The popular assumption of freedom and democracy is that individuals are allowed to do whatever they wish. In fact, people in different countries in the world that have repressive governments try to compel the establishments to guarantee them the liberty to express themselves, move and participate in various aspects without much interference. However, there are some things that individuals cannot do even if they have all the freedom such as ending one’s life, hindering the freedom of others or causing social instability.
First, individuals are not allowed to cause deliberate harm or end their lives just because they have the liberty over their life. While any democratic society allows people to participate in anything that enhances their wellbeing, the same society does not allow people to engage in activities that can cause harm. It is the reason why people who try to commit suicide are prosecuted in court and punished.
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Secondly, people should not exercise their freedom in a manner that hinders other people from enjoying theirs. For example, individuals are not allowed to kill, steal or prohibit others from moving from one place to another. While the law in various countries give people the freedom of association, that association ought not to be the basis of discriminating against others.
Thirdly, people’s individual freedom ought not to threaten the peace and tranquility of a society. Various governments or societies in general control the freedom of speech because when some people are allowed to express themselves freely, they could utter words that may cause conflict. Most of the time, the mainstream media has always criticized various governments for limiting their freedom in regard to what they can publish.
Conclusively, as much as people ought to be allowed to conduct themselves or participate in various activities freely, the conduct and behavior ought to enhance positive outcomes. Control measures are always put in place mainly to ensure that there is no chaos. Despite having freedom, individuals ought to be considerate about the welfare of others.