8 Dec 2022


Mayo Clinic: A Not-For-Profit Health Leader

Format: APA

Academic level: College

Paper type: Coursework

Words: 580

Pages: 2

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Mayo Clinic was established in 1864 by William Worrall Mayo. Currently, Mayo is one of the largest not-for-profit health organizations in the USA. The organization’s headquarters are located at Rochester, Minnesota. In the USA, Mayo Clinic is ranked as number 1, and it has retained this spot for over 27 years (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Moreover, Fortune Magazine has listed the hospital as being among the top 100 best foundations to work for across the world. (Mayo Clinic, 2020). The health organization has various core operations with main ones, including patient care, research and education. In 1915, the organization founded the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, which aims at equipping its students with biomedical and clinical practice research (Mayo Clinic, 2020). One can receive a Ph.D., bachelors and Master’s degree. Likewise, the organization is an innovative leader. The organization uses Apple to deliver patient care through its Synthesis Mobile application. Additionally, the organization has made significant contributions to medicine which ash seen two of its members receiving Nobel Peace prizes following their cortisone discovery. These include Phillip Jench and Edward Kendal (Mayo Clinic, 2020).

Mayo Clinic has a variety of employees as it is involved in various undertaking impact patient care. As of 2019, the organization had more than 65,000 employees (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Its employees range from full-time research personnel, scientists, physicians and administrative and allied health staff. Moreover, the organization has employed full-time educators who hold Ph.Ds.’ in their respective fields. These educators work majorly at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.

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Mayo Clinic’s operating budget exceeded $612.1 million (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Being a not for profit organization, the firm is mainly dependent on donors and the government for financial assistance. Currently, the organization has operations in the 50 states. In 2018, the organization received more than $800 million from the federal government to fund its activities form the benefactor gifts, industry groups, foundations and federal and state governments (Mayo Clinic, 2020).

Mayo Clinic serves all the American citizens, including other people across the globe where it has facilities. The organization guarantees its clients with word-class patient care as its team of health practitioners are focused on ensuring the best medical care is offered to the patients. The organization has stated that it serves over 1 million patients from across 140 nations on an annual basis (Mayo Clinic, 2020). At Mayo Clinic, it will ensure that patients with even the most severe medical problems have access to the best treatment plans and efforts. Its team of researchers have studies even the rarest of illness and will ensure when you seek treatment, your problem is solved.

Additionally, Mayo Clinic serves students across the globe who would like to join the medical field through its Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science. Students from across the world can enroll for various degree programs depending on their passion. Similarly, the organization has offered employment opportunities to thousands of USA citizens. In its overseas facilities, Mayo Clinic has also created employment opportunities for hundreds of people.

The top Mayo Clinic competitors include Kaiser Permanente founded in 1945, and it offers prepaid health plans and insurance to its clients (Craft, 2020). Another competitor is the Cleveland Clinic established in 1921, and it's a not-for-profit organization with its headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio (Craft, 2020). Dignity Health founded in 1986 is also another great competitor as it operates a network of care centers and hospitals across the USA (Craft, 2020).

Mayo Clinic is regulated by the Department of Health Services and the Department of Workforce Development (Mayo Clinic Health System, 2020). Moreover, it is regulated by other state and federal regulations and statutes related to the delivery of healthcare services and elimination of employment discrimination during recruitment, hiring and selection.

An organizational structure encompasses a system that is laid down outlining the directing and controlling of various undertakings aimed at attaining a given corporate objective or goal. The organizational structure will describe how information should flow in a firm from top-bottom and bottom-top.


Craft. (2020). Mayo Clinic  competitors. Retrieved from https://craft.co/mayo-clinic/competitors 

Mayo Clinic. (2020). About Mayo Clinic . Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/about-mayo-clinic .

Mayo Clinic Health System. (2020). Regulatory and Compliance Information. Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/locations/la-crosse/about-us/regulatory 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Mayo Clinic: A Not-For-Profit Health Leader.


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