30 Nov 2022


How to create Samsung's brand identity

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 297

Pages: 1

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Much has been said about how important it is to maintain a good brand. But what is a brand? A brand stands to be how a company is viewed or held by its customers or notably, the world (Isoraite, 2018). As Samsung aims to be a leader in its field, I will use some of the company’s past achievements to shape the brand. This is because it is through such achievements that the company is known in the market. Notably, I also aim at depicting the organizational culture of the brand. This is vital because the brand should not only be used to appeal to the outside market but also to those inside the company (Isoraite, 2018). As the executive, you have to relate to Samsung’s brand identity in the same way that you expect an outsider too.

To better understand the concept of branding Samsung, it is necessary to look at Apple Inc., the competitor who has had continued success. Apple’s brand maintains a connection with its customers and does not focus on the technology used alone (Apple Inc., n.d). This has gone a long way towards helping the Apple brand to be one of the most marketable companies in the world as iPhone and Mac customers feel that the company is trying to be intimate with them. Therefore, I would advise that Samsung takes the position of a concerned partner in its brand. For instance, if many customers are seeking for efficiency and speed rather than a spacious ROM, it is better to use this want and craft it in such a way that the company will appear to be satisfying the frustration emotionally. This would help to create a brand equity where the customer will not only get the essence of the devices but also mainly what the company stands for. In conclusion, creating a brand identity for Samsung is a flawless but daunting task which the executive should embark on.

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Apple Inc. (n.d). Accessibility. Retrieved from www.apple.com/accessibility 

Isoraite, M. (2018). Brand image development. Ecoforum, 7(1), pp. 14-19.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). How to create Samsung's brand identity.


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