1 Nov 2022


Introduction to the Prophets

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This paper presents the following arguments: the people of Israel do not want to answer these questions Elijah, not for the sake of a guilty conscience, but not because of remorse had the heart to speak. If the story behind the development point of view, then, the possibility mentioned above is not high, as they came to believe that the way proposed by Elijah is good (1 Kings 18: 24). So a more reasonable guess is that the idea of Israel at that time, it seems unlikely to be able to understand why only ask them to worship a single deity, not inclusive so that the Lord Religion and Baal religion co-exist simultaneously. We can better understand why the people of Israel at the time of the theology held by Elijah, are ‘independent monotheistic .’ In this paper, to study to address this argument, the northern kingdom of Israel in King Ahab of Baal worship at official religious policy, and Queen Jezebel's persecution of prophet of the Lord will bring the Israelites in theology and what influence it will have on their religious views. 

The point is to explore when Israel entered the land of Canaan, facing the Canaanite religion - especially the worship of Baal - and how it is affecting the life of faith for the people of Israel, as well as religious the hybrid tragic consequences. 1 Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal, to convey the ‘domination of the Lord God as the only true God,’ thinking the faith, and theological significance represented by Mount Carmel behind the incident, and At that time the situation and to explore the challenges faced by Jehovah religion. 

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Statement of the Problem 

The Old Testament describes a group of people ; they accept God calls, receive and convey the revelation from God to be His spokesman on earth. They are the intermediary between God and man, not only a prophet, and signs and wonders. In the entire history of the nation of Israel, these people play a very important role ; they are referred to the office of ‘prophet.’ Elijah the prophet is a prophet in Israel leader, in his story among the most talked about a person then a brilliant record in the event of 1 Kings Chapter 18. At that time the North Ahab king of Israel because married foreign princess Jezebel of Sidon, the introduction of Canaanite gods , the most important thing is the worship of Baal and Asherah, at the temple altar, which makes the nation of Israel, the people caught in a crisis of idolatry. Elijah's name ('Elîyahû) ss a word meaning "My God ('Eli) Lord (yahû)," Just to be preached on behalf of his task, that is, when people crazy hot worship of Baal, Elijah get to the root declares the LORD his God. 2 As a supporter of the Lord of religion, by God's call of Elijah, when people face the betrayal of the Lord of religion, and politics (especially from Jezebel) persecution, had to come forward, vowing to set things right so once again turn back to the camp of Israel Jehovah God. And he chose the big showdown with the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty in the top of Carmel ; it is to let the people of Israel saw the power of the Lord God, thereby highlighting the inability of Baal so that the two form a very strong comparison. 

In the brilliant description of Mount Carmel in this event, there is a quite an interesting record, it requires Elijah Israel cannot continue to walk in the half-hearted worship of Baal worship and also the case of Jehovah God. The two of their worship of God, of which only one is the true God, and there is absolutely no space to allow coexistence between the two: "ye between two opinions when it if the Lord is God, then follow the Lord; if Baal is God, then follow Baal?" (1 Kings 18: 21). This sentence is worth noting that Elijah declared between the two Gods, but one God. However, when Elijah said those words, the Bible records the silent reaction of the people at that time. Is this because they feel guilty without saying a word about it? Or they have been contrite heart to have to speak? 

Justification and Delimitations 

El Baal or relationship with the Lord, there is an argument think there are many Bible verses to prove the LORD rooted in religion Canaanite religion. However, these gods of Canaan same characteristics are also reflected in the properties of the LORD, like mercy and wisdom, the image of the storm god Baal, as well as other features, are also gods of Canaan package Jehovah included in the inside, such as Ares, mountain, etc., but the only monotheistic religion but only appeared in the Lord only. For the northern kingdom of Israel before King Ahab, the worship of Baal, in the end, it has been a very common problem. Think in the time of King Solomon, for worship strange gods, are still limited in scope by the royal family, they are also in high places outside the city of Jerusalem and did not make it public and official. According to archaeological discoveries, the worship of Baal in Samaria has been very active, after getting official support King Ahab, even more so Baal worship throughout the country more revival. 

As many of the problems arise in Carmel prophets of Baal and Asherah, in the end, come from, is mainly dependent Asherah prophets, that another four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal should be sustained by the enthusiastic worship of Baal to King Ahab. However, according to Kaufmann View, these are all the prophets from Sidon to follow Jezebel's entourage, and all accepted Jezebel support. Finally, this article is to explore the issue of independence of monotheistic theology. 

Review of Literature 

Theological Significance of Mount Carmel Events 

1 Kings 18 recorded a rather exciting story. The story takes place in Mount Carmel ; the protagonist is the prophet Elijah Jehovah. Before Mount Carmel events, we must first look at the background of that time. The North Ahab king of Israel, married a princess of Sidon because Jesus washed the Gentiles do, and the introduction of the Canaanite gods, the most important thing is to Baal, and Asherah worship, and also the capital of Samaria to Ahab Baal temple altar, which makes the nation of Israel, the people caught in a crisis of idolatry. 

As described above, Elijah ('Elîyahû) means "My God is the Lord," just enough to be preached on behalf of his task. As the Lord's prophet religion, by God's call to face Elijah was Israel Baal worship of idols, and from the political persecution of Ahab and Jezebel, the Lord of religion. 3 Under the situation so dangerous, he is still not afraid to face the national authorities and a group of rebellious people. He chose at the top of Carmel the showdown with Baal’s four hundred and fifty prophets, is to make the people of Israel saw the power of the Lord God, thereby highlighting the incompetence of Baal, so that the two form a very strong contrast. The purpose of this chapter is mainly to explore the theological significance of Carmel events represent, and to find the modern information, hoping for today's church and the state can be helpful and reminders. 

Mount Carmel Significance of Religion in the Lord 

Mount Carmel geographically very close to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Hebrew "Carmel" ( Karmel ) means "garden of the land." 4 Mount Carmel is not a single mountain, but a mountain range about 50 km from the Mediterranean coast Yake (Acco) From Gulf South Bank, extending from northwest to southeast, until Dothan (Dothan) Plain. Narrow sense, Mount Carmel is the main hill on the northwestern tip of the Carmel mountains, and mountains full of forests (Micah 7: 14). Mount Carmel location is not closer northern Samaria, the capital; from Scripture, we cannot see why Elijah and the prophets of Baal choose showdown took place at Mount Carmel, and not in Samaria Leah hills. Elijah said to all the people : " You come to me, "all the people came to him he repaired ( wayrappe ') has destroyed the altar of the Lord.” Here, rehabilitation of the original is ‘ wayrappe ,' is the ‘treatment’ means. The verb form, then the translation of the King James translation is "mend" make this action more vivid. The "destruction" of the original is harûs, used to modify "the Lord's altar," therefore, translated as "destroying" is quite correct. 5 

Curious in this mountain, it is Elijah, and the prophets of Baal choose singled place, yet there is an altar of the Lord has been destroyed , suggesting that Israel had to worship the Lord and sacrifice in Mount Carmel rally, but it has long been abandoned . Why Israelis now no longer continue to worship the Lord and sacrifice it? W e can think of is because the marriage of Ahab and Jezebel, in the northern kingdom of Israel introduced the worship of Baal and Asherah, and the 18 chapters figure Kings Obadiah, also mentioned Jezebel He had killed the prophets of the Lord. Visible appears a ruined altar of the Lord, but also represents a relative of evidence Baal worship was victorious. This verse by a Mount Carmel has destroyed the altar of the Lord, fully revealed the plight of the Lord was a religious encounter.

On the one hand , from the geographical point of view, Mount Carmel is fairly close to the source of Baal Sidon . In contrast , Elijah selects Mount Carmel, but rather to make ourselves into a very negative state. But from another perspective, as if Elijah declared to the prophets of Baal, or the people of Israel, even in adverse conditions down for the showdown, and is a person singled out four hundred fifty human weaknesses, the ability of the LORD must be able to beat Baal. So choose under adverse conditions of Mount Carmel, before all Israel, to duel between the two religions, and more can highlight the vast power of the Lord on the Lord, and opponents of Baal incompetence. Elijah then wet the entire altar (1 Kings 18: 33 - 35). 

Elijah Ultimatum to Israel (1 Kings 18: 21) Theological Significance 

Then in this whole process, there is a quite an interesting record, that is, of a local festival, "Eli came to say to all the people: "You have two opinions How long will it be? If the Lord is God, then follow the Lord; if Baal is God, when obedience to Baal. "And all the people not a word.” King James Version of the" two opinions "in the original text is pos? îm 'al-šetê hasse 'ippîm; se 'ippîmIt means "split view" or "split mind ." It is a preposition, meaning "above ⋯ ," so the meaning here means "in two different views." 6 The authors used the verb participle to achieve the effect of "pun" also; there is a deeper or implied, dance celebration "limp" means the people of Israel while claiming allegiance to the Lord, but also Baal celebrate. Because after mentioned Baal prophets gathered around the altar "danced" (1 Kings 18: 26), Also using the same word, it has two meanings, one dig these prophets of Baal dancing ugly, unworthy of sacrifice to the Lord, and secondly to emphasize the position of the people of Israel these "mindedness hold" is a kind of doctrine of Baal. 7 

Leah requires Israel cannot continue to walk in the half-hearted worship of Baal, and also worship the Lord God of the case, both of which only one is the true God. Elijah has also been pre-set group of Israel's position is standing on this side of Baal, because this group of people, he said: "Then you call on God's name ⋯ " (1 Kings 18: 24), Elijah, they do not choose sides in fact, it is to choose the Baal. A reasonable guess might be in Israel at the time of conception ; it does not seem to understand why only he can ask them to worship a single god, not inclusive so that the Lord Baal religion and religion co-exist simultaneously. 8 

Elijah's statement refers to the Lord or Baal as the true God, if we can determine which one is the true word of God, and the people should fully obey the gods, and not to hesitate. Elijah theology behind this statement, in fact, the so-called "independent monotheistic" God can only have one, and he denied the existence of God. This is "monotheism" different concept of monotheism means one only worship a God, but not specifically deny the existence of other gods, but only monotheism is possible to negate other gods completely . This argument in the ancient Near Eastern religion in society frowned upon or understand the concept ; it can be said quite a revolutionary idea. 

It is clear, and all the people of Israel did not seem such a unique concept of monotheism, which was as if the people in Taiwan Between religious beliefs, we are all universal polytheism, which comes to true God, who would worship; there is a need for anything, just to worship the gods in charge of the requirements. We know that this god Baal director of "good weather ," will bring abundance and fertility and reproduction. This deity in charge of "function" in any culture are usually quite popular, coupled with the support of official government (such as Ahab), so prevalent in the worship of Baal in Israel, it is not surprising. To think from another perspective, the Lord or religion can be likened to such "multi-vitamin", one contains all the nutrients, that is, all of the body's nutritional needs are "all-inclusive", while the Baal religion might like 'vitamins E" can be anti-oxidation, anti-cancer, old age, etc., it is quite easy to use. 9 But after the people of Israel may choose Jehovah religion, but also choose the worship of Baal, for them, the two are not in conflict. 

Elijah on Mount Carmel in action can be said to be very consistent with Deuteronomy’s consistent view of history, that is "shun God and live, against God perish" theology. "Ahab saw Elijah, he said: troubled Israel just you Elijah said: I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house; because you have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, followed the Baals. " here's calamity "is original'Oker, Is the verb'Akar( "Disrupt"; "trouble"), which means "people get into trouble" "disturbed person" or. King Ahab in here to express the meaning is likely to refer to as Elijah's sake, the whole land of Israel brought a drought; in other words, Elijah angered Baal, making Baal no rains come, against Israel suffered a drought disaster. Ironically, Baal is responsible for the professional just down to "rain ," so that the land was rich Correct. The king's function should be to make the stability of the state, to reduce the impact of natural disasters on people's lives fishes, but Ahab king cannot do this. Then Elijah immediately answers Ahab, "Because you have followed the Baals, you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord." That is because King Ahab led the people worshiped and served Baal, the nation of people that fall into the sin of idolatry. Therefore, 1 Kings 18 covers Elijah’s ultimatum to Israel, as he warned them against choosing between the Lord and Baal. 

In the church today, we should reflect that ministers to serve the church as people of God, whether there has Elijah outspoken courage to dare to do this. In the church to avoid the so-called cultural amicable, when dealing with many matters, often overdone even more than respect for the opinions of respect for God. 10 Further, at the level of society, if there is an injustice of things happening around us, or because of falsity and corruption of the ruling authorities while causing suffering of the people. Christians should also play the role of prophet, according to believe in the truth of justice to issue sound, especially for those disadvantaged should be powerless ethnic sound, rather than selecting ignore, or spared preferred to remain silent. From Elijah the prophet we see courage, the courage today should continue to undertake by our down. 


The whole story of Mount Carmel event highlights several strong theological emphases. First , Ahab made a big mistake, because he was zealous worship of Baal, but there is only one true God, Jehovah. In addition, we can also see from the nature of God, the Lord is God "jealous" of his people must not be allowed to have spiritual "adultery", which is the act of worshiping idols of Baal, which is what this article again and again "the only monotheistic" stressed the concept of theology. Secondly, through His prophet, Elijah declared action does not rain upon the earth, and only the Lord is the only factor causing rain or drought revealed to King Ahab of Israel and the people, rather than their zealous Baal idols. 


The research methods in this paper, are to be taken as follows: 

1. Historical-critical method: the traditional research methods of the Old Testament. Historical background for the spindle will try Omri dynasty Mount Carmel events in which the analysis before and after the development of its history, and to restore the status at the time of the Canaanite religion, as well as to Israel The influence of faith in the life of people. 

2. Literary-critical method: This method is analytical articles focus on the context and structure of the text and identify with the desire to explore the subject of this paper related place from the context of Coherence. Also , an important passage that will try to the original interpretation of the way, meaning research will make important keywords, references in ancient literature as a comparison Canaan when necessary. 

3. Sociological approach: the characters in the story in which the social situation (social location) represents a starting point for analysis of the social structure and factors, and try to live with the construction of the social background. 


Anderson, James S.  Monotheism and Yahweh's Appropriation of Baal . Vol. 617. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2015. 

Barker, Margaret. "The Biblical and the Historical Elijah." In  'The Unconquered Land'and Other Old Testament Essays , pp. 143-158. Routledge, 2016. 

Baukal Jr, Charles E. "Hydrotechnics on Mount Carmel."  Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament  29, no. 1 (2015): 63-79. 

Davis, Ellen F.  Biblical Prophecy: Perspectives for Christian Theology, Discipleship, and Ministry . Presbyterian Publishing Corp, 2014. 

Kadari, Adiel. "Did Elijah Show Respect to Royalty?"  Journal for the Study of Judaism  46, no. 3 (2015): 403-429. 

McKenna, Megan.  Prophets: Words of Fire . Orbis Books, 2014. 

Millgram , Hillel I.  The Elijah Enigma: The Prophet, King Ahab and the Rebirth of Monotheism in the Book of Kings . McFarland, 2014. 

Nelson, Jennifer. "The Cranach Workshop and the Prophets of Baal: The Jewish Foil of Early Lutheran Community Building."  Sixteenth Century Journal  49, no. 1 (2018). 

Pink, Arthur W.  The Life of Elijah . Lulu Press, Inc, 2017. 

Wiseman, Donald J.  1 and 2 Kings . Vol. 9. InterVarsity Press, 2015.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Introduction to the Prophets.


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