14 Apr 2022


Military Leadership Philosophy

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Academic level: College

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Words: 508

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Leadership is a very significant aspect of the military, and it forms a great part of their cause. The Army systematically grooms soldiers to be leaders in various positions, for example, leading battalions, managing budgets, and making decisions during war or missions that have a great impact on the soldiers and the nation they represent. History dictates that the military leadership style took a centralized authority operating form. Their hierarchical process ensured that orders or other forms of communication got relayed fast and accurately. They also traditionally used force to exert authority and power over targets or enemies. 

Dynamic advancements in communication and information technologies have led to the change of militant approach in leadership. The military personnel have also expanded their philosophy due to the revolution of warfare. Even though they have maintained their centralized, hierarchical system, it no longer serves the agenda of expediting fast communication or spread of information within and between various units. Information can be transmitted from one source to every unit via emails, memos, or other forms of communication. With the revolution of war, the Army’s leading philosophy has shifted course from armed conflict and fighting to discouraging and averting war. 

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In the current generation, the military is responsible for playing other roles such as peacekeeping, supporting civil authorities, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief among others. It is for this reason that they also had to change their style and adapt new methods to suit their new roles. Firstly, they discovered that leadership is about maintaining relationships. This philosophy means that leading is not about instilling fear in the subject, but handling them with mutual respect. They develop professional and personal relationships to encourage the subjects to develop trust towards them. 

Secondly, leadership is an active process. Army leaders are more involved in interacting with people, counseling, correcting and listening to their grievances. Soldiers have also discovered the significance of education. Military leadership is not about demonstrating physical and combat prowess, but gaining education to increase awareness. By being learned, they can respond to situations efficiently and develop progressive policies. For example, initiating peace treaties or negotiating without having to fight. They are also able to contribute to significant economic, social, and political issues affecting the nation, and present a country’s ideals in their missions. 

Previously, the Army was a distinct unit on its own and answering to the president only. As the nature of their work changed, they also started developing relations with other bodies of the Government and civil institutions. They have adapted to working with both Government and non-Governmental agencies in fulfilling their objectives, in line with the country’s development. 

The Army has evolved in their nature of leadership in that headship or governance is not only for a select few but for anyone who shows real potential. All military personnel are trained to gain character and responsibility, and get exposed to various leadership challenges before selection by exemplary performance basis. However, all other Army members are on standby to assume leadership in the absence of their head, or when emergency situations arise. 

For a leader to be great, the person has to be a servant of being a head. The military set an exemplary definition of leadership because of their dedication in serving their countries at the expense of their freedom, life, and personal interests. They have conceptualized a genuine nature of service by adapting strategies from being warlords to being esteemed community service members.

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 16). Military Leadership Philosophy.


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