provision of education to the community regarding the health of the members is a long-term strategy that will improve the operations of HCHHA. To ensure that the organization achieves that, it can conduct the education of the healthcare personnel to equip the staff with the required that will be relevant to the needs of the community. HCHHA can also use the tactic of having members of the society interact with the organization such as by working with them on educating the other members of the society. Incentives to the educators will be relevant at that point. 

Key Performance and Evaluation Indicators 


Monitoring the implementation of the strategies at HCHHA will be important. Various parameters will be used to determine the performance and enhance the evaluation at the organization. The following are the key performance indicators that will be taken into consideration. 

Readmission Rates 

One of the goals of HCHHA is to reduce the number of patients that are readmitted to Middleboro Community Hospital by enhancing its home healthcare system (Sinelnikov, Inouye & Kerper, 2015). With the realization of the goal, it is expected that the organization will have a reduced readmission rate within three months. 

Operating Margin 

HCHHA has been in a financial crisis in its history. It is, therefore, necessary that the hospital track its expenditure versus its income (Sinelnikov, Inouye & Kerper, 2015). With the implementation of the financial management goal that the organization has, it is expected that the income of the hospital will rise and the expenses will lower as more patients seek the Medicare-certified hospice care that the hospital provides. 

Patient Satisfaction 

The education of the patients will be an essential aspect targeting the patients' satisfaction, which will boost the operations management of the organization (Sinelnikov, Inouye, & Kerper, 2015). The continuous education provided to the patients will positivize the perception that the community members have towards HCHHA. It will be evaluated by requesting patients to fill in questionnaires to collect their feedback on the quality of healthcare that the organization provides. 

Patient-Staff Ratio 

The selective hiring of the employees at HCHHA will ensure that the organization hires the number of employees that match the needs of the institution (Sinelnikov, Inouye & Kerper, 2015). The implementation of such a goal by HCHHA will have the company reducing expenses in operations. 

Change Management Plan 


The Size of Change and its Impact on the Community and the Organization 

A strategic change in the operational and financial approaches of HCHHA will lead to implications on both the community and the organization as well. HCHHA requires both short-term and long-term changes in its operations to reduce the challenges in both its operations and finances. The first impact of the change on the organization will be the increase in the financial stability that emanates from the increase in the income of the organization and the reduction of the expenses that cover healthcare services (Hayes, 2018). The other effect of the change in the organization is the increase in the efficiency of the workers. The change will ensure that the employees of HCHHA are trained to provide better services to the community. The major disadvantage of change in the organization will be the loss of jobs for the employees whose positions may be regarded as redundant after the change (Hayes, 2018). On the part of the community, the most significant impact of the change will be the bringing of services closer to the people. Besides, the community members will have an opportunity to be educated on their health and wellbeing by the employees of the organization (Hayes, 2018). On the negative impacts, the change in HCHHA may have the patients having a hard time to cope with the changes made to the point of them being dissatisfied by the organization's services. 

The Organization's Readiness for Change 

The determination of whether HCHHA is ready for change is one of the critical aspects of the change management process in the organization. Some ways can be used to analyze the readiness for change at HCHHA. The first one is the change awareness (Musselwhite & Plouffe, 2010). Change awareness is the ability of an organization to redefine itself as necessary. Innovation depends on the awareness of change. The awareness of change at HCHHA is substandard since the management has struggled with financial problems unable the fix them for good. The other aspect of readiness for change is the change agility (Musselwhite & Plouffe, 2010. The agility for change represents the ability of the given organization to engage the stakeholders in the changes that are not complete. At the moment, HCHHA has shifted its resources to provide its clientele with affordable Medicare-certified hospice care, which will attract more customers and investors from the various parts of the United States of America. That means that HCHHA is ready for the change in its agility. The other aspect of change is the reaction to change (Musselwhite & Plouffe, 2010. Employees at the company have sparked varying levels of resistance to the change at HCHHA. The management has spotted various situations that indicated resistance such as the slow-paced service provision to the patients and the other members of the society. 

Change Management Strategy 

The change management strategy that will feature both the short-term and the long-term strategies at HCHHA will be the adoption of information technology (Norman & Verganti, 2014). The advancement of technology in healthcare has enabled the modern healthcare institutions to advance their operations while favoring their financial capability. To enhance the alliance between HCHHA and Middleboro Community Hospital, the use of information technology is necessary for the management of the data that is stored by both healthcare institutions (Norman & Verganti, 2014). The management of the enterprise resource planning system to optimize the human resources is also dependent on the use of information technology to ensure that HCHHA saves more money off the patient care to provide additional patients with healthcare. The provision of the Medicare-certified hospice will be mostly dependent on the use of information technology particularly in the sustainability of the project and the communication to the various stakeholders in the project (Norman & Verganti, 2014). The major disadvantage of the change management strategy involving information technology is that HCHHA may use much money for the project, which may exacerbate the financial crisis. The organization can solve such a problem by ensuring that the costs involved in the implementation of the information technology system ensure that cost-effective facilities are used. 

Team Structure and Responsibilities 

Martha Washington, as the executive director of HCHHA, heads the team. Ms. Washington has the role of having the overall control of the team's activities as HCHHA implements change in its strategy. Ms. Washington is also concerned with the installation of electronic medical records and the management of finances. 

Under the executive director are the heads of community health, home care, and the private duty divisions. Ruth Martin heads the community health division. Ruth is responsible for the enhancement of the various roles in HCHHA that pertain to the provision of community health. 

Catherine Newfields head the home care division. Catherine is responsible for the promotion of health and the prevention of diseases among the various members of society. Catherine coordinates the administration of medicine to the patients that require them in the various parts of the country. 

Michael Carlstead heads the private duty division. Michael is responsible for the private duty services such as blood pressure and the medical assistance to the various members of the society. He also coordinates the companion and homemaking services, which contribute to the personal care of patients. 

Steve Callahan acts as a controller of the team. The primary duty of the controller in the team is to coordinate the various control functions within the group. Steve ensures that the community health, private duty, and the home care divisions are updated with the recent trends in home health care. 

The other part of the team is the quality improvement and utilization review manager, which is headed by Judy Herman. To achieve its vision, HCHHA has tasked Judy with the role of ensuring the efficiency of the employees in the various aspects including home care, private duty, and community health. 

Sponsor Roles and Responsibilities 

The first role of the team sponsor is to negotiate to fund for the project while at the same time being the senior management's spokesperson (Too & Weaver, 2014). The funding of the team enhances the various activities that HCHHA will undertake in its community health, home care, and private duties. The other role of the sponsor is to identify the various vital factors of success and the approval of the deliveries (Too & Weaver, 2014). The critical factors of success in the given change management by HCHHA concern the financial and the operational fields. The other responsibility of the sponsor is to review the various changes to the environment of the project (Too & Weaver, 2014). The components of the project environment include various schedules, tasks, and priorities. The project sponsor also takes part in the initial planning of the project, which includes the development of the scope and the chart of the project. The sponsor of the project also provides the direction to the team members regarding project empowerment, project initiatives, and the business strategies that are critical for the development of the business. Lastly, the project sponsor carries out the consensual agreements among the business stakeholders in the case of misunderstandings arising (Too & Weaver, 2014). The sponsor, therefore, holds the role of ensuring that the stakeholders are in peace with one another. 

Planning and Implementation 

The management and the employees of HCHHA will be involved in the planning and implementation of the information technology strategy in addition to both the long-term and short-term plans that the organization has in its strategic plan. The primary goal of the planning procedure in the strategic plan will be to ensure that an error-free system is used for the organization in its readiness for the pursuit of its vision and mission statements (Wolf & Floyd, 2017). Planning will be made more convenient by the use of the various systems of technology. For instance, the enterprise resource planning will manage the human resources while the electronic health records will plan for the documentation of the patients seeking services at HCHHA (Wolf & Floyd, 2017). The implementation of the strategies at HCHHA will be the task of the organization's management. The primary goal of the implementation of the plans is to bring the services closer to the people in the various areas of the United States of America. The major challenge anticipated in the planning and implementation phase will be the lack of support of the employees (Wolf & Floyd, 2017). The setback will be counteracted by educating the employees on the importance of planning and implementation and how they can support HCHHA before the actual planning. 

Communications Plan 

HCHHA has to be in constant and uninterrupted communication with its stakeholders regarding the strategic changes that are to take place (Sinuff et al., 2015). One of the goals of the communications plan at HCHHA is the provision of an enabling environment for the organization to reach the various consumers who require medical attention from the society (Sinuff et al., 2015). The other goal is to educate the community regarding the various parameters of their health such as diseases and their prevention, and the various implications, whether positive or negative, that the various maladies have for the members of the society. The communications plan will assume both digital and analog modes of keeping in touch with the stakeholders (Sinuff et al., 2015). The diversity in the communication media will ensure that HCHHA relates well to the target market in the city of Middleboro and the United States of America as a country. The major problem that is anticipated in the communications plan of HCHHA is the lack of adequate funds to facilitate the process of communicating with the stakeholders (Sinuff et al., 2015). The problem will be solved by the reorganization of the investment model used by HCHHA to raise more money for the communications projects as well as through the external financial help that will provide more resources for the institution. 

Change Management Resistance Plan 

The employees of HCHHA are expected to spark varying magnitudes of resistance to the strategy that the company has for its future. Some of the factors fueling the resistance to change are the fear of losing employment and the difficulty in coming in terms with the need to change from the old system to the new system involving the use of information technology Matos (Marques Simoes & Esposito, 2014). One of the ways of managing resistance that HCHHA will be making use of is making the workers be in charge if the change that is expected to take place at the organization (Hornstein, 2015). Being in charge of the change that is expected to will ensure that the employees own the change and increasingly accept it. The other way is to educate the workers on the need for change and the advantages that the change will bring to them as individuals (Hornstein, 2015). Mostly, if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, the employees are likely to accept change. 

Training Plan 

The primary goal of the employee training at HCHHA will be the increase in the knowledge of the employees in dealing with the patients and the other members of the society surrounding HCHHA (Tracey et al., 2015). The employee training plan at HCHHA will also target capturing the educational needs of the employees of the institution and equip them with the tools that will be useful in their interactions with the community. The training plan at HCHHA will consist of various aspects. The first one will be the choice of the right employee training software (Tracey et al., 2015). The embrace of technology will make it easy for the organization to implement the training of the staff. Increasingly, HCHHA will ensure that the employees have the knowledge on the selected software and use it to their advantage at work. The other aspect is timeliness (Tracey et al., 2015). Timely training will be necessary for HCHHA following the goals and objectives in support of both the vision and the mission statements. The last aspect of the training plan is that it will have to personalize and engage the employees as they gain useful education on how to handle community health (Tracey et al., 2015). The major challenge expected in the training plan is the presence of resistance among the employees particularly in the implementation of change as per what they learn. 

Incentives and Celebration of Successes 

Incentives will be used to motivate the employees and the management upon the successful implementation of the strategic change plan. The goals of incentivizing will be as follows. Firstly, the use of incentives is expected to improve the motivation of the employees as they work on their various job positions to the common good of HCHHA (Parke et al., 2018). The motivational strategy to be used will be strategically targeted to increase the output of the employees at large. Secondly, the use of incentives is expected to empower the workers to reach the stipulated goals in the organization (Parke et al., 2018). Some of the incentives that will be used are free vacations, complete family care such as in the involvement in outdoor sporting facilities to improve their physical wellbeing. The other incentives will be the promotions at the workplace, having an employee appreciation week, and the various gifting procedures in the workplace. The best employees in every field and those that have shown remarkable improvement from their last performance will be among the criteria for the provision of incentives at HCHHA. 

Timeline/Schedule for Activities 

The timeline for the change management strategy at HCHHA will follow the strategic action cycle where the change will begin at the planning phase. The phase will involve the planning of the resources that will be used such as the money required for the project and the number of workers who will be involved. The next stage in the strategic action cycle will be the budgeting. This phase of action will comprise of the financial planning and allocations of the financial resources that will enhance the cycle. The third phase is the implementation. After the planning and budgeting, the management at HCHHA will have come up with a solid plan such as the implementation of information technology to promote the other strategies put in place. The last phase is the controlling and monitoring where the key performance indicators will be used and measured at different times. 

Budget for Change Management 

The following is the breakdown of the budget for change management at HCHHA. 

Budget for Change Management at Hillsboro County Home Health Agency 
Activity Money allocated 
Planning $ 200,000 
Implementation $ 1,200,000 
Monitoring and controlling $ 500,000 
TOTAL $ 1,900,000 



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The following is the management hierarchy at HCHHA 

The following is the strategic action cycle at HCHHA. 

The following is the monitoring tool (Gantt chart) for the change management at HCHHA. 

Task name Start date End date Duration Responsibility 
Review of mission and vision statements January 5 2019 January 19 2019 14 days Company management 
Environmental analysis February 5 2019 April 5 2019 2 months Employees 
Meeting with the board April 6 2019 April 10 2019 4 days Team members 
Meeting with the employees to discuss the long term and short term strategies April 11 2019 April 25 2019 14 days Team members 
Coming up with a strategic plan to enhance the long term and short term strategies May 5 2019 June 5 2019 1 month Team members 
Creation of a standardized treatment plan to incorporate more patients to patient care May 22 2019 June 22 2019 1 month Company management 
Gaining board approval June 6 2019 June 7 2019 1 day Team members 
Training of employees July 1 2019 October 1 2019 3 months Human resource department 
Marketing of HCHHA services October 5 2019 November 5 2019 1 month Marketing agencies in conjunction with the team members 
Provision of medicare-certified hospice to patients January 2020 HCHHA 
Monitoring of employees December 5 2019 

Team members 


External institutions 

Evaluation January 15 2020 January 20 2020 5 days Management 

The following is the outline of the long-term strategic priories at HCHHA. 

Strategy 1: Expansion of the Scope of Services at HCHHA to Include Medicare-Certified Hospice 

Goal 1 

Goal 2 

To improve the well-being of the people in the community who have previously been denied the medicare-certified hospice by the local agents. To increase the efficiency of HCHHA and position the company correctly in the Middleboro’s market that requires service. 
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 1 Objective 2 
The expansion of the medicare-certified services by HCHHA hopes to see an overall improvement in the health and well-being of the people that are enrolled in hospice care in the community. The offering of at least 68.5 days on average in hospice care is expected to increase the quality of life of the patients in the society. To decrease the time a nurse spends on the provision of continuing care visit to the patients. To enhance the current average travel time and increase the length of time that each nurse is expected to spend on direct patient care. 
Strategy 2: Formation of an Alliance with the Middleboro Community Hospital 

Goal 1 

Goal 2 
To provide an uninterrupted outpatient care to the various patients who are at HCHHA facilities in Hillsboro and jasper. To establish an incessant excellence network between HCHHA and Middleboro Community Hospital by enhancing their relationship more and more. 
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 1 Objective 2 
To reduce the readmission rates to the hospital by 25% within the next one year. To enhance the discharge planning for care and improve the transitory process between Middleboro Community Hospital and the community health division of the HCHHA. To establish an alliance between the physicians who work at Middleboro Community Hospital and the providers working at HCHHA to exchange information and knowledge. To hold yearly meetings with the board of directors from both HCHHA and Middleboro Community Hospital to determine the link between the two medical institutions. 
Strategy 3: Identification of the Areas that can be modified to Increase Efficiency and Decrease Expenses 

Goal 1 

Goal 2 

To increase the output efficiency of the employees. To decrease the various operational expenses incurred at HCHHA in the care for the patients. 
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 1 Objective 2 
To maximize on the attention given to the patients. To reduce the time taken by the medical practitioners in getting their tasks done such as in the care for the various patients brought to the medical institution. To target the patients having various financial capabilities in the community. To increase the demand for the patients who require the medicare-certified hospice services in the society. 
Strategy 4: Establishment of a System of Education to Increase the Quality of Operations    

Goal 1 

Goal 2 

To improve the quality of operations and solve operational pitfalls in HCHHA. To create a community based home care division at HCHHA that offers resources and the work force to the local society. 
Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 1 Objective 2 
To enhance patient-centered care. To solve operational problems that HCHHA has encountered in its outreach. To provide a competitive advantage for HCHHA over the other home health agencies in the United States of America. To increase access to culturally competent, quality care and long-term services that supports the local patients. 
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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Create a Strategic Plan for Increasing Employee Output Efficiency at HCHHA.


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