1 May 2022


Mathematical Skills for IT Industry

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Academic level: College

Paper type: Research Paper

Words: 1003

Pages: 4

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In the world today, information technology (IT) serves as a unique area for most economies. For instance, IT-specific firms are capable of setting up their enterprises while IT also acts as a vital element in the success of companies in diverse industries. In the past, IT departments were based on businesses' basements, although today IT serves the key driver to the daily activities of firms as well as in facilitating the strategic planning processes (Rowe, Lunt, & Ekstrom, 2011). Presently, IT is the fastest growing industry growing industry worldwide, with an estimated growth rate of around 38 percent from 2006 and 2016. The IT sector has also provided numerous individuals with innumerable opportunities for advancement. Nevertheless, the major challenge that prevails is acquiring the appropriate IT employees having strong mathematics foundation and soft skills to allow them to respond to the demands of the ever-changing and fast-paced IT career. To excel in IT; therefore, individuals require strong skills in mathematics to enable them to cope with the diverse computational requirements needed in the profession (Marsh, 2016).

For individuals willing to excel in any IT-related field, they should seek a variety of mathematics courses both at the secondary and post-secondary levels to allow them head to a career related to IT. For instances, mathematical courses, such as algebra, geometry, statistics, trigonometry, calculus, computer applications, and applied physics equip students with mathematical skills and knowledge required to excel in the IT field. In case individuals cannot comprehend the advanced mathematical skills employed in the IT field, they encounter challenges concerning meeting the demands affiliated with the industry, which is witnessing notable growth in the present years (Achieve, Inc, 2016). Based on the diverse mathematical courses individuals are required to pursue once they enroll for an IT course, it is apparent that mathematical skills play a significant role regarding allowing individuals to excel in the industry as well as cope with the emerging demands more efficiently and in a flexible manner (Achieve, Inc, 2016).

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Also, for individuals to earn IT certifications from industry leaders, such as CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) and Cisco, they are required to have a broad understanding of various mathematics courses and their diverse applications. The certifications offered by these organizations fetch high value in the marketplace as they play a vital role when it comes to connecting classrooms with the real workplace environment. Students can also seek additional advanced-level certifications upon excelling in mathematics applications to areas such as networks and security, which individuals usually pursue upon gaining sufficient experience in the workplace (Marsh, 2016). For example, the primary objectives as well as mathematical concepts covered CCNA and CompTIA's exam comprise of IP Addressing (exponentials, binary code), electronics and computers (rates, voltage), wireless technology principles (electromagnetic spectrum, wavelengths), and troubleshooting (Boolean algebra, logic, algorithms, problem-solving). The training demands individuals to a strong mathematical background (Achieve, Inc, 2016).

Today, numerous trends are portraying the need for math skills in the IT industry some of which even reveal the need for adapting math skills to cope with the future trends within the information technology sector. The IT environment comprises of numerous individuals who show commitment to sharing a passion for applying their comprehension of mathematics to the computer world (Rowe, Lunt, & Ekstrom, 2011). For instance, practices, such as Internet Protocol (IP) assigning, router installation, bandwidth management, enhancing network security ensure that IT professionals manage to keep the information running. In the networking environment, for instance, individuals dealing with cyber security are supposed to utilize mathematical skills to allow them to translate bits to bytes while utilizing powers and calculate the decipher code by using multiplier variables (Achieve, Inc, 2016). They are also expected to understand how to calculate an event's likelihood while using combinations and permutations as well as develop tables to allow them to determine the desired outcomes. All these skills come from advanced high school mathematics or entry-level college mathematics (Rowe, Lunt, & Ekstrom, 2011).

Additionally, IT professionals are also supposed to ensure that they are capable of applying their mathematical understanding to assist them in devising, implementing, and troubleshooting networks in a creative manner to ensure their efficiency and safety. The ability that IT professionals portray in solving problems apparent in the real world originates from their understanding that for each challenge they encounter, they can always come up with a mathematical and logical solution (Marsh, 2016).

Regarding future applications of the future trends within the IT industry, mathematics skills would still play a significant role. For instance, in the recent years, numerous organizations from different industries have been encountering attacks, which have made them lose important customer and client data, while also leading them to experience severe financial losses. Most of these emerge because of failure in networks, which end exposing the vulnerable points within an organization. With sufficient skills in mathematics and computing skills, it is possible for IT professionals to identify the vulnerabilities quickly and implement the ideal measures on time (Marsh, 2016).

Ensuring the security and integrity of a system serves as a vital element of every IT professional's job to hinder hackers from penetrating a firewall through the network or crashes in a network. Here, IT experts are required to have sufficient experience in Boolean logic, which is a mathematic skill that allows them to write login programs in a manner that routes every employee through a labyrinth of protection layers in the defense features of the network. This practice assists an individual in undertaking a ‘root-cause analysis' in the event of system failure, thus determine the problems source accurately and fast (Marsh, 2016). It also serves as a vital skill having its roots in logic, Boolean algebra, and algorithms. Furthermore, when the technician communicates with the user to identify the problem's source, such as software, connectivity, or hardware, it becomes possible to utilize an algorithm in coming up with the relevant solutions to the problem. Therefore, having sufficient understanding of the overall network and applying mathematics in solving problems facilitates in ensuring that systems run smoothly and safety (Achieve, Inc, 2016).

In conclusion, it is apparent that having sufficient skills in mathematics plays a vital role regarding allowing individuals to excel in the IT field. Mathematics equips people with the ideal problem-solving, analytical, logistic, and troubleshooting skills, which allow persons in the IT sector to handle any challenges that emerge. Therefore, while in the workplace, it is essential for IT professionals to ensure that they communicate with their colleagues as well as clients who lack sufficient experience in the IT environment to foster teamwork in the workplace (Achieve, Inc, 2016). It is because IT departments comprise of a technicians' network working together with the goal of ensuring that the electronic infrastructure of the company is secure and intact. Furthermore, the network technicians have up-to-date information concerning tomorrow's technological innovations, thereby ensuring that other employees remain updated and with relevant training (Marsh, 2016).


Achieve, Inc. (2016). Mathematics at Work: Information Technology. Retrieved from http://www.achieve.org/files/MathAtWork-IT.pdf

Marsh, J. (2016). Math in Cybersecurity. Retrieved from https://people.sunyit.edu/~fjam/Math_in_Cybersecurity_v2.pdf

Rowe, D. C., Lunt, B. M., & Ekstrom, J. J. (2011). The Role of Cyber-Security in Information Technology Education. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/220707262_The_role_of_cyber-security_in_information_technology_education

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Mathematical Skills for IT Industry.


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