17 Jun 2022


Leadership and Management Strategic Decision-Making

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Academic level: College

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Words: 627

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The question of whether leadership and management strategic decision-making can exist without each other has caused debates in the corporate world as both coexist to ensure productivity and success within an organization ( Bilton & Puttnam, 2007) . Strategic business management refers to the development of business plans that ensure the organization's goals and objectives are met. This then offers a competitive advantage through the implementation of logical solutions developed through logical reasoning and decision making. The purpose of this essay is to evaluate the difference between leadership and management strategic decision-making process as well as the significance of each hence concluding on whether one can exist without the other.  

This essay thus supports that the strategic business management (SMB) decision-making process establishes the goals, visions, and missions of organizations hence is the most significant. Scholars further suggest that the latter cannot exist without the leadership strategic decision making as it forms the integral system of the organization which then needs further support from leaders who motivate the workers ( Terziovski, 2010 ). For example, the SMB promotes the cohesiveness of different branches of an organization and merge them which in turn improve the organization's effectiveness. Leadership strategic decision making, on the other hand, involves the influence a leader's decisions have on the overall performance of the company. 

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Leadership strategic decision making has a direct impact on employees, communities, markets, society, competition, and culture. Studies suggest that leadership in its entirety affects the individuals themselves and those around them because decisions made either motivate or demotivate them ( Terziovski, 2010 ). This then has an impact on the competition as poor leadership strategic decision making causes competitive disadvantages which then leads to employee turnover. Additionally, the loss of talent directly affects the organization's productivity which then creates the influx of commodities and hence promoting financial crisis within the society. Similarly, culture is altered based on the reception of the decisions made by the leaders. 

The significant difference between leadership and management decision making is that the latter focuses primarily on the establishment of policies and guidelines that drive the organization towards success ( Wheelen & Hunger, 2011) . Leaders, on the other hand, deal with internal issues such as the motivation of employees as well as the resolution of problems arising during the implementation of the policies formed by the management. Thus said, studies reveal that the most significant difference is in the roles in which each plays ( Čater, T., & Pučko, 2010 ). While the management develops strategies to overcome competition and offer a competitive advantage, the leader focuses on ensuring employee retention which in turn contributes to the desired goals and objectives set by the management ( Bilton & Puttnam, 2007)

Additionally, a more practical example of the difference noted above is the development of the ideal strategic solutions for an organization by the management. This is done through the implementation of the strategic decision making which then demands execution. For the effective implementation of the same, the organization requires the support of the workers which will then lead to the accomplishment of the same ( Čater & Pučko, 2010 ). The leaders, on the other hand, engage workers and motivate them to ensure maximum productivity is attained. Furthermore, while the management strategic decision making involves environmental analysis, the leadership strategic decision making requires a comprehensive review and understanding of the working environment ( Terziovski, 2010 ). 

In conclusion, despite the difference in the roles played by the leadership and management strategic decision-making processes, there is an evident interconnection between the two. This is based on the fact that strategic management decisions are derived from external factors such as the current market and the economic state of both the state and organization as a whole while the strategic leadership decisions are based on the individual analysis. As such, the discussed similarity that suggests that none can exist without the other is the fact that both require support from the other to ensure effectiveness. 


Bilton, C., & Puttnam, L. D. (2007).  Management and creativity: From creative industries to creative management . Blackwell Pub. 

Čater, T., & Pučko, D. (2010). Factors of effective strategy implementation: Empirical evidence from Slovenian business practice.  Journal for East European Management Studies , 207-236. 

Terziovski, M. (2010). Innovation practice and its performance implications in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector: a resource ‐ based view.  Strategic Management Journal 31 (8), 892-902. 

Wheelen, T. L., & Hunger, J. D. (2011).  Concepts in strategic management and business policy . Pearson Education India. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Leadership and Management Strategic Decision-Making.


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