25 Dec 2022


How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Internal Communications

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 537

Pages: 2

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Internal communications effectiveness is essential in companies for sharing relevant information needed to achieve their set goals. When employees can figure out their roles, collaboration with external stakeholders becomes better. The relevance of the information sent and the effect it will have on employees must be considered. This will create focus and cut instances when employees ignore communications due to their bulk and irrelevance. Some practices can be employed with the aim of ensuring internal communications in companies are effective and promote the achievement of goals. Firstly, segmentation of messages to different groups. This implies that whenever a message is sent, it shouldn't be broadcasted to everyone. With the presence of departments that work differently, they all do not need the same message. According to Radovic & Salamzadeh (2018), the success of organizations is depended on effective communication that should be brought about by a strong communication system. Messages should be explicitly sent to the group that is targeted, making it effective. Secondly, messages should be short and to the point. This clarity brings an understanding to the employees on goal achievement. Thirdly, employees should be allowed to give feedback. No communication is complete without feedback. Allowing employees to communicate and provide feedback freely, strengthens internal communications. Lastly, for effective internal communications, conflict resolutions must be made properly. Conflicts once solved well will improve internal communication in the company. According to Samran et al. (2019), communication can be used to ensure cooperation and existence in harmony among people. These conflicts should not be broadcasted but only involve the worrying parties. The article has focused on internal communications and their success to companies. The ever-changing ways of running a company in this era of globalization have made it possible for more strategies to be set to deal with internal communications. The article has explained in detail how companies can effectively send messages internally and how its relevance can be measured. The article has linked its information to the topic. Practices relevant to the success of internal communications have been highlighted. The essence of coming up with these practices that should be applied is to bring companies harmony and smooth running. Companies cannot achieve their goals without a peaceful environment, which is contributed by effective internal communication. As long as there exists success in internal communication, external stakeholders are easier to put on board. In conclusion, the topic of the article has been greatly relied on when writing it. This has made it easier to understand the article in relation to the topic used. The article was relevant and informative. The first application to consider is when sending messages; consideration must be taken such that the audience targeted should be specific. Messages must be sent according to who it was meant for. These messages must be short, clear, and easy to understand. Next, create an open link for the submissions of feedback from employees. This feedback will be used to improve service/product delivery and, thus, the achievement of company goals. Through the article, resolving conflicts among parties in the company proves vital to improve performance and strengthening internal communications (Iliff, 2016). Thus, learning how to handle and solve conflicts is another way of applying the knowledge learned. In general, the article has given vital information needed for the smooth running of companies, and thus expectations on the achievement of the goal is possible. 


Iliff, R. (2016, August 12). Best Practices for Effective Internal Communications. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2016/08/12/best-practices-for-effective-internal-communications/#10aed5f07292 

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Radovic Markovic, M., & Salamzadeh, A. (2018). The Importance of Communication in Business Management. In  Radovic Markovic, M., & Salamzadeh, A. (2018). The Importance of Communication in Business Management, The 7th International Scientific Conference on Employment, Education and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia

Samran, Z., Wahyuni, S., Misril, M., Nabila, R., & Putri, A. (2019). Determination of Digital Marketing Strategies as Effective Communication Techniques for Go On-travel Brand Awareness.  Journal of Research in Marketing9 (3), 752-757. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Internal Communications.


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