21 Nov 2022


Jackie Robinson: The Life and Legacy of the Baseball Legend

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Academic level: College

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Robinson is a historical figure who broke down racial boundaries in sports and created opportunities for black people in America. After his sports career, he continued to fight for equal rights for blacks which made him an American Hero. He got a warm welcome that was accompanied by celebrations from New Yorkers. All his fans cheered him due to the excitement. His presence was honored by all who attended. Most individuals referred to him as their role model because they learnt a lot from him. There was a marching band dressed in uniform marked the celebrations that were meant to welcome Robinson. This is an indication that people were proud to be associated with the hero and looked forward to his arrival in New York. 

In 1945, Rickey, the manager of Brooklyn Dodgers, decided to sign up Robinson in the all white baseball league. His decision was opposed by most of the leaders but Rickey was sure that Jackie Robinson could fight back his opponents and handle racial discrimination. He was signed up to join the team and he became the first black man on a baseball team full of white men. His games were attended by many people both fans and opponents. 

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The decision made by Rickey to sign up Robinson was a way of breaking the color barrier. Earlier on, black baseball players were separated from white players as per the policies. This brought about changes in the policy when Robinson signed the contract to take part in major competitions as he was a talented player. This was a way for him to break the barrier of color. At that time, it was risky to hire a black player because they were not allowed to play in major leagues. The reason why Rickey chose Jackie Robinson is because he believed that Robinson had a strong personality which could enable him face public criticism. He was an intelligent athlete. This decision was to change baseball and the culture and society of America. Robinson was an individual who had pride in being black and was courage. Whenever he travelled with the team, he withstood verbal abuses due to discrimination. The step would make Rickey get more fans. 

Dodger’s manager took a big risk by signing up Robinson. This could possibly make their fans, other team members and eve their own players angry. The decision had many impacts on New York City. It became a platform for Robinson to take an active role in civil rights movement. This made Americas hire more blacks in jobs that were earlier on white oriented in New York. It enhanced integration in the armed forces through his inspiration. 

As an activist of civil rights, Robinson was an outspoken individual who strongly opposed racial discrimination. He changed the course of politics and history through sports. Robinson enhanced the integrations in the armed forces in New York. He brought to an end the oppression that was inflicted on black citizens in the country. He enhanced unity through baseball by uniting people from different races. This made an Icon and a role model to many for racial equality and changed baseball for the better. Robinson later joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People after his baseball career came to an end. He advocated against racism not only in baseball but also in other sectors such as transport and education. 

Jackie Robinson founded the Freedom National bank in 1964 as a way to protest against racial discrimination. Black people could not access bank loans or were granted loans with extremely high interests. Several businesses in New York used his name after he retired from sports. Robinson got involved in many businesses to bring to an end discrimination acts that were directed to black people such as unaffordable housing rates. He insisted that baseball teams should as well comprise of black managers or coaches. A black manager was later hired in 1975 to represent the blacks in the team. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Jackie Robinson: The Life and Legacy of the Baseball Legend.


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