How and why international law conventions enable countries to maintain the semblance of normalcy in the face of destruction.
International law conventions can secure normalcy for toppling regimes and ensure the security and safety of foreign nationals is kept intact due to a number of obligations that a state has for maintaining international peace. This is equally important because if such instances are not concisely regulated and controlled, it could lead to the outbreak of international war. Some of the ways used by international law conventions are through the establishment of internal regulations by global bodies, such as the Fourth Geneva Convention, and The Hague Regulations, both of why highlight clear stipulations on the noninterference with a country's governing structure, subsequently ensuring its diplomatic obligations are fulfilled for the foreign nationals (Matheson, 2017). Diplomatic sanctions issued by the international law for instance under the Security Council, ensured the protection of foreign citizens in Korea and the Persian Gulf when international forces stepped in to regulate the political turmoil.
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How "mixed claims commission" enables the country of a foreign national advance claims against another state.
The mixed claims commissions act as bodies founded on the basis of international agreements consisting of nationals of the State Parties to established protocols. The commissions enable the country of a foreign national who has been injured or killed in another country to make claims against the host country and get justice for the victim, through the established Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes wing (Merrills, 2017). This wing is primarily tasked with the role of spearheading peaceful conflict resolutions between the two countries by providing a platform through which both parties make their arguments and defense. To achieve this, the commission has an established arbitral tribunal to which claims of international injustices or hostility are submitted. The tribunal then proceeds to give each party room to submit and make their arguments, after which the tribunal delegates over the matter, going over the specifics of the claims. In cases where the foreign country provides evidence beyond reasonable doubt that the host country neglected on its responsibility to protect the rights of the victims, the host country is ordered to compensate the foreign country for the loss suffered, or the inconvenience caused (d'Aspremont, 2018) . From this point, it is important to point out that the mixed claims commission is an integral part in international peacekeeping and international law since it not only fights for the rights of a victim who suffers any form of prejudice in a foreign land, but it also campaigns for peaceful ways of conflict resolution.
How "global settlements" have been fashioned to enable citizens of claiming state to create funds for compensation.
The global settlement is an integral part of international reconciliation since it creates a platform for states to compensate other countries for past crimes that were done onto them. While it takes on many forms, global settlement in internal law context implies that the settling states have to compensate the claiming countries for their atrocities by creating funds and policies to ensure these funds are used for the general good of the victims. The global settlement thus provides that on the closing date of the settling state's fiscal year, the country will transfer a specific amount of money to the created funds in the name of the claiming state, plus a corresponding amount related to outstanding payables (Corwin, Larocque & Stegemoller, 2017) . These funds, managed and controlled by the claiming states, are then used to compensate whole classes of claimants for past crimes following a systematic review of the claims, and a subsequent assessment of the damage done to the claimants as a result of the crimes in question.
Why China's construction of islands on the high sea has set up international concerns and fears.
The latest plans of China to build a rescue center on artificial Spratly island in the South China Sea continue to spark a growing internal concern and fear. Even though China holds that the rescue center will be instrumental in providing stronger support to rescue missions, the fact that it did not consult the international players is a significant concern, bearing in mind that it seeks to implement international treaties. All matters affecting the wellbeing of countries on the international front are supposed to be delegated upon by the relevant international peacekeeping bodies such as the UN. However, China's decision to work independently on this particular project could threaten global safety and could be deemed as a measure to lock the rest of the world from accessing the logistics hub.
Corwin, S. A., Larocque, S. A., & Stegemoller, M. A. (2017). Investment banking relationships and analyst affiliation bias: The impact of the global settlement on sanctioned and non-sanctioned banks. Journal of Financial Economics , 124 (3), 614-631.
d'Aspremont, J. (2018). The General Claims Commission (Mexico and the United States) and the Invention of International Responsibility .
Matheson, M. J. (2017). The United States position on the relation of customary international law to the 1977 protocols additional to the 1949 Geneva Conventions. In the Development and Principles of International Humanitarian Law (pp. 233-245). Routledge.
Merrills, J. G. (2017). International dispute settlement . Cambridge University press.
Zhen, L. (2019). China builds rescue team on artificial Spratly island in South China Sea . Retrieved from