14 Jun 2022


Illegal Use of Sulfite in Food

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Article

Words: 344

Pages: 1

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Link to article - https://www.globalmeatnews.com/Article/2019/06/21/Illegal-sulphite-use-found-in-Dutch-meat 

This article seeks to reveal how meat vendors are consistently using high and illegal levels of sulfite in the meat they sell to people. The research shown in the article was carried out in the Netherlands and it reveals how toxic levels of the chemical were found in meat products such as hamburgers, tartar, ground beef, and sausages. The article was published by Global Meat News, a leading online news source that is dedicated to publishing news about global meat trade. The author of the article is called Aidan Fortune and has been an editor for Global Meat News for quite a while and is based in the UK.

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The article discusses how toxic the meat that people are consuming could be. Acceptable sulfite levels in foods should stand at less than 10 mg per 100 grams (Fortune, 2019) . Anything higher than this figure should be labeled on the food item to warn consumers. However, 52 of the samples collected from 21 different companies revealed that sulfite levels were incredibly high up to levels of 4,000 mg per kg. Such levels are enough to not only affect all consumers but also trigger hypersensitivity in individuals that are allergic to sulfite.

The article is relevant to what we are learning in class as it discusses the use of chemicals in foods. This is part of microbiology which is dedicated to studies related to the topic of this article. The samples collected were taken to the laboratory and microbiology knowledge used to determine the contents of the meat samples. The publisher of this article is a certified global meat news researcher and hence making the article valid.

This article affects me personally as I tend to consume a lot of meat products without knowing that there are additives to the meat whose limits must be checked. It completely changes the way I look at meat product vendors as it seems like society is being duped by them. In future, people will certainly come up with laws to mitigate such occurrences as it is not ethically sound for companies to overuse chemicals in consumer products without letting the public know.


Fortune, A. (2019, June 21). Subscribe to our FREE newsletter . Retrieved from Global Meat News: https://www.globalmeatnews.com/Article/2019/06/21/Illegal-sulphite-use-found-in-Dutch-meat

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Illegal Use of Sulfite in Food.


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