20 Jun 2022


Leadership Role for Strategic Planning

Format: APA

Academic level: University

Paper type: Assignment

Words: 844

Pages: 3

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Leadership is an integral part of the successful implementation of business strategies. Leaders play an important role in every project from the formulation stage to the completion. A visionary leader is constantly involved in a project and is concerned about the team members' welfare. They should be involved in understanding the team members' needs, strengths, abilities, and weaknesses. This is essential in the allocation of duties and for setting the objectives of the company. Leaders should understand the context of the project, which helps them select the team members and in the formulation of the objectives. Leaders should evaluate the alternatives for implementing a particular job to the team members. They should be in touch with the possibilities and to evaluate the suitability of a plan. Additionally, leaders can be involved in the project since the sponsors, and the shareholders may not be directly involved. Leaders should commit the necessary resources for a project, including time, energy, legitimacy, and money. Such efforts will motivate the team members to work for the achievement of a common goal. Finally, by properly managing conflicts that arise in an organization, leaders help find more creative solutions to the issues of the internal relation. This can prevent a workplace environment that breeds negativity, stress, demotivation, and general employee unrest. 


Leadership is responsible for the development of strategies, which helps a business to achieve its objectives. An effective leader understands the importance of setting up a strategic objective that can be easily implemented using the available resources. However, the most crucial aspect of leadership is the integration of people in the strategic management process. This involves creating successful teams that are equipped with relevant skills and training to discharge their duties. Successful leaders should understand the context of planning before setting up strategic plans. They should also understand the people they are set to work with, including oneself as well as facilitating the entire implementation process. An effective leader also ensures that they foster collective leadership to enable the team members to work together and reduce conflicts. Therefore, leadership is an integral part of a successful business operation and planning. This paper seeks to examine leaders' roles in successful business strategies based on how they understand the context, the people, and the facilitation of the process and how they focus on dispute resolution. 

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First, understanding the context of a project requires that leaders carry out extensive research about the possible requirements, the resources, and the necessary skills required for its implementation. Leaders should understand the context of the project, which helps them select the team members and in the formulation of the objectives. Leaders should evaluate the alternatives for implementing a particular job to the team members (Cheng, 2002) . They should be in touch with the possibilities and to evaluate whether the strategy is applicable or not. Without understanding the context, leaders may formulate strategies that may not be practically achieved. 

Besides, implementing a successful strategy requires a leader to understand the people involved. However, a leader should carry out a personal evaluation to understand oneself. Leaders need to develop an emotional and physical understanding with the team members, including their strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. The most critical aspect is for leaders to understand the motivating factors for the team members and ensure that their concerns are addressed (Cheng, 2002) . Developing a professional connection with the team members make them feel part and parcel of the decision making process. Leaders should openly communicate with the team members to help develop trust with them. 

Leaders should sponsor the processes in a project by actively participating in the implementation processes. Leaders can be involved in the project since the sponsors, and the shareholders may not be directly involved. Leaders should commit the necessary resources for a project, including time, energy, legitimacy, and money. Such efforts will motivate the team members to work for the achievement of a common goal. Sponsoring the process also involves encouraging a competitive working environment and rewarding the team members for outstanding performances. 

Additionally, there are possibilities of conflicts in the process of formulating and implementing a strategic plan. However, leaders should use dialogue and discussions to seek more ideas from team members. Open communication is an element of shrewdness in leadership. Therefore, leaders should understand and use forums appropriately to communicate with the team (Jabbar & Hussein, 2017) . Open discussion results in the improvement of the level of optimism and resilience to achieve a goal. Through discussions, the leaders can also get more compelling visions for the company which can be successfully implemented. 

Finally, conflicts are common occurrences in any institution, and this makes it quite critical for leaders to enforce norms of conflict resolution. Visionary leaders do not take employee conflict lights. By properly managing conflicts that arise in an organization, leaders help find more creative solutions to internal relation issues. This can prevent a workplace environment that breeds negativity, stress, demotivation, and general employee unrest. Proper conflict resolution culture is a motivating factor to the employees and ensures that their efforts are focused on a common goal. It also helps in the building of trust and increasing the productivity of the employees. 

In conclusion, leaders play a crucial role in developing a strategic plan within a business. However, a visionary leader must understand the context of the project and the people involved. This helps in strategic decision-making and for the effective allocation of resources. Leaders should also be involved in the processes and through constant engagement with the team members and ensure that the team members are focused on a common goal and that any form of conflict is resolved based on the set guiding principles. 


Cheng, Y. C. (2002). Leadership and Strategy. 

Jabbar, A. A., & Hussein, A. M. (2017). The role of leadership in strategic management.  International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah 5 (5), 99-106. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Leadership Role for Strategic Planning.


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