20 Jun 2022


Impacts of Technology in Businesses

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Words: 1675

Pages: 6

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Bamgbade, J. A., Nawi, M. N. M., Kamaruddeen, A. M., Adeleke, A. Q., & Salimon, M. G. (2019). Building sustainability in the construction industry through firm capabilities, technology, and business innovativeness: empirical evidence from Malaysia. International Journal of Construction Management , 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2019.1634666 

The article focuses on the building of industries through technological innovations. The sustainability of technology is based on its ability to meet the consumers' demands in the market. The focus of this article is the construction industry, with the study based in Malaysia. This article has substantial information on the implications of technology in the construction industry. The current age is characterized by technology on all fronts (Bamgbade et al., 2019). This article explores sustainability through innovations in the field of technology that boosts the efficiency of products and services. This article will be beneficial in the research as it has explored technology in depth. 

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Jain, E., & Yadav, A. (2017). Marketing and technology: role of technology in modern marketing.  IOSR Journal of Business and Management 19 (5), 49-53. DOI: 10.9790/487X-1905064953 

The article by Jain & Yadav (2017) analyzes the implications of technology in marketing. The competitive nature of the current market environment has increased the need for more diverse strategies to be used to increase sales and penetrate markets. Consumers currently spend most of their time on the internet, social media, jobs, and media making it the perfect place for sales agents to get to the consumers. This article is detailed and in-depth with information on marketing and technology in the 20 th and 2 1st century. It will be instrumental in the problem-solving section. 

Stanimirovic, D., & Vintar, M. (2015). The role of information and communication technology in transforming the healthcare business model: a case study of Slovenia. Health Information Management Journal 44 (2), 20-32. https://doi.org/10.1177/183335831504400203 

Information technology has significantly transformed marketing. The use of media and social media has made it easier for organizations to market the products to different parts of the world ( Stanimirovic & Vintar, 2015) . Healthcare business models have been transformed to incorporate technology to increase the quality of services offered to the patients. This article is significant in analyzing the roles played by technology in healthcare business models to understand its implications. This article will be very significant in the essay's problem-solving sections as it has comprehensive information and detailed explanations of information and communications technology. 

Yang, F. X. (2017). Effects of restaurant satisfaction and knowledge sharing motivation on eWOM intentions: the moderating role of technology acceptance factors.  Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 41 (1), 93-127. DOI: 10.1177/1096348013515918 

Different industries have utilized social media and other technologies to maximize their productions and marketing. Restaurants need to appeal to the consumers through marketing strategies that present their quality of services. Restaurants are in the hospitality management industry and are among the most competitive across the globe (Yang, 2017). The article details that the perceptions of the public to restaurants are integral in its success. For instance, the approval ratings and recommendations determine the number of people visiting the restaurant, hence an increase in sales. This article has a comprehensive review of different aspects of technology and how they affect the business. 

Xu, D. (2019, May). Research on Technology and Fashion Design from the Perspective of Cross-border Thinking. In  2019 International Conference on Management, Education Technology and Economics (ICMETE 2019)  (pp. 202-206). Atlantis Press. 

The article by Xu is an analysis of research and technology on businesses. The emphasis has been placed on competitions as the primary drive for advanced research and technology in businesses. Fashion and design emphasize conformity to trends, most of which are dynamic. Technology is, therefore, useful in maximizing the opportunities presented in the market environments. This article has an in-depth discussion of technology and its effects on marketing in the fashion and design industry. This will help analyze their implications of technology on marketing due to its in-depth content on the topic. 

Mortazavi Ravari, S. S., Mehrabanfar, E., Banaitis, A., & Banaitienė, N. (2016). Framework for assessing technological innovation capability in research and technology organizations.  Journal of Business Economics and Management 17 (6), 825-847. doi:10.3846/16111699.2016.1253607

The article written by Mortazavi, Mehrabanfar, Banaitis, and Banaitienė (2016) the primary theme is an analysis of technological innovations, in research and technology. The article analyzes the importance of technology and innovations. The capabilities of technology in research are unlimited in these that innovations keep changing with trends in the society and the needs of the people. The article also analyzes the implications of technology to businesses with emphasis placed on innovations. This article will be very important in completing my research on businesses and technology. 

Evans, M. (2019). Business & Technology: Amazon's Benefits to Include Travel Costs. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]16 Oct 2019: B.4. 3. 

Information and communications technology has advanced over the years. Technology companies such as Amazon have also taken advantage of the information and communications technology platforms. Currently, the organization has been working hand in hand with the city of hope. This article provides an overview of the role of information and communications technology in businesses, focusing on the “City of Hope” hospital, which works with Amazon to fly cancer patients tohospitals. This article has the needed information relevant to maximize marketing. 

Zhuang, W., & Xiao, Q. (2018). Facilitate active learning: The role of perceived benefits of using technology. Journal of Education for Business , 10. https://doi.org/10.1080/08832323.2018.1425281 

Advances in technology have made businesses operations much easier according to Zhuang and Xiao, (2018) have increased the productions rate and marketing abilities of business across the world. The benefits of technology in businesses are evident in the article and has been discussed in-depth. The article also has comprehensive discussion of the implications of technology to both current and future trends in business. The article will be very useful in understanding the implications of technology to business. 

Foroudi, P., Gupta, S., Nazarian, A., & Duda, M. (2017). Digital technology and marketing management capability: achieving growth in SMEs.  Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal . : http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/21268/ 

Digital technology has an integral place in modern businesses. It has been used in productions, and marketing among other uses. Some of its benefits include increased efficiency at the workplace and increased revenue due to advanced marketing techniques. The article has comprehensive perspectives on technology and businesses an aspect that makes it the best resource in businesses today.

Media press Release, (2018). Media Release: Project will help small businesses realise benefit of digital technology. MediaNet Press Release Wire ; Sydney [Sydney]11 Dec 2018 , 2. 

The media release was project implementation of technology and its uses in the process of business management and operations. In the article, the other presents a unique perspective of technology's contributions to current business with a focus on productions and operations of the business (Media Press Release, 2018). The initiative offers support to Australia's business to adopt technology to improve their operations and hence their contributions to economic development in the country. The article is brief but well detailed on technology initiatives. This article will be very useful in the completion of the study. 

In Urbach, N., & In Röglinger, M. (2019).  Digitalization cases: How organizations rethink their business for the digital age . Cham, Switzerland : Springer, [2019] 

This book by Urbach & In Röglinger(2019) discusses the implications of technology in the current society. The book acknowledges the parts played by technology in the building and sustainability of the business. The digital age has been characterized by dependency on media and social media for the business's operations and the need for current and future technologies in industries' progress (Urbach & In Röglinger, 2019). The article also presents the benefits and challenges that come with technological advances in the current digital age. This book will be very important in the project by offering insight into the adverse impacts and challenges of technology to business in the current digital. 

News Bites. (2020). CDN Technologies: Benefits of technology business reviews. News Bites - Private Companies ; Melbourne [Melbourne] , 9. 

The IT infrastructure needed by private and medium-sized businesses has been rather challenging to be implemented as detailed in the article. It offers an in-depth analysis of the progress made over the years and how private businesses and medium-sized businesses have s strived to adopt digital technology. Although some companies cannot have the funds needed, some have managed to implement the strategy (News Bites, 2020). The article offers a review of cost-benefit analysis with regards to the adoption of technology in businesses. The results of these risks include thriving due to an increased level of performance. The article has all the necessary information needed by the report with regards to technological advances. 

Uechi, E. (2020).  Public service information technology: The definitive manager's guide to harnessing technology for cost-effective operations and services . New York, NY : Routledge/Productivity Press, 

This book by Uechi (2020) is a presentation of all aspects of technology needed by organizations to increase the efficiency of all the operations. In this respect, it can be noted that management requires a flow of information to make decisions and implement policies (Uechi, 2020). The book offers comprehensive and detailed implications of digital technologies in the management of organizations and businesses. The book will be instrumental in the completion of a survey on the importance of technology on businesses. 

Batti, K. (2020, Feb 6). How Technology Could Impact The Workplace Over The Next Decade . Retrieved Nov 21, 2020, from Forbes : https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/02/06/how-technology-could-impact-the-workplace-over-the-next-decade/?sh=7aa6117c3bd2 

The article by Batti (2020) discusses the importance of technology to business operations. This article's focus is workplace technologies and how they impact the business's current and future operations. The article is rich with different aspects of technologies and how they impact the business in the current and future trends (Batti, 2020). This article is well detailed and contains all the necessary needed information to complete the business. 

Gibbons, S. (2019, Sept. 19). The Technology Of The Future Is Changing Business Today . Retrieved Nov. 21, 2020, from Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/serenitygibbons/2019/09/19/the-technology-of-the-future-is-changing-business-today/?sh=1362ec14fe11 

This article by Gibbons (2019) analyzes the implications of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence in business operations. The operations of the business are made easier, and so is the management. This leads to increased performance and hence increased revenue streams as well. The article is detailed and offers the perspective of Gibbons towards advanced technologies with regard to specific business objectives (Gibbon, 2020). The article offers insight into different ways to integrate the business with artificial intelligence. This article is well detailed and contains a vast amount of information that will be useful for my research. 



The 20 th and 21 st centuries have witnessed increased technological advances in numerous fields, including businesses and organizations. These advances are diverse and range for technical and information communications technologies, among others. The dynamic changes in technology have been linked to the changes in consumers' needs. Technology is taking over all aspects of the current society, making it an integral part of economic and social development, all of which impact businesses and companies. 


Technology has advanced for decades with divergent needs of the market. The current advances such as information and communications technologies and other technological advances through automation have led to improved performances and increased revenues for most businesses. In this respect, future trends I technology are believed to have more significant effects on products and services' productions and marketing. 

Impact of technology 

There are diverse impacts of technology on business and organizations, some of which includes 

Improve rates of productions in the manufacturing and process industries. The automation has ensured that mass productions are achieved in a timely manner. 

Increased coordination at the workplace due to advanced communications strategies such as emails, telephones, memos, and internal communications, among others. 

Efficiency in task completions 

The higher success rate in meeting set goals and objectives 

Challenges in implementation 

Challenges facing technology in business includes 

Expensive equipment' needed for installations. 

Vulnerabilities that can drastically undermine the whole operations of the business, for instance, through cyber attacks 

Expensive to maintain 


It is, therefore, evident that technology has transformed businesses a great deal. This has also contributed to the growth and expansion of different organizations across the globe. Despite the few challenges, such as the expensive nature of installations and vulnerabilities, it can be deduced that technology advances have a central role in business today and the lives of the consumer. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Impacts of Technology in Businesses.


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