18 Aug 2022


Jesse Owens Bibliography

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Academic level: College

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About | Jesse Owens. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.jesseowens.com/about/ 

James Cleveland was the son of a sharecropper’s family where the grandparents were slaves in America due to racial triumphant of the whites of the blacks. He was born in Alabama on the 12 th of September in 1913the seventh in the bigger family of Henry Owens and Emma Alexander His childhood life was characterized by consistent sickness which meant that he was often sick and therefore, weak almost all the time as a result of battling with chronic bronchial congestion and pneumonia. However, since the family generally was poor, he was forced to work in his early ages with the same condition in cotton farms picking up to 100 pounds in a single day in order to assisting the family to afford some food to put on the table besides providing for other basic needs.

McRae, D. (2014). In black and white: the untold story of Joe Louis and Jesse Owens. Simon and Schuster.

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When he was nine years old, his family moved to Cleveland in Ohio state where Jesse discovered a new dawn and a little bit of exposure besides the initial residence that they were in. in Ohio, the world had seemed different to him in the sense that his southern life had been slower as compared to where he was in Cleveland. He managed to enroll to a school that proved to be not an ordinary change. Back in the southern life in Alabama he had attended a school which had a single room with numerous children in it and most amazingly had little or no rules that were tight and strict that the new school in Cleveland now offered. This was courtesy of the poor conditions provided by the slavery masters in Alabama. It was there in Cleveland that he got his nick name that later completely sticks to him in the later life time. One of his school teachers during the entry of names in her roll book failed to distinguish his southern accent and believed that “J.C” the initials of his name “James Cleveland” as he referred to himself when he was asked to say it, the teacher heard Jesse which she recorded and came later to be recognized as Jesse Owens the rest of his life.

Edmondson, J. (2007). Jesse Owens: A Biography. Greenwood Publishing Group.

The promising life of the athlete became visible during his high school time at the East Technical High School where Jesse Owens had out of the blues made a name for himself. He was recognized as a sprinter nationally when he set new records for the school in winning the a hundred and two hundred yard dashes. These were backed up with the clearance of the 6 feet high jump and the leaping of the 22 feet in the long jump sessions. This followed his whole high school days where he successfully won all of his track events that were major together with the Ohio state championship in the three consecutive years that he was there. During his senior years in high school, he also set a new high school record which he ran a hundred yard dash in just 9.4 seconds to accomplish a clean world record that has since been accepted in the National Interscholastic competitions meet in Chicago. As if this was not enough he went ahead to create another record in high school world record by completing a 220 yard distance dash in just 20.7 seconds. A week earlier he had created another record in high jump of jumping a height of 24 feet.

Milford, M. (2012). The Olympics, Jesse Owens, Burke, and the implications of media framing in symbolic boasting. Mass Communication and Society, 15(4), 485-505.

Jesse Owens convincing and sensational high school athletic life attracted a number of universities in the United State. He ended up choosing Ohio State University; however, it could not offer much pertaining scholarships in track events at that particular time. With channels of income closed and marrying at an early age, he had to go through a number of jobs to cater and offer support to the entire family and his academic life. As such, he had to work as a night operator of an elevator, worked in the library stacks at the same time as a waiter in various restaurants; he served in the Ohio statehouse as a stint pager and finally he used to pump gas at a number of gas filling stations. All this was to see him through life which he managed together with doing practice and setting other records in the competitions organized in colleges and universities.

Gentry, T., & Wagner, H. L. (2009). Jesse Owens: Champion Athlete. Infobase Publishing.

In 1935 Jesse Owens marked a milestone in his life history to overcome all odds in pursuit of his ability and potential when he launched his championship again despite the suffering he was undergoing of the back injury as a result of falling down from a flight of stairs. This was just a foresee of what was coming to happen in Berlin in the following year. At the Big Ten Championships that were held in Ann Arbor on May 25 in 1935 he went ahead to clinch four medals in a span of less than an hour though he had been uncertain of his capability due to the injury. This all started when Jesse Owens managed to convince his coach into letting him participate in the competitions. He had begun to test his back by participating in the a hundred yard dash where he set another world record. In addition to the latter he proceeded to participate in three other events where he established other world records in either of the events in a span of just 45 minutes. This has henceforth been considered one of the greatest achievements of the world history in the field events.

Hall, E. A., Marach, R. B., & Reynolds, J. M. (2017). Policy Point—Counterpoint: Do African American Athletes Have an Obligation to Fight Against Racial Injustice?. International Social Science Review, 93(2), 18.

Many talented people in the world especially in their teenage ages have wished to play any sports with major leagues in the world. This is manifested when they give themselves names of great players while playing among themselves. Some have proved to be die-hard fans for particular sports celebrities just to derive joy or being associated with them in some way. Some people have wanted to and even dreamt of making their favorite sports a career and make a living out of it. However, for many of those that think it is an easy job to a sports man for either a county or any sports organization have to think deeper in terms of the benefits that are accrued from whatever they have passion from. This is because behind the real picture of the sportsmen lies the injustices that should be quickly unearthed to save the coming generations.

Hill, D. (2016). Public Relations, Racial Injustice, and the 1958 North Carolina Kissing Case (Doctoral dissertation, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).

The injustice that mostly exhibits itself in many sports organizations or clubs is the racial discrimination. As much as racial discrimination is a menace even in other sectors in an entity, in sports it has extremely taken root to the extent that many sportsmen that are talented have fallen victims of circumstances despite the efforts channeled since time immemorial. Take the example of games like football, basketball, and athletics, among others. Racial injustice has been witnessed even in the international levels besides the gender injustice. As a matter of fact the racial injustice is highly experienced in one race dominated regions where some people of a certain skin color perceive themselves to be superior and highly talented as compare to other races in existence. As such, the people of the dominant race come up with mechanisms that are aimed at humiliating the other races just to dominate in whatever sport in question especially in the leadership positions so as to suppress the freedom s of the minor race. Racial discrimination in sports has been there since time immemorial applied especially on Africans and the Latinos.

Duarte, M. (2014). The Injustice Of Major League Baseball: How The Sport Exploits Its Latino Players. Retrieved from https://www.latintimes.com/injustice-major-league-baseball-how-sport-exploits-its-latino-players-270470

For instance take the case of the baseball players in United States of America. In the total amount of money spent in the payment of their salaries the Latino players, that are the dominant players in the game, have very little amount reserved for them in terms of salaries. This is attributing to their skin color. While the other, “the whites” earn good salaries making the sports sector in general to portray hypocrisy. Such acts depict that the minor race is greatly being exploited at the expense of benefiting the other dominant races. We have seen players of other races going to training more hours than the anticipated time and given a slight off as compared to others with no overtime payments for them. This calls for immediate action on the part of sports confederations to intervene and improve the conditions for the realizations of equality.

Milford, M. (2018). The ‘reel’Jesse Owens: visual rhetoric and the Berlin Olympics. Sport in History, 38(1), 96-117.

For the case of Jesse Owens during the 1936 Olympic games that were held in Berlin, Germany, Hitler, the Germany ruler at that time had anticipated that the games will favor his side which composed of the German “Aryan” people who were the dominating race in the games and the only one that mattered to Hitler. However Jesse went against all norms and broke Hitler’s notion by winning four straight gold medals the first to happen during that generation in a single Olympic sport. It happened during a time of segregation that was deeply rooted in the world with races fighting over each other for superiority and dominance especially in Germany where the games were being held. He therefore, discredited the master race theory formulated by Hitler and other people of viewing other races besides confirming to them that it is only the excellence of an individual instead of race, gender or nationality that can identify and single out one man from the other.

Jesse Owens. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.biography.com/people/jesse-owens-9431142

When Jesse Owens returned home after his intensive winning for the United States in the Berlin games, he was not given a heroic reception as any successful athlete would expect. The president of the United States at that time Franklin Roosevelt did not show up to congratulate Owen as a typical champion of the nation due to the racial hate that existed in him. He would have done it if it were for a white man. This went on in the presidents that followed until in 1976 when Gerald Ford awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The hypocrisy thus, that manifested itself among the white people in the United States cannot be assumed not to exist because it was clearly shown.

Sport’s top 10 greatest injustices. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.eurosport.com/all-sports/sports-top-10-greatest-injustices_sto4708156/story.shtml

In the modern sports world, especially the whites have on an intensive scale diminished the value of Africans who play with them. Despite the rules put in place by sports organization such as that of football “ FIFA” of football clubs incorporating a certain percentage of players and managerial personnel in clubs, the dominant races have broken the rules by some clubs not having players or officials from African or American countries hence promoting racism. The injustice has been take a notch higher by some white football fans who through banana in the football pitch during games when African players touch the ball to signify that they are baboons or monkeys. This at times has triggered hatred to the extent of fighting some of them that ends up to be law suits.

Murray, D. (2015). Chapter 27. Cultural Competence in a Multicultural World | Section 4. Strategies and Activities for Reducing Racial Prejudice and Racism | Main Section | Community Tool Box. Retrieved from https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/culture/cultural-competence/reduce-prejudice-racism/main

The injustice has to be remedied just to make sure that sports people all exist in harmony and impedes the object of racism coming to its full potential in human beings. It prevents people especially those with a dominant race in the managerial positions in sports organization from benefiting at the expense of the minority race. Thirdly, it reduces the traces of revenge that happened long ago such as the Hitler’s case of other race perception. Other races are not to take revenge on Germany sportsmen because of Hitler. With racism injustice combat, people from diverse backgrounds are able to come together in formation of clubs so that they compete with each other. This enhances the interaction among human beings promoting good relations for co-existence purposes.

Hruby, P. (2016). Four Years A Student-Athlete: The Racial Injustice of Big-Time College Sports. Retrieved from https://sports.vice.com/en_us/article/ezexjp/four-years-a-student-athlete-the-racial-injustice-of-big-time-college-sports

For a football team I would come up with a proposal that encompasses a variety of aspects that deal specifically with the racial injustice menace. Basically, the proposal will define the relationship that embrace the existence of togetherness despite the skin color. The percentage of managerial posts reserved for different races will be clearly stipulated to prevent the conflicts that come with it. However, equal changes of holding positions will be advocated for. The team will have occasionally organized for talent identification from different regions of the world being given equal chances. It will also enhance equal opportunities regarding the talent development session.

Lapchick: The tide of racism in sports still flowed strongly in 2015. (2015). Retrieved from http://kwese.espn.com/espn/story/_/id/14601802/racism-was-all-too-familiar-sports-story-2015

For an already existing team that have the racial injustice rules formulated and already in the implementation process, the management has to ensure that they are strictly adhered to by the players, failure to which individual players will be held responsible and account for the repercussions. The established teams have to go ahead and spread the virtue to those that are still lagging behind in the name of embracing the long gone culture of uncivilization. In a bid to address the racial injustice in sports organizations, a number of measures have to be put in place.

Schweiger, G. (2014). Social Justice and Professional Sports. Retrieved from http://www.academia.edu/5773335/Social_Justice_and_Professional_Sports 

Among them it includes: educating the perpetrators and the racism victims on the disadvantages of racism. Workshops and seminars should organized incorporating sportsmen to educate them on the inherent goodness of racism information that counters the stereotypes and enhance the encouragement of adhering to human rights. Myth about certain races should be dispelled by the concerned parties to encourage a greater understanding of the different people from diverse racial backgrounds, religious inclinations, and cultural orientations achieved through interaction where people get to share their own experiences.

Compall, B. (2015). Remembering Jackie Robinson: Racial Equality in Sports | Washington University Political Review | WUPR. Retrieved from http://www.wupr.org/2015/02/09/remembering-jackie-robinson-racial-equality-in-sports/

Sports organizations have used the power of sports in bringing races together. This has seen talented sportsmen and women flowing from different regions of the world into Europe, Asia, America, and even Africa for the purpose of pursuing their sports careers. However, the fact that sports touches so many lives take the example of soccer, it is much surprising that there are continued incidents of racism being reported in the society. Those that have made a step in turning the tide, the likes of Jesse Owens and Jackie Robinson the baseball player will continue to be applauded and regarded to be true pioneers of a harmonious future for the world of people with different colors.

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