Matrix is a science fiction film that features the curiosity of Neo who is optimistic and compelled to unveil the existence of a real world. His interest leads Neo to explore the real world after his conviction that humans live in a simulated world supported by artificial intelligence. Matrix is recognizable for its depiction of diverse religious doctrines and enhancing cosmological understanding of the world. This paper address four critical aspects. It explores my cosmological understanding of the world, presents an explanation of my epistemological approach to the cosmological understanding and outlines the main worldview position held by modern behavioral sciences. Finally, is elaborates how the worldview of the behavioral sciences compare to my worldview.
Personal Cosmological Understanding of the World
A cosmological understanding of the world is based on an individual’s response to critical questions regarding the origins of both the world and humanity. Further, it evokes an individual’s inquiry into the roles of the world and humanity in it. Answers to these two questions are essential to understand the destiny of both the world and humans. Remarkably, the plot of the movie, Matrix, is a perfect exploration of Neo’s cosmological life. Based on the film, Matrix, my cosmological understanding of the world is that it is not real. I hold the view that there are supernatural powers that control humanity. Supernatural powers dominate humans’ actions, thought system, and social lives. I believe these supernatural powers are not revealed to humans in their natural being; humans need divinity to understand the supernatural powers that control them. I have a personal cosmological worldview understanding of the world that God and the Holy Spirit are the supernatural powers controlling the actions of humans. Humans’ behaviors are subject to the control of the Holy Spirit and God. Based on the movie, Matrix, I regard Neo’s enthusiasm to explore the complex computer simulation controlled by other powers as representative of humans’ efforts to understand the spiritual world.
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I do not believe the spiritual beings control humanity in a secretive manner as the machines depicted in the movie. While the Matrix is engineered to keep humanity oblivious of the truth, I believe that spiritual beings have the dedication to revealing hidden information to humans. For instance, God works through the Holy Spirit that is revealed to humans. Believers communicate to God through prayer and Holy Spirit. This, however, differs from the role of the Matrix, engineered using artificial intelligence, and meant to dominate over humanity. Morpheus trusts Neo’s ability to ensure freedom to humanity from the control of artificial intelligence. This, however, differs from the spiritual life. My understanding of the world is that God uses the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden information to believers. My cosmological understanding is informed by the Biblical accounts of humanity’s creation by God in Genesis. Several other Biblical accounts appreciate God’s role to guide humans, as the supernatural being.
Personal Epistemological Approach
Epistemology relates to the search for truth and validity to justify understandings. Epistemology is manifested in the manner in which an individual’s conscience enables him to question information about the world around him. It demands an individual to establish an individual’s story’s validity. In the movie, Matrix, Neo is in constant search for justification and truth about his curiosity. He realizes the world in which he lives is under control using cyber-intelligence. He questions his world and attempts to understand the real world. Part of Neo’s attempt to understand if the world in which he lives is real or simulated is a comprehensive analysis of the question of inquiry of logical expression of reality. Information from Morpheus leads Neo to question the mysterious nature of another world in which artificial intelligence machines extract energy from humans. Neo’s intellectual autonomy compels him to explore the matrix. He applies his mind to justify his beliefs and senses, which is a crucial concern of personal epistemology. He takes the red pill in an attempt to understand the real world by experiencing it. He, therefore, transformed from having abstract knowledge of the real world to gaining it from experience. Neo manages to prove the skeptical hypothesis, the fact that the world may be different from what is perceived. Skeptical hypothesis presents a situation in which there is skepticism concerning a claim and attempts to ascertain a deceptive power hampers the truth.
My epistemological approach is the constant questioning and yearning to know of human existence. I engage in an intellectual endeavor to know the truth concerning the origin of humans. I embark on research to understand the theological justifications of different Biblical accounts. I research to understand the roles of God and other divine forces in influencing human life. I do not rely on abstract knowledge; instead, I get experience about God’s control over human it from individuals’ testimonies. I attend church and preaching sessions to understand the perspectives of God’s supremacy and learn about the powers of the Holy Spirit. I apply cognition and intellectual activity; the viewpoint that gaining knowledge of God is an important goal of life. I recognize that I cannot explore God’s work comprehensively and that no human has a perfect understanding of God and the supernatural world. I acknowledge that God’s existence and capability are of objective truths, which are independent of any individuals’ opinions or feelings of his abilities. I learn some of the objective truth about God and his powers through experiences, which is through indicative knowledge, and divine revelation. Besides, I argue and reason with individuals who do not believe in God’s power to get their perceptions or learn from their standpoints.
Main Worldview positions of the Behavioral Sciences
The main worldview position of the behavioral sciences is theism and the concept of trinitarianism. Theism is the belief that everything is dependent on a supreme God having superior qualities. God’s actions in the human world are active, and he has control over human actions. His existence is beyond humans’ comprehension. Trinitarianism world view that God is one as noted in the Biblical scriptures. Although there is one God, he exists as the Father. He is the Son. Finally, he is the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is a critical belief is Christianity and advocate by behavioral scientists. Advocates of theism worldview regard God as being in the human image and possess moral perfection.
Personal Worldview compared to Behavioral Sciences Worldview.
My worldview is similar to theism that is expressed by behavioral sciences worldview. I believe in the existence of a supreme God. I recognize God’s supremacy and control over other creatures. As a believer in Biblical teachings, I acknowledge God as the Supreme Being. I appreciate God’s role in controlling all other creations above which his power applies. My worldview conforms to the doctrine of Trinity and the existence of God being the father, son and the Holy Spirit. Every human’s soul is under control by the spirit. God gives life to all other creations and beings. He is perfect, and his actions cannot be questioned. He manifests himself as an all-present and eternal creature. His might is evident through his all-knowing nature. His infinite perfection grants him power over all things. His divine providence reveals his love and care for all other beings.