Flowcharts are a diagrammatical representation of processes and workflows. Flowcharts when effectively utilized, they are important in designing, analyzing, managing and documenting the process in various fields (Conte & De Boor, 2017). Flowcharts are an important tool in developing process and can be used by professionals to achieve different ends.
Flowcharts have various aspects that help in enhancing their meaning and usefulness. One of the aspects of a flowchart is the participants. According to Katz, Lazarsfeld and Roper (2017), participants in a flowchart refer to the individuals or items involved in the flow of a process. For example, determining whether it is a printer, a system, a role or an individual is involved in the process. Additionally, a flowchart incorporates activities that embedded in the process. The order in a flowchart is another important aspect indicating what takes place pre and post the activity. In the undertaking of activities, some inputs determine the kind of data or material that revolves around the workflow yielding an output which is another integral aspect of a flowchart.
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Professionals can use flowcharts to understand the flow of work and activities in a process. Flowcharts create an understanding of various activities indicating the inputs required and expected outputs. Flowcharts indicate the steps in a process from inception to the end thereby maximizing efficiencies (Conte & De Boor, 2017).
The symbols in flowcharts have an immeasurable impact as they show the start and end points of the processes and activities. Arrows used in flow diagrams help professionals to determine the connectors between activities as well as showing the relationship between them helping in decision making.
Streamlining process in flowcharts is integral in maintaining business efficiency (Ricciardi & Harfouche, 2016). Most importantly flowcharts assist in showing the various executors of different activities thus making responsibilities to be effectively implemented. Without a clear flow of activities, processes may not realize their intended outputs.
Conte, S. D., & De Boor, C. (2017). Elementary numerical analysis: an algorithmic approach (Vol. 78). SIAM.
Katz, E., Lazarsfeld, P. F., & Roper, E. (2017). Personal influence: The part played by people in the flow of mass communications . Routledge.
Ricciardi, F., & Harfouche, A., (2016). Information and communication technologies in organizations and society: Past, present and future issues . Cham: Springer.