17 Jul 2022


Limited Access to Healthcare

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Annotated Bibliography

Words: 1121

Pages: 4

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An overview of limited healthcare access involves a highlight of the associated barriers and the role played by policymakers and different communities in improving accessibility and provision of healthcare to the rural areas. Some of the contributors of limited access to healthcare include health care shortage of workforce and low levels of health literacy. Essentially, members of the public in any given country ought to ought to have confident and convenient access to healthcare services such as emergency medical attention, public health services, behavioral health, and dental care. The challenges associated with the issue of limited access to healthcare are often experienced by the population living in marginalized areas such as rural areas. In such marginalized areas, there are always various barriers that exist such as poor infrastructure and absence of developmental initiatives. The personal and professional interest in the issue and subject of limited access to healthcare is largely motivated by the desire to understand and support appropriate and effective ways through which the existing barriers to unrestricted access to healthcare can be eliminated (Brown and McBride, 2015). 

Annotated Bibliography 

Adepoju, O. E., Preston, M. A., & Gonzales, G. (2015). Health Care Disparities in the Post 

Affordable Care Act Era. American Journal of Public Health , 105 (Suppl 5), S665 

S667. http://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2015.302611 

The relevance of this article is connected to the role that it plays in highlighting the existing disparities in the healthcare sector. Such disparities have significantly contributed to increasing levels of limited access to healthcare among different categories and groups of people such as the poor and those dwelling in certain rural areas. In this regard, the article explores the efforts that have been made by various professional organizations and federal agencies towards attempting to reduce the extent of disparities gaps that contribute towards the existence of limited access to healthcare. 

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This article addresses the problem of limited access to healthcare and the associated challenges by deeper delving into the roles and responsibilities that could be taken up the American Public Health Association in cooperation with other government agencies to promote access to quality, efficient and equitable healthcare. Moreover, the article attempts to advocate for alternative ways of addressing the problem of limited access to healthcare such as boosting cultural competency as well as investing in preventive medicine. 

The contribution made to the subject of limited access to healthcare by this source involves an evaluation of the various healthcare disparities that are associated with the era of Post–Affordable Care Act in the United States. The database used in finding this source is the American Journal of Public Health 

Brown, D. S., & McBride, T. D. (2015). Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Access to 

Care for US Adults With Diabetes, 2011–2012. Preventing Chronic Disease , 12 , E64. 


This source is relevant to the subject of limited access to healthcare in the sense that it provides an overview of the analysis of the impacts associated with the Affordable Care Act. In this regard, the source explores the level and extent to which US adults suffering from diabetes have been managing to access healthcare services. Moreover, this article highlights some of the barriers and restrictions that have continued to make it difficult for such patients to have full access to efficient and quality treatment for diabetes. 

In addressing the problem of limited access to healthcare, this article discusses the benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 in enhancing the provision of medical care services to a wider population irrespective of the cost implications. Also, the article touches on ways through which the issue of universal and affordable healthcare insurance can be introduced and effectively managed to increase levels of accessibility to healthcare services. The database used in finding this source is Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Kottke, T. E., & Isham, G. J. (2014). Measuring Health Care Access and Quality to Improve 

Health in Populations. Preventing Chronic Disease , 7 (4), A73. 

This article is relevant in the sense that it examines the extent to which different populations are affected by the issue of limited access to healthcare. In this regard, the article explores the measurement of the existing level of accessibility to healthcare as well as the various ways that are appropriate when it comes to the improvement of healthcare quality among different populations. The database used in finding this source is the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine. 

The article presents information concerning the suggestions and recommendations that ought to be implemented by health policymakers and service providers in the health sectors. To this extent, the article cites different rates of unmet needs in drug prescription, unaffordable costs of healthcare, lack of effective insurance health cover, poor rates of childhood vaccination, and large disparities concerning accessibility to healthcare about income or race. 

In addressing the problem of limited access to healthcare, this article provides the necessary measures that should be undertaken to ensure the promotion of an integrated approach towards spreading the provision of quality healthcare to virtually all the required regions. 

Rees, C., Hawkesworth, S., Moore, S., Dondeh, B., & Unger, S. (2016). Factors Affecting 

Access to Healthcare: An Observational Study of Children under 5 Years of Age 

Presenting to a Rural Gambian Primary Healthcare Centre. PLOS ONE , 11 (6), 

e0157790. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0157790 

The relevance of this article to the issue of limited access to healthcare is based on the observations that it makes about the factors that often affect the accessibility of healthcare services by children in under the age of five years. In this respect, the article focuses on highlighting the outcomes of a study conducted in a Gambian rural area about the provision and access to the basic healthcare services. 

The contribution of this source towards addressing the problems and challenges associated with limited access to healthcare involves advocating for the active involvement of the government and other relevant authorities in facilitating prompt accessibility to basic healthcare services by families having children below the age of five years in rural areas. Moreover, the article gives a highlight of the measures that could be taken to ensure that high child mortality rates are considerably reduced. This reduction is largely dependent on the ability of the relevant authorities and government agencies to understanding the factors contributing to limited access to healthcare services. The database used in finding this source is Iran University of Medical Sciences. 


In summing up, the following main points were learned about the contribution of the sources to the enhancement of the knowledge on limited access to healthcare: 

Disparities in accessing healthcare have significantly contributed to increasing levels of limited access to healthcare among different categories and groups of people 

The subject of limited access to healthcare can be addressed by providing an overview of the analysis of the impacts associated with the Affordable Care Act. 

There is need to address different rates of unmet needs in drug prescription, unaffordable costs of healthcare, lack of effective insurance health cover, poor rates of childhood vaccination, and large disparities concerning accessibility to healthcare about income or race. 

Relevant authorities and government agencies need to understand the factors contributing to limited access to healthcare services. 


Adepoju, O. E., Preston, M. A., & Gonzales, G. (2015). Health Care Disparities in the Post Affordable Care Act Era. American Journal of Public Health , 105 (Suppl 5), S665 S667. http://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2015.302611 

Brown, D. S., & McBride, T. D. (2015). Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Access to Care for US Adults With Diabetes, 2011–2012. Preventing Chronic Disease , 12 , E64. http://doi.org/10.5888/pcd12.140431 

Kottke, T. E., & Isham, G. J. (2014). Measuring Health Care Access and Quality to Improve Health in Populations. Preventing Chronic Disease , 7 (4), A73. 

Rees, C., Hawkesworth, S., Moore, S., Dondeh, B., & Unger, S. (2016). Factors Affecting Access to Healthcare: An Observational Study of Children under 5 Years of Age Presenting to a Rural Gambian Primary Healthcare Centre. PLOS ONE , 11 (6), e0157790. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0157790 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Limited Access to Healthcare.


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