26 Oct 2022


Mesopotamian Society and Hindu Traditional Society - A Comparison

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Similarities in Stamps and Impressions That Show Syncretism between Mesopotamian Society and the Hindu Traditional Society 

The analysis of similarities and differences between various seals and impressions is a credible approach to determining syncretism or divergence of different evolution. Upon observation of the Mesopotamian cylinder and Indus River Valley stamp seals and impressions, various similarities manifest. The various similarities vehemently depict the aspect of syncretism in the Mesopotamian and Hindu evolutions. One of the underlying similarities between the two is that both seals and impressions use exaggerated hyperbole in depicting the power of humans. For instance, the Indus River Valley Stamp seal depicts the image of a human pushing two striking tigers (Bolle, 1979). Similarly, The Mesopotamian Cylinder seal involves Bull-man combatting lion and the Nude Hero combating water buffalo. In both sets of images, a great emphasis is put on the extraordinary ability of human beings. This similarity suggests heavy syncretism between the evolution of Hindu and the Mesopotamian evolution. More similarities between the Mesopotamian stamps and Hindu stamps is the dominance of animals in both sets of images. In both evolutions, the use of animal images in designing and developing the stamps is emphasized. The phenomenon suggests high levels of shared information between the two different ancient societies. Besides, in both versions of stamps, the use of inscriptions in appreciated. The Nude Hero Combating Water Buffalo stamp features a cuneiform engraving on the top part of the stamp. Similarly, the figure between two tigers stamp includes a bold Hindu inscription on the top part of the region. The similarity of using inscriptions in both Mesopotamian and Hindu revolutions eludes to syncretism between the two evolutions. Moreover, it is evident the both the Hindu evolution and the Mesopotamian evolutions relied on the stones for modeling of stamps and impressions. In both developments, the technology of carving stone to depict a certain image or inscription is highly emphasized (O'Flaherty, 1982). These similarities between the early Mesopotamian and Hindu stamps and impressions heavy depicts syncretism between the two evolutions. 

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Comparison of the Moral Values of Mesopotamian Society and Ethical Values of the Hindu Traditions 

The Mesopotamian moral values placed a high value on human ingenuity and steadfastness in controlling his or her society. The early Mesopotamian society valued personal involvement in communal development. Similarly, the Hindu traditions revolved around the wholeness of a person and a high sense of communal value. These ethical values are supported by the dominance of human figures in the various stamps designed during the Mesopotamian and the Hindu evolutions. The early Mesopotamian society had a high moral inclination to the notion of the existence of godly beings that controlled man (Davids & Oldenberg, 1896). Similarly, the Hindu traditions have a high moral inclination to the existence of godly beings. In both societies, the values that were exercised by humanity were defined by the spiritual notions of godly beings. Another ethical value evident in both Mesopotamian civilization and ancient traditions is unity and corporation. Both ancient societies had perceived unity and communal participation as a moral obligation. In the various versions of stamps used in both ancient societies, the images of humans are depicted in pluralism and unison. The majority of the human figures featured in various impressions used by the societies depict a strong moral inclination to unison in communal work and development. The Mesopotamian civilization and the traditional Hindu society had a moral value and obligation to secular notions. The various impressions designed by these two ancient societies depict a credible level of secular values appreciated by the ancient communities (Warren, 1896). The various stamp carvings that ancient Mesopotamian civilization designed expressed the different secular notions and feelings. The Hindu traditional society practiced a similar carving culture in which various secular oriented sculptures. The different stamps and impressions designed by the Mesopotamian society and traditional Hindu society depict multiple ethical values appreciated by both societies 


Bolle, K., W. (1979). THE BHAGAVADGITA. A New Translation. 

O'Flaherty, W., D. (1982). THE RIG VEDA. An anthology 

Davids, T., W., R & Oldenberg, H. (1896). Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Law. The Buddha. 


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StudyBounty. (2023, September 15). Mesopotamian Society and Hindu Traditional Society - A Comparison.


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