15 Nov 2022


Leadership as a Vocation

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Academic level: Master’s

Paper type: Essay (Any Type)

Words: 316

Pages: 1

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The concept of vocation in leadership needs to be redefined since it is a vital aspect of leadership. On many occasions, vocation has always been connoted to the missionary, or clergy, or the law profession. The concept is believed to apply to the fields of leadership and business. The concept of vocation is more than just one's career, occupation or job. Vocation develops from one's experiences in life and is more concerned with serving others in relationships and roles in the entire lifetime. Vocation conforms to the characteristic of leadership, which is also concerned with inspiring others to achieve their goals. 

Vocation, as a calling, causes leaders to view their role as a calling and varies from one person to the other (Karenga, 2014). Consequently, it is a need for others and Divine to others. On the other hand, leadership should be a calling aimed to inspire other people in life. There are several ways of determining if a leader has been "called" by higher powers into the positions they occupy (Wally, 2019). Firstly, leadership can be considered as a calling if the leaders relish accountability for decisions resulting from their responsibilities and actions. Secondly, leadership as a calling concerns the willingness to learn new ideas and circumstances from businesses and people for their entire life. Thirdly, leadership could be a calling for someone if they are committed to making a difference in other people's lives and helping them to succeed and being part of the winning teams. Lastly, leadership can be a calling if it inspires other people to appreciate and happily share credit with other people. 

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In conclusion, one cannot know if their leadership style is a calling if they do not try it. Therefore, the four descriptions of leadership as a vocation do not conform to one's style of leadership; then, leadership is not meant for them. Additionally, leadership as a calling is closely concerned with the servant style of leadership is not related to one's job, career, or occupation. 


Karenga, M. (2014). The moral vocation of leadership: Dedication, discipline, sacrifice, and service. Los Angeles Sentinel . Retrieved from http://www.us-organization.org/position/documents/TheMoralVocationofLeadership12-18-14.pdf. 

Wally, B. (2019). Six ways to tell if leadership is your vocation. Wally Bock’s Three Star Leadership Reading and Resources for Bosses an All Levels . . Retrieved from https://www.threestarleadership.com/leadership/6-ways-to-tell-if-leadership-is-your-vocation. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Leadership as a Vocation.


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