29 Jun 2022


Managing Culture Aspect in a Virtual Organization

Format: APA

Academic level: Master’s

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Words: 880

Pages: 3

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Culture represents one of the basic factors that affect the operations of an organization internally and externally. It is the way people in a certain locality or area are supposed to act or behave while carrying out their daily activities. Culture includes the expected customs or social ideas of every member of a particular community. To understand the impact of culture on virtual organization, an analysis of ‘ Virtual Teams and Multiculturality: Differences and Impacts of Organizational Culture in an I.T Company ’ by Fabricio Stocker et al is conducted. From this article, it is evident that as the organization expands in terms of functionality and geographical area, it faces various challenges among them adapting to different cultures to operate smoothly. This occurs as different players interact with each other within and outside the company. The article also explains different cultural aspects and how they affect a virtual organization. 

Culture plays an integral part in the way an organization undertakes its various operations. It can positively or negatively affect the business thus the need to know which one to adopt and which one to leave behind (Hislop, 2002) . Different cultures greatly affect how virtual organizations are run since they attract players from different parts of the world through the use of technology. According to the article, the interaction of those stakeholders influence how work and the general management will be carried out within an institution. Different factors affect the cultural aspect of a virtual organization. They include; 

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Organizational Culture 

According to the journal, ethnicity, race, and conjunction are not the only factors that constitute the culture of a certain community (Stocker et al, 2018) . Other factors like institutions, organizations, and social units have a big impact on the way a certain culture is created and transformed. This assertion is true as many factors contribute greatly to how certain members of society behave and carry out their daily activities. As institutions and organizations bring together different people, their social background will greatly affect those they interact with and in turn impact how they behave. One of the major cultural areas that are hugely impacted by this association is the language used (Mansol, Alwi, & Ismail, 2016) . As the institution or an organization settles in a certain area, it attracts different stakeholders from that locality it is operating on. If people in that place use a certain language to communicate, the entity will be forced to adopt it as one of its major tools of communication. 

Multicultural Organization 

According to the article, globalization and opening up of international markets have greatly contributed to various organizations adopting different cultures from various parts of the world (Stocker et al, 2018) . This means that business moves from being restricted to a particular area or nationality to venturing into various nations with varying cultures. As this expansion occurs, the organization interacts with different modes of life while spreading their socio-cultural aspects to the countries they venture. This is particularly common in virtual institutions as most of them have a multinational presence. As they penetrate the international market, they tend to pass culture from their home country to other nations thus interfering with their traditional way of life. With most of the virtual organizations having a standard language like English, they tend to influence its various stakeholders to use it to make communication easier (Weerarathna & Geeganage, 2014) . However, it is important to note that not all cultural aspects need to be adopted by an institution. A virtual organization needs to take those factors that significantly contribute to its growth and profitability without negatively impacting the lives of its various stakeholders like the customers. A business also needs to use language that is easier to understand for various cultures thus making communication easier. 

Virtual Teams 

Globalization and the advancement of information and communication technology (ICT) have led to the invention of organizational structures referred to as virtual teams. They are groups formed by people who share a common knowledge but in different geographical locations through virtual means. According to the article, increased development of technology and the need for transformation greatly contributed to their formation. Virtual teams lead to the integration of various cultures from different parts of the globe and thus influencing the overall way of life for the organization. The business may find itself in a dilemma unable to know which cultural aspect to adopt in its operation. However, the virtual organization can adopt a middle ground in selecting the culture to use in its operations (Leung & Peterson, 2010) . For communication, it can use the one that is internationally accepted and easy to understand for people coming from different backgrounds. This prevents a situation where different players within an organization can pass information easily without worrying about the language barrier. 

According to the journal, ‘ Virtual Teams and Multiculturality: Differences and Impacts of Organizational Culture in an I.T Company ’ by Fabricio Stocker et al, culture forms an important factor in determining how a virtual organization is run. This happens because this type of business attracts different players from around the world with varying cultural backgrounds. The article highlights three factors that influence the culture in a virtual organization. The first one involves the internal culture where a business or an institution sets and believes in a certain set of standards. Secondly, the multicultural aspect as a result of globalization and finally the virtual teams developed due to the advancement of information and communication technology influence culture in an organization. 


Hislop, D. (2002). Virtual Working: Social and Organisational Dynamics. In Organization Studies

Leung, K., & Peterson, M. F. (2010). Managing a globally distributed workforce: Social and interpersonal issues. In APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization. https://doi.org/10.1037/12171-022 

Mansol, N. H., Alwi, N. H. M., & Ismail, W. (2016). Managing organizational culture requirement for business continuity management (BCM) implementation using goal-question-metric (GQM) approach. Jurnal Teknologi . https://doi.org/10.11113/jt.v78.10018 

Stocker, F., Abib, G., Veneza Fürbringer, G., & Lemos Lourenço, M. (2018). Virtual teams and multiculturality: differences and impacts organizational culture in an I.T. company. Revista Brasileira de Estrageia

Weerarathna, R. S., & Geeganage, I. A. P. H. (2014). The Relationship between Organisational Culture and Employee Performance: Case of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Managing Culture Aspect in a Virtual Organization.


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