28 Oct 2022


Intrapreneurial Opportunities at the United Parcel Service (UPS)

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Academic level: College

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Words: 840

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Intrapreneurship is the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while still working within a large organization; Intrapreneurship is the practice of a corporate management style that includes risk taking and innovative approaches as well as the reward and motivational techniques (Pinchot, 2004). Intrapreneurs in an organization are people who are dreamers and take the responsibility of creating a change of any kind in the organization or the business. Intrapreneurship is essential in an organization as it helps a business to grow as ideas are turned into profitable products through risk taking and innovation. Intrapreneurship opportunities are very different when it comes to the development of companies, and they must be considered as a possibility for any business development initiatives. Intrapreneurship mostly is driven from inside or within the organizations, and this is why they are profitable to the organization as ideas shared are innovated, and risks are taken within to achieve a particular goal. 

United Parcel Service (UPS) is the world’s largest company which does package delivery and provider of supply chain management solutions. UPS delivers more than fifteen million packages per day to more than seven million customers based in more than 220 countries around the world. Due to its largest package delivery, United Parcel Company has lots of Intrapreneurship opportunities (Brewster, 2007). UPS has both capabilities and limitations which affect the organization both outside and inside forces. Its capabilities are what keeps the organization going and perform its duties smoothly satisfying its clients. The limitation is mostly from outside forces such as the competitors, transportation means and loss of cargo; these forces affect the smooth running of the organization and hinder the organization from achieving some of their goals thus not satisfying some of its customers. 

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Intrapreneurship is essential in an organization; some of the things that hinder and affect the Intrapreneurship opportunities include bureaucracy, hierarchy, and rules as the procedures to implement an idea into the product may be long. Since Intrapreneurship includes risk taking, many organizations are not willing to take risks because in the case of failure the organization may incur lots of losses dragging the organization back from achieving its goals. Some organizations do not support the Intrapreneurial culture and behavior; this is because many organizations find it difficult to apply an Intrapreneurship in their daily routines due to high levels of defined tasks and schedules that deter the opportunity for innovating the new ideas. Lack of time and space for the creation of new ideas also hinders Intrapreneurship opportunities; Intrapreneurial behavior needs rewards, and lack of rewards demotivates search of new ideas since the person or people involved are not rewarded for their idea innovation. Another big challenge to Intrapreneurship is the fear of failure (Kotler, 2009); firms prefer to protect the resources they have and avoid the risk of failing. 

United Parcel Service (UPS) has lots of Intrapreneurship opportunities; for example, UPS has an iconic brand image, and that is recognized worldwide due to the high brand strength UPS can take advantage of its brand name and come up with other products which they will sell or offer different services. This will enable the organization to acquire more clients to their existing and the new product and services because of its brand strength. A strong brand name means the organization is trusted worldwide and thus it will be easy for the organization to be successful in their new products. The UPS Company is financially stable, and due to this, the organization will be able to launch new products using the profits they made minimizing the risk of organization failure as the proceeds will be utilized. 

United Parcel Services has Intrapreneurial opportunities as because of its strong brand name it gets monetary support from the government, and also it can acquire loans as it is well known (Niemann, 2009). The money can be used to boost its services to ensure customer satisfaction and avoid delays. The UPS Company has a high growth rate, and its growth means increased sales. The UPS should take advantage of its growth and try to open more branches in different countries to make it accessible and also to acquire new customers through timely delivery. When clients are also able to access the organization, it increases their rate of trust with the organization as they feel the organization is reliable and easily accessible. The organization should also take advantage of Intrapreneurial opportunities such as invent new technologies which are available at reasonable costs; the technologies can be used to ease the communication between the organization and the customers. Smooth communication will make the understanding easy between the organization and the clients leading to customer satisfaction, and this will make the company competitive with its competitors as customers query and needs will be attended quickly. 

The organization should learn the marketing trends and change to the new and reliable patterns and avoid the old ones; this will make the organization fit in the market and ensure its growth. If the organization focuses on new products implementation, use of the new technology and opening more retail stores in different countries its brand name is going to be stronger, and the organization is going to have high growth rate and beat its competitors through customer satisfaction. This is going to make the UPS organization successful by making more profits. 


Brewster, Mike. (2007). Driving Change . The UPS Approach to Business 

Kotler, P. (2009). Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning and Control . Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 

Niemann, Greg. (2008). Big Brown: The Untold Story of UPS . John Wiley & Sons. 

Pinchot, G. (2004). Who is the Intrapreneur ? New York: Harper & Row. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Intrapreneurial Opportunities at the United Parcel Service (UPS).


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