3 Jan 2023


How to Understand Your Personality and Take a Personality Assessment

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Term Paper

Words: 1387

Pages: 5

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Humanity endowed with diversity in many issues that range from gender, race and ethnic relations as well as different personalities. The differences that exist have made some to believe that there is unity in diversity. The reality in the uniqueness has made organizations and institutions to develop policies and philosophies that guide their activities to help the different people with diverse personalities to focus on the primary goals and objectives of their organizations including leadership positions and roles. Behavioral scientists, therefore, have developed a great interest in the subject and study of personalities and other psychological and social aspects to help them and interested parties utilize and understand people. Also, how they communicate within and without their workstations as well as in family set up. Scholars in the subject have thus developed theories that try best to describe and assess personalities of people such as noted in DISC and Jung Typology among others. They have helped people and organizations to understand better those they engage with either in the social, economic or political set up. However, this paper presents personality and traits reflection in comparison to existing assessments typology such as DISC and JUNG to personal values, vision, ethics, and SMART Goals. 

The DISC personality assessment provides four dimensions used to assess an individual. They include Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance that allows people to register different scores on the aspects. It gives a summary regarding reasonable expectation in personalities where those who score high in Compliance and Dominance lean towards being more task-oriented while those who score high on steadiness and influence tend to be people-oriented. The experts in the DISC typology have, further, classified the categories into fifteen profiles to help people better understand their personalities. JUNG typology assessment, on the other hand, has sixteen possible types that show a different set of skills, attributes, and talents that they can bring in a relationship, group or organization. Personality assessment has gone beyond individual trait and characteristics to those of assessing leadership qualities and potential. Questionnaires, for instance, which try to assess leadership qualities and potential, have been designed by individuals and organization. It assesses different personalities and traits that can help organization choose capable leaders from a pool of potential employees and interested persons. Such questionnaires often have been used in many current work setups that has helped management make informed decisions about leadership matters including promotion of individual to higher leadership and responsibilities in organizations. It is, therefore, important for one to understand the importance of reflecting on the personality assessment so that they improve in areas that they show weaknesses by learning personality traits. Moreover, enhance the traits and characteristics that can keep them more competent in the family and organization level. It helps establish healthy relationships that can help them realize their full potential with ease including getting positions of leadership in the organization and related benefits. 

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The results of the assessment that I had in DISC and JUNG typology assessment reflected the actual character that I have. It gave a summary of the values, ethics, and vision that I have at both personal and group level on matters that I engage in either in the economic, political as well as social aspects. The JUNG typology assessment results placed me at Introvert-Sensor-Thinker-Judger (ISTJ). The results elaborate the traits and characteristics that a person shows at an individual and group level including in leadership positions. It also predicts the expected behavior of an individual in different contexts. Concerning personality, as an introvert, I value and appreciate privacy, reflect on issues as well as I am reserved. I respect people’s privacy and when I meet people and visit them and realize they need some privacy and time alone. I more often leave them their space and spend less time with them. It is because I understand the importance of reflection and privacy. I also live on the present where I handle matters as they are and not as they ought to be. For example, when I budget for goods to buy in my life, I use the current prices and add of 20 percent in the present costs so that it can help and caution me in case prices fluctuate. It helps avoid disappointments and inconveniences in case prices change. I analyze situations before I make decisions in my life. For example, before I chose the course to pursue, I looked for possible means that I could use to finance the education as well as select the courses that relate with my passion and experience in life. A life that is decisive, orderly and planned replicates my life. Most of the weekends in my life I choose what to do when to do, how I will do it as well as the place that makes my life organized and controlled. The DISC assessment results registered higher scores in Dominance and Compliance. It makes me focused on tasks that I have as a person and in a group setup rather than focus on people. I believe in action and not words, therefore, by accomplishing the task and responsibilities that I have, enables me to focus all my energy and time in the functions that I have. I believe that results speak for themselves and, therefore, accomplishing task effectively and efficiently would define my characteristics in an organization and at an individual level. 

The values, vision, and Ethics that I have as an individual are impacted by the personality, behavioral, and strengths analysis. The morals that I believe in such as transparency, responsibility, accountability as well as justice and equity principle contribute to the decisions that I make at a personal and group level that ultimately contributes to my personality and trait. The results from the personality assessment give me confidence in the ideals that I have and the belief in the vision that I have in the future of leadership. It would be quickly realized if I continue in the path that I am currently following. The equity principle, for instance, would compel me to analyze a situation and note down the strengths, advantages, and weakness that individuals and organizations have before I make a decision. It requires boldness since, in some cases, people or organizations are already disadvantaged that would mean that justice to be served would imply that firm and harsh decisions are made that would enhance stabilization of the situation across the board, and that would imply designing or taking specific custom-made measures to help resolve the issue positively and wisely. The results of the personality assessment also enable me to reflect on the possible contradicting situation that might present themselves in future and possible solutions to resolve them amicably, for example, in a position where organizations have different philosophies and principles that they use to make the decision. In a situation where one might not be comfortable or in agreement to the principles and philosophies that organization has what actions I can take in that case, Is it to adhere to the uncomfortable situation of the organization or quit? For example, an organization might not have paid maternity leave, and my principle and values for humanity would appreciate a situation where mothers are paid maternity leave. In such a case, I would try my level best to convince the responsible persons to change such conditions even in cases where it would prove difficult. 

There is no perfect personality, and people always practice and try to improve on the skills and traits that can make them better. It is, hence, essential to establish SMART goals that can help one improve on their personalities to become better placed and help them achieve desired traits that can help them positively in their lives. It is also imperative to note that both internal (genetic) and external (environment) factors contribute to determining the personalities of individuals. The experiences and exposure that people have right from childhood contribute to their personalities and beliefs. The fact gives room for different believes and personalities and, therefore, it encourages learning with time to improve on the personalities as indicated in the assessment typology and results. The SMART goals that I develop would target to improve on aspects that would give me a balance between being task-oriented and people-oriented. It would entail actions that I take and change to halt a character so that it can help me suit different life contexts and positions. For example, in politics, those with characteristics that make them people-oriented enhance the chance of having successful political careers. It is because they easily relate and bond with the people. 

In conclusion, understanding one’s personality and taking personality assessment using the available types such as DISC and JUNG among others would provide an excellent platform where people can start reflecting on their lives, values, vision, and ethics. It also would give a possible benchmark that they can use to establish SMART goals that can help them improve in their characteristics. More so, enhance the chances of them realizing their desires either in the political-economic or social aspects. Both internal and external factors contribute to personalities and traits and, therefore, it is possible for people to learn and change to the desired characters. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). How to Understand Your Personality and Take a Personality Assessment .


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