24 Dec 2022


Logical Fallacies and Cognitive Biases in the Media

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Q&A

Words: 272

Pages: 1

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Question One 

The media gives inaccurate portrayals of the forensic or profiling functions by using logical fallacies. To create a factual appeal, the creators of the show used logical fallacy, a rhetorical approach, and cognitive biases. Logical fallacies relate to the study of an invalid form of reasoning upon which incorrect argument is based Many investigation-based shows like CSI have inaccuracies since they do consider every aspect of a case and are marred with controversy into the plot. Whereas the shows are entertaining, they fail to show the seriousness of the crime investigation thus making it to fail in regards to social commentary. Logical fallacy is the way the media makes reasoning errors that mostly undermines the logic of an argument ( Hust et al, 2015 ). Furthermore, fallacies are irrelevant points with lack of evidence to support the notions being stated. Over the years, media have had a great deal of logical fallacies that have contradicting points that actually do not make sense when one goes into deeper thought; this can clearly be seen TV shows. 

Question Two 

A “Silence of the Lambs” scenario is not likely to occur in real life. The media usually portrays such scenarios to create a dramatic appeal. Criminal investigations are rigorous processes that require experience and expertise gained from witnessing many scenarios. On that note, it is unlikely that a trainee copy would have experienced such events. Even if a person, has gone through such dramatic events in their personal life, it is likely that scenes would have affected them psychologically thus would not be able to make any meaningful contributions to investigations due to cloud judgments. Overall, the ‘Silence of Lambs Scenario” is not feasible in real life. 

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Hust, S. J., Marett, E. G., Lei, M., Ren, C., & Ran, W. (2015). Law & Order, CSI, and NCIS: The association between exposure to crime drama franchises, rape myth acceptance, and sexual consent negotiation among college students.  Journal of health communication 20 (12), 1369-1381. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Logical Fallacies and Cognitive Biases in the Media.


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