20 Jan 2023


Marketing Strategy for the Spacemaker

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Academic level: University

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Words: 309

Pages: 1

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The selected company, Spacemaker, would benefit from an effective marketing strategy given that it is a startup and aims to exploit a competitive industry (Sajid, 2020). Spacemaker operates in the technology industry and specializes in Artificial Intelligence (AI).  

Product Management and Imaging 

Spacemaker needs to market and position itself as a problem solver that capitalizes on advanced technologies based on the current needs of the clientele. The company can formulate its commodities based on three aspects: 

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Developing a sustainable infrastructure that facilitates flexible and accurate solutions to the day-to-day needs of a company. 

Managing and decreasing the environmental pollution. 

Maximizing the value of goods and services in vast categories of production.  

Marketing Strategies 

Spacemaker will need to employ unique practices for promoting its services based on the nature of its industry, and the conditions of the current market. 

Client Testimonials 

Spacemaker can benefit from authentic and reliable promotional criteria that capitalize on quantifiable narrative. Unlike other commodities that do not necessarily require a first-hand application, technological solutions demand a high degree of practicality (Badzińska, 2017). Besides, customers require to trust that a business will meet the said specifications and outcomes.  

Creating Animated Infographics  

Spacemaker can gain from practicing its orientation to advanced technology practically by using sophisticated adverts. Customers require to visualize the performance and specifications of a product for easier decision making (Keegan & Rowley, 2017). The animated infographics will capture all aspects of the advertisement including: 

The type and number of products available  

Associated pricing and sizes  

Ways of accessing the commodities  

Means of engaging the support team 


Therefore, Spacemaker needs to formulate a marketing plan that modifies its image. It is necessary to enable sustainable infrastructure that facilitates flexible and accurate solutions for a company. It also covers essential universal issues such as managing and decreasing the environmental pollution. The plan will maximize the value of commodities in vast categories of production.  


Badzińska, E. (2017). Mobile Technology Solutions in Business Communications–New Tools in Practical Implementation.  Handel Wewnętrzny 367 (2), 5-16. 

Keegan, B. J., & Rowley, J. (2017). Evaluation and decision making in social media marketing.  Management Decision

Sajid, A. (2020). 70 Best Startups You Need to Watch Out for in 2020. Retrieved 3 May 2020, from https://www.cloudways.com/blog/best-startups-watch-out/ 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Marketing Strategy for the Spacemaker.


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