14 Jun 2022


Microbes and Sustainable Development

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Academic level: College

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Words: 388

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Do Microbes contribute to Sustainable development? Well, according to R.C. Kuhad of the Association of Microbiologists of India, microbes are some of the microorganisms in the universe, which play a significant role in sustenance and development (Kuhad, 2012). To start with, Kuhad points out that, Microbes generate more than half of the oxygen that we breathe. Kuhad further states that the origin of life is microbes, and microbes support its continuity. As such, the microbiota of any ecosystem is responsible for keeping that particular environment clean. Three major changes, which may inhibit the judicious exploitation of microbes for sustainable development in the 21st century, include dependence on petroleum, climate change, and food security (Kuhad, 2012). With the judicious exploitation of microbes, these challenges can be easily met. Research by soil microbiologists shows that microbes can manage the challenges of climate change. These challenges include those of excess CO2 in the atmosphere (Kuhad, 2012). Good agriculture can aid in the absorption of the gas through the homeostasis of microbial communities. 

What about food security? The world’s population is increasing at an alarming rate, and a country like India is projected to hit 1.3 billion by 2020. This requires a minimum of 300 million tons of grains that can only be realized through farming that is supported by microbial fertilizers, bioherbicides, and bio-pesticides. Microbes in endophytes have been tested to maintain arid ecosystems, which will be a profound approach towards increasing crop productivity (Kuhad, 2012). It is, therefore, a worthy task and challenge for soil microbiologists to market bio-fertilizers. Lastly, can microbes be used as an alternative to the importation of petroleum, which risks depletion? Microbes are a rich source of the production of bio-alcohols, ethanol being one of the most targeted biofuels (Kuhad, 2012). Ethanol can be produced from corn and sugarcane, products that are in plenty in Africa, America, and Brazil. Residues from these plants also known as lingo-cellulosics will be an economical source of ethanol, which can be used as fuel for cars among other uses (Kuhad, 2012). 

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My Views : As a Microbiology, student, I feel that it is imperative to be open-minded and focus on the application of concepts learned, outside the medical field. One such application is on how microbe s can be used to influence life outside the human body. As indicated by Kuhad, microbes are essential in sustainable development, a concept that has been overlooked. There are still grey areas on its application to climate change, but I feel focused research will be crucial especially now that the world is battling with the menace. It seems that we do not have a cure for climate change, but with such insights on microbes, possibilities are unlimited. 


Kuhad, R. (2012). Microbes and their Role in Sustainable Development.  Indian Journal Of Microbiology 52 (2), 309-313. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12088-012-0267-x 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Microbes and Sustainable Development.


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