30 Jun 2022


Hurricanes and Global Warming

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 296

Pages: 1

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There is insufficient evidence that hurricanes and global warming are linked. In the contemporary world, the rate of greenhouse gas emissions has increased significantly with increasing industrialization. The patterns of hurricanes, however, have not changed across the globe (Pielke et al., 2005). There no established relationship between hurricane patterns and greenhouse emissions. Several studies have explored the duration of cyclones and their intensity. Vast literature such as Knutson and Tuleya and Henderson et al. indicated that the future change in hurricane intensity is likely to happen in the context of observed viability. The science of cyclones is complex, and the puzzle of a cyclone is far from being solved. As a result, it is barely impossible to examine the relationship between hurricanes and global warming. A study by Pielke in 2000 assumes that the pattern and behavior of hurricanes are limited. A study conducted in Harvard Medical School in 2004 is explicitly limited to limiting greenhouse gas emissions. The decision to invoke the modulation of hurricanes in the future in justification of energy policies in tackling climate change is counterproductive. 

This ideology forms a foundation for critics of scientific reasoning. It encourages policies that would rarely solve the negative impacts of future hurricanes. Energy policies are not the best in solving hurricane problems. Better approaches exist to handle the threats of hurricanes rather than using energy policies (Pielke et al., 2005). Climate mitigation can also be handled more effectively disjointed from hurricane policies. Earth system is complicated, and establishing a relationship between the intensity of actual storms and the climate in the tropics received acceptance from the wide community. Various factors form the foundation for disputing the relationship between the two variables. Assumptions that imply the existence of a relationship between hurricanes and global warming cannot be supported by evidence. Future projections and models indicate the likelihood of change in tropical cyclones due to the impacts of global warming. 

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Pielke Jr, R. A., Landsea, C., Mayfield, M., Layer, J., & Pasch, R. (2005). Hurricanes and global warming.  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 86 (11), 1571-1576. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 17). Hurricanes and Global Warming.


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