12 Jul 2022


How to Evaluate the Quality of Medical Websites

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 1968

Pages: 3

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Student Name: 

Governmental Website 

Organizational Website 

Popular Website 

Site Name  The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Health Acquired Infections Organization (HAIO) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Web Address  https://www.hhs.gov http://healthcareassociatedinfectionsfoundation.com  https://www.cdc.gov
Type of Web Site (Advocacy, Business, Informational, News, Entertainment, Academia) Identify each web site type Informational Informational Informational
Review Criteria:       


Summary of “About Us” if available delineating:

Purpose-why page put on the web (Provide purpose and citations)  To provide American citizens with information about their health, health insurance options, poverty guidelines, mental health data, prevention and wellness information, and information on healthcare providers which provide options to compare and choose the best ( Burwell, 2015) . To provide information on how to prevent healthcare-associated infections by giving the relevant evidence-based data, comparison with community-associated infections, and the preventive strategies that health facilities can implement ( Lo et al., 2014) . To increase the health security of the United States by providing citizens and medical practitioners with all the necessary information to help fight diseases.

Mission statement 

(If not included create a mission and state that you created one)

“To enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans.” ( Burwell, 2015) . The organization strives to provide effective health and human services by fostering advances in medicine, social services, and public health. “To minimize or eradicate the spread of Healthcare Associated Infections through the use of architecture, design, and construction, including their impact on operations and maintenance. “To protect American health, safety, and security threats, both foreign and local.” The organization fights disease and supports citizens for both local and foreign diseases, chronic or acute, human error or deliberate attack, preventable or curable.


(list with citation)

To enable all aging American citizens easy access to life insurance plans.

Protect public health by playing a key role in the eradication of nosocomial infections

Ensuring all hospitals achieve the vision of Healthy People 2020 by providing health facilities with master plans on how to achieve them ( Burwell, 2015) .

To provide informed recommendations to HAIO on the state of hospitals in America concerning nosocomial infections.

Recognition of all typed of infections especially preventable infections such as hospital-acquired diseases and designing ways to prevent the infections ( Lo et al., 2014) .

Also, faster collection and dissemination of reliable information on any emerging disease condition.

Affiliations (Provide examples and citations) 

National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).

World Health Organization (WHO). While they were working

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Provides the regulatory information and approval for their practices.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Working together to achieve the vision of Healthy People 2020.

World Health Organization (WHO). The organization ensures their data is aligned with WHO guidelines ( Lo et al., 2014) .

American Institute of Architects (AIA). An institution that provides them with licensing.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Provides the regulatory information and approval for their practices.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Joined to achieve the vision of Healthy People 2020.

Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) ( Lo et al., 2014) . Is working together with CDC in eradicating territorial epidemiologic conditions.

1. Is the information peer reviewed? (Provide examples and citations)  Information is peer-reviewed. All the journals of HHS are published in peer-reviewed journals after being evaluated by medical and research experts and tested for quality assurance ( Burwell, 2015) . Information is peer-reviewed. Their journals are published via WHO or AIA which only approves peer-reviewed journals. Information is peer-reviewed. All their journals, for example, CDC – Preventing Chronic Disease is a peer-reviewed electronic journal. All the data at CDC has passed scientific quality assurance through research and survey studies ( Lo et al., 2014) .

2. Is the information based on sound medical research? (Provide examples and citations) 

3. Can the information on the web page be verified by another source? (Provide examples and citations) 

This is a medical organization; therefore, information is based on sound medical research.

It is an informational web page that provides factual information that is clearly listed for verification. For example, the annual reports published on the website can be visually inspected by anyone to identify issues ( Burwell, 2015) . The site is easily accessible.

The information is based on sound medical research covering scientific-based data on symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, and research on nosocomial infections.

It is an informational web page that provides factual information that is clearly listed for verification by any other interested agency ( Burwell, 2015) . For example, the article on the impact of Health Associated Infections is clearly listed with subsections talking about specific issues.

CDC is a health organization assisting nations in developing well-functioning health information systems. To accomplish this, its information is based on sound medical research to come up with quality health data ( Lo et al., 2014) .

It is an informational web page that provides factual information that is clearly listed for verification. For example, in line with their goal of assisting other nations, all the information posted on their website is easily accessible and verified.

Are the sources reliable? (Provide examples and citations)  The information provided is peer-reviewed and verified by recognized health organizations such as WHO. All the sources provided are peer-reviewed and therefore they are reliable. All the sources provided are peer-reviewed and therefore they are reliable. For example, Trautner, B. W. (2010). Management of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). Current opinion in infectious diseases , 23 (1), 76. 
Are there any grammatical and spelling errors?  The information provided is free of grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors. It is an indication of quality control and accuracy of information. The information provided is free of grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors. The information provided is free of grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors ( Lo et al., 2014) . It is an indication of quality control and accuracy of information.

1. Are there footnotes, bibliographies, or references so that you can verify the information? (Provide examples and citations) 

2. Are these reliable? (Provide examples and citations) 

3. Are there links to other sources? (Provide examples and citations) 

All the articles that are written and posted on the website have scholarly sources to verify the information provided. For example, in the article on preventive measures to reduce health-associated infections, one of the references provided is Yokoe, D. S., Anderson, D. J., Berenholtz, S. M., Calfee, D. P., Dubberke, E. R., Ellingson, K. D., & Lo, E. (2014). A compendium of strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 updates. American journal of infection control , 42 (8), 820-828. It has a link and the source is reliable because is peer-reviewed.  Most articles in the electronic journals available on the website have bibliographies with annotated information with links to other related articles. For example, Cimiotti , J. P., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., & Wu, E. S. (2012). Nurse staffing, burnout, and healthcare-associated infection. American journal of infection control , 40 (6), 486-490.  All the articles that are written and posted on the website have scholarly sources to verify the information provided with links to other related articles. For example, Chenoweth, C. E., Gould, C. V., & Saint, S. (2014). Diagnosis, management, and prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Infectious Disease Clinics , 28 (1), 105-119. 
Is the information showing just one point of view? (Provide examples and citations)  The information provided on the website shows multiple points of view. For example, the digital strategy report on catheter-associated infections, provides the risk factors, impact, and preventive strategies to curb the condition. The information provided on the website shows multiple points of view. For example, the article on the impact of nosocomial infections, it indicates the risk factors, epidemiology, and management ( Lo et al., 2014) . Some of the information provided shows just one point of view while others show multiple points of view.

1. What kind of institution sponsored the webpage? (Provide examples and citations) 

2. A pharmaceutical company? (Provide examples and citations) 

3. A non-profit organization? (Provide examples and citations) 

HHS is sponsored by the government. Especially the federal government because it is a governmental organization. HAIO is non-profit organization sponsored by international health organizations like WHO and donations from well-wishers. CDC is sponsored locally by the United States government and by foreign agencies like WHO ( Brach et al., 2012) .
Is advertising clearly marked? (Provide examples and citations)  Advertising is not clearly marked on the website because all the articles and information provided is geared towards the betterment of public health and is non-profit ( Johnson et al., 2014) . Information provided on the website is non-profit hence no incident of advertising. Advertising is not clearly marked on the website because CDC is a non-profit organization aimed at assisting other nations ( Johnson et al., 2014) .
Can you tell if the information you are reading is an advertisement? (Provide examples and citations)  The information is not an advertisement because there is no product or service that has been promoted over the other. The information is not an advertisement because there is no product or service that has been promoted over the other The information is not an advertisement because there is no product or service that has been promoted over the other.
Do the graphics, fonts and verbiage play to emotions? (Provide examples and citations)  The website is well designed with graphics that are attractive. The webpage has verbiage and graphics that play to emotions. For example, the images and voice that takes you through the sections of the home page ( Brach et al., 2012) . The fonts and graphics on the web page are well designed to appeal to the emotions of the reader ( Johnson et al., 2014) .
Is the author using data improperly to promote a position or product? (Provide examples and citations)  The author is not using data improperly to promote a position or product. The terms and conditions of using this web page demand that the information should not be biased or show any tendencies of promoting a product. The author is not using data improperly to promote a position or product.
Currency / Timeliness       
Is there a date on the page? (Provide examples and citations)  There are dates on the webpage showing the date each article was last reviewed and updated. There are some articles without dates ( Brach et al., 2012) . For example, the article comparing hospital and community-acquired infections. There are dates on the webpage showing the date each article was last reviewed and updated ( Brach et al., 2012) .
When was the page last updated? (Provide examples and citations)  The page was last updated on September 14, 2017. The page is updated on weekly basis and it was last updated on 23 rd March 2018. The page was last updated on November 27, 2017.
Do the links work? (Provide examples and citations)  All the links provided work and redirect to the document cited. All the links provided work and redirect to the document cited All the links provided work and redirect to the document cited
Has there been more recent research on the subject? (Provide examples and citations)  There is recent research on the topic. For example, the article on a survey in Michigan Hospitals to determine the burden of catheter-associated urinary tract infections that was uploaded on February 2, 2018. There are no articles indicating recent research on the subject. There is an ongoing research on to improve the 2009-2010 progress towards implementation of a public health action plan to combat bacterial infections ( Johnson et al., 2014) .
Is the information complete? (Provide examples and citations)  The webpage is complete and no sign of construction. The webpage was completed and certified in 2013. The webpage is complete and all the information uploaded is usually approved by a team of experts to check if it is complete before it is uploaded.
Are there sources given for additional information? (Provide examples and citations)  The sources provided for additional information is via links that redirect to the articles for further reading ( Brach et al., 2012) . For example, the article on reducing CAUTI in Mississippi Hospital among elderly patients, there is a link redirecting to the Presidential Advisory Council meeting that discussed how to combat resistant strains of bacteria acquired in the hospital. There are sources provided for additional information. It is a requirement to upload articles with links for further reading. Each article uploaded on the CDC webpage is an in-depth analysis of a medical issue and therefore has links for further reading because all the information cannot be provided in the article ( Brach et al., 2012) . For example, the 2015 National and State Healthcare-Associated Infections Data Report is a large document with links redirecting to specific documents where one can get data for every state in the U.S.
Is the site appropriate for use by medical professionals? Support answer with health literacy citation. (Provide examples and citations)  The site is appropriate for use by medical professionals. There are sections that prompt someone to state whether is a medical professional, general consumer, or a student before proceeding. It ensures the information accessed is appropriate for the user ( Zhang, Terry & McHorney, 2014) . The site is appropriate for use by medical professionals. This is because all the articles in the website address medical issues. The site is appropriate for use by medical professionals. All the articles in CDC website are written by medical professionals and therefore, it is expected that they will understand ( Zhang, Terry & McHorney, 2014) .
Is the site appropriate for use by the general consumer? Support answer with health literacy citation. (Provide examples and citations)  The site is appropriate for use by the general consumer. It is provided in different languages and sections appropriate to all users are written in simple words that everyone can understand ( Zhang, Terry & McHorney, 2014) . The site is appropriate for use by the general consumer. Some articles on prevention and management of hospital-acquired infections, there are different languages and simple steps provided as a summary for anyone interested to follow ( Zhang, Terry & McHorney, 2014) . The site is appropriate for use by the general consumer. Information is provided in different languages to allow people who do not understand English to be able to interact with the website and gain useful information ( World Health Organization, 2017) .


Brach, C., Dreyer, B., Schyve, P., Hernandez, L. M., Baur, C., Lemerise, A. J., & Parker, R. (2012). Attributes of a health literate organization. Inst Med

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Burwell, S. M. (2015). Setting value-based payment goals—HHS efforts to improve US health care. N Engl J Med , 372 (10), 897-899. 

Johnson, N. B., Hayes, L. D., Brown, K., Hoo, E. C., & Ethier, K. A. (2014). CDC National Health Report: leading causes of morbidity and mortality and associated behavioral risk and protective factors— the United States, 2005–2013. 

Lo, E., Nicolle, L. E., Coffin, S. E., Gould, C., Maragakis, L. L., Meddings, J., & Yokoe, D. S. (2014). Strategies to prevent catheter-associated urinary tract infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 update. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology , 35 (5), 464-479. 

World Health Organization (WHO). (2017). Health literacy. The solid facts. Health

Zhang, N. J., Terry, A., & McHorney, C. A. (2014). Impact of health literacy on medication adherence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Annals of Pharmacotherapy , 48 (6), 741-751. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Evaluate the Quality of Medical Websites .


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