24 Jun 2022


Influencing Individuals and Groups

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 630

Pages: 2

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Communication is essential in the modern business world. The flow of information in an organization should be efficient to avoid miscommunication and increase efficiency in the production process. My organization communicates to the employee through several techniques. The first technique is the use of memos and emails. The company management sends bulk emails to all the employees in the organization when they have new information they want to communicate in the organization. The other commonly used technique is face to face meetings. The administration and departmental managers communicate with the employees in the same department through the use of face to face communication (Bovée et al., 2016). This technique, however, tends to be commonly applied when the employees are working closely with the managers. The other technique used is the use of social media. Social media has become a very powerful communication tool in the modern world. All the employees in the organization are at least connected to one social media channel. The other technique used by the organization is the use of memos (Pearson, 2017). The organization commonly uses memos during meeting notifications. These methods are very effective in passing on information to the employees. The techniques ensure that information is delivered on a timely basis. The techniques also ensure that information is passed on in a fair and respectful process in a clear manner. 

Communication in our organization is faced with several barriers. One of the communication barriers in the organization is hierarchical barriers. Hierarchies are essential in increasing the efficiency of organizational operations. However, they sometimes get severe as a hindrance to the communication process in the organization. The hierarchical barrier in communication in the organization occurs when two employees in different states in the organizations interact. Many people especially those higher in the hierarchy tend to dismiss the communication meant to be passed on to the subordinated due to a feeling that they are below them in the social hierarchy (Pearson, 2017). On the other hand, employees develop a feeling of fear when passing on information to the employees above them in the organization hierarchy due to fear of income loss or damage to their careers. This barrier can be overcome by advising managers to seek feedback from the employees. The manager can encourage their subordinated to give honest and constructive feedback. 

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Conflicts are common in organizations. In my organization, several conflicts emerge from time to time. One of the causes of conflict in the organization is task interdependence. When task interdependence is high, there are high chances of occurrence of conflicts in the organization ( Cadet & Carroll, 2019). Small disagreements blow up quickly to become major conflicts that require an advanced approach to resolve. Communication challenges comprise another source of conflict in the organization. When the flow of communication in the organization is interrupted, conflict emerges in the organization (Kopytova, 2018). This happens especially when one person in the organization hierarchy withhold information. The other employees who do not receive communication tend to respond with anger and frustration. Individual differences are another common cause of conflicts in the organization. Individuals in the organization exhibit personality differences. They differ in skills, traits and abilities, which sometimes result in conflicts as some employees show perfection during the execution of their duties more than others. 

Conflicts in the organization result in the frustration of employees which result in low production. When employees are sad and frustrated, they fail to meet their performance targets. Conflicts result in decreased production. When intensive organizational efforts are channelled to conflict resolution, essential resources are wasted during the process reducing production efficiency (Kopytova, 2018) . Managing conflict in the organization will be essential. Several approaches can be deployed to manage conflict in the organization. The first technique is to give priority to the common areas where conflict emerge. The major points that result in disagreements need to be well stated. The organization management should focus on events and overall behaviour on the organization rather than on personality capabilities. 


Bovée, C. L., Thill, J. V., & Raina, R. L. (2016).  Business communication today . Pearson Education India. 

Pearson, R. (2017). Business ethics as communication ethics: Public relations practice and the idea of dialogue. In  Public relations theory  (pp. 111-131). Routledge. 

Kopytova, I. (2018). MANAGEMENT POTENTIAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN RESOLVING BUSINESS CONFLICTS.  Agricultural and Resource Economics 4 (1), 77-90. 

Cadet, F. T., & Carroll, R. (2019). Nonprofit Organization Communication: Risky Business.  Review of Business 39 (1). 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Influencing Individuals and Groups.


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