4 Aug 2022


Human Rights and Moral Claims

Format: APA

Academic level: High School

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 327

Pages: 1

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Human rights are a set of moral demands that a person can place on another individual or institution for specific treatment without which the person concerned may feel harmed. They may also be defined as claim rights that individuals possess irrespective of race, social group, or cultural background. Some human rights are spelled on national and international legal systems guiding on how a human being is supposed to be treated by a fellow human or an institution. On the other hand, moral claims are certain justifications that are placed on the character of an individual as either good or bad. It is broadly used to describe certain norms one is supposed to uphold in his/her interaction with other people. On the suitability scale, human rights hold more value than moral claim as any slight disregard for them has greater repercussions. Going against human rights may mean endangering the life of another person for whom one interacts with. 

Human rights play a significant role in guiding a person on the decision he/she makes, with concern on how it will affect the rights of an individual. They also instil on humans the dignity they are supposed to hold while making free choices. Some human rights are written in different countries' constitutions thus acting as a guide to different individuals and the actions they take. The conscience created will determine the judgment one makes on right or wrong before taking a certain step. In making ethical decisions using moral claims, one needs to have been trained on specific forms of ethics (Hugman, 2009) . An individual’s culture, religious affiliation, or other social settings can act as a good source of such knowledge. In conclusion, it is important to note the existing difference that exists between human rights and moral claims. Human rights can be described as a set of moral demands a person places on another individual without which would mean causing harm to the concerned person while moral claim can be an identity one has to be classified as either right or wrong. 

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Hugman, R. (2009). Morals, Rights and Practice in the Human Services: Effective and Fair Decision-making in Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice . Australian Social Wo rk. https://doi.org/10.1080/03124070903092748 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Human Rights and Moral Claims.


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