28 Aug 2022


Mindfulness: How to Be More Present in Your Life

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Aherne, D., Farrant, K., Hickey, L., Hickey, E., McGrath, L., & McGrath, D. (2016). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for medical students: optimizing student satisfaction and engagement.  BMC medical education 16 (1), 209. 

According to Aherne et al. (2016), medical students and practitioners are at more risks of developing stress due to the nature of their work such as workload and other work-related stress. Due to the high risks of stress, medical practitioners are more likely to make medical errors and reduce the satisfaction of the patients. As a result, there is a need todeveloping stress-reduction interventions for medical students. The authors note that using mindfulness-based stress reduction have been used over the years to help people cope with the mental and physical distress. Through the development of openness and accepting the current moments helps solve the problem of distress. 

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The authors present the information obtained from the research conducted at the University of Oslo and Tromso thus making the article scholarly. The information presented is reliable and credible thus worth using in the research because it provides information on how to use mindfulness to reduce stress amongst the medical students. 

Barbosa, P., Raymond, G., Zlotnick, C., Wilk, J., Toomey III, R., & Mitchell III, J. (2013). Mindfulness-based stress reduction training is associated with greater empathy and reduced anxiety for graduate healthcare students.  Education for health 26 (1), 9. 

The authors note that graduate healthcare students experience a significant range of stressors as a result of the nature of training. These students experience a decrease in empathy while at the same time coming with increased depression, anxiety and burnout. The effectiveness of medical students is based on the ability to be compassionate and empathetic while caring for the patients. Mindfulness stress reduction strategies are effective in stress reduction and emotional management by medical students. 

The authors present the primary source of information by conduction research using 13 students. This makes the article credible for the research topic under the study. Also, the information presented gives a detailed explanation of the importance of mindfulness in reducing stress and managing anxiety which are essential in the care. The article is thus reliable for use in the research topic. 

Birtwell, K., Williams, K., van Marwijk, H., Armitage, C. J., & Sheffield, D. (2019). An exploration of formal and informal mindfulness practice and associations with wellbeing.  Mindfulness 10 (1), 89-99. 

The authors explore the experience of people practicing mindfulness as well as the difficulties and the associations that exist between the formal and informal mindfulness practice and the wellbeing. The study examines the experience that the people who have practiced mindfulness in the past to understand their difficulties and the support needed as well as the effect it has on the physiological ability of the students. While the study found no significant differences in the frequency of mindfulness, major difficulties included falling asleep during formal practice and lack of time or practice. There was however a positive correlation between mindfulness and physiological as well well-being of the students. 

The information provided in the article was obtained from the research conducted by the authors thus making it primary and credible source of information useful for the research topic. Also, the article provides important information that can be useful in the research topic thus making it a reliable source. 

Brown, K., Anderson-Johnson, P., & McPherson, A. N. (2016). Academic-related stress among graduate students in nursing in a Jamaican school of nursing.  Nurse education in practice 20 , 117-124. 

According to Brown, Anderson-Johnson & McPherson (2016), the graduate students perceive their education to be highly stressful and rates their stress levels to be above average. Stress amongst the graduate students can have certain effects such as reduced academic outcome and impaired cognitive abilities. Stress is also related to physiological symptoms such as loss of appetite, headache,and sleeplessness. By conducting the study in 81 students, the researchers sought to identify the perceived stress levels amongst the graduate students and the physiological effects it has on individuals. The outcome of the study showed that an average of 50.9% of the students had moderate stress levels. 

The researchers conducted a study in Jamaica school of nursing; thus the information provided in the article is credible and reliable for the research topic. The strategies such as mindfulness stress reduction intervention were found to be useful in helping the students manage stress. 

Chiesa, A., & Serretti, A. (2009). Mindfulness-based stress reduction for stress management in healthy people: a review and meta-analysis.  The journal of alternative and complementary medicine 15 (5), 593-600. 

According to Chiesa and Serretti (2009), mindfulness stress reduction is defined as a clinically standardized mediation that has shown consistently for several physical and mental disorders. The authors present a review and meta-analysis of the benefits of the MBSR in the reduction of stress. Mindfulness involves the development of a particular kind of attention that is characterized by the non-judgmental awareness. It involves developing the sense of self-awareness, curiosity and the acceptance of the internal and external present experiences. The use of mindfulness in the reduction of stress has shown positive results especially in areas such as increased cognitive abilities and improved mental functioning as well as the well-being. 

The authors presenta credible primary source of information as well as the review of the previous studies concerning the topic. The article provides an analysis of the benefits of mindfulness in the reduction of stress, the information that is reliable for the topic under study. 

Davis, D. M., & Hayes, J. A. (2011). What are the benefits of mindfulness? A practice review of psychotherapy-related research.  Psychotherapy 48 (2), 198. 

Davis and Hayes (2011) argue that mindfulness practice has over the previous years offered psychotherapists a means to positively influence the aspects of the therapy to promote effective treatment. The authors of the article examine the evidence-based benefits of mindfulness about psychotherapy and stress regulation. The key focus in the cultivation of mindfulness has been on medication which is defined as the self-regulation practices that focus on the training attention as well as awareness of the present internal and external state. Some of the benefits of the mindfulness include the regulation of emotions and increased response flexibility and decreased reactivity. It is also useful in the interpersonal and intrapersonal relations. 

This article is relevant and reliable for the research topic because it identifies the evidence-based benefits of mindfulness which is essential for the research topic under study. The information is also credible as it is obtained from the research conducted by qualified researchers. 

De Vibe, M., Solhaug, I., Tyssen, R., Friborg, O., Rosenvinge, J. H., Sørlie, T., & Bjørndal, A. (2013). Mindfulness training for stress management: a randomized controlled study of medical and psychology students.  BMC medical education 13 (1), 107. 

The medical and psychology professionals are mainly reported to have increased levels of distress and burnout, a situation that impacts the quality of the care provided to the customers. The increasing levels of stress and low life satisfaction amongst these professionals have called for the need to identify interventions to help solve the problem. According to de Vibe et al. (2013), mindfulness-based stress reduction has been found to be useful in developing better-coping skills. It can help these professionals learn and understand how to manage their stress, burnout,and mental distress. The results of the study found that mindfulness programs can have moderate positive effects on the distress as well as subjective well-being. 

This article has been based on the information obtained from the research by the authors thus making it a credible source of information for the topic under study. Also, the article provides crucial information regarding the positive effects of mindfulness-based strategies on the mental distress and the overall well-being of an individual. This makes the article relevant for use in the topic under study. 

Gallego, J., Aguilar-Parra, J. M., Cangas, A. J., Langer, Á. I., & Mañas, I. (2014). Effect of a mindfulness program on stress, anxiety,and depression in university students.  The Spanish journal of psychology 17

According to Gallego et al. (2014), high levels of stress and anxiety are some of the common problems that affect the majority of university students. Stress and anxiety come with reduced academic achievement and other mental problems. The authors of the article examine the impacts of mindfulness training programs in controlling the high levels of depression and anxiety amongst university students. Because of the serious effects of depression such as deficits in concentration and reduced memory, there has been a need to identify a strategy that can be used to develop coping skills. The results of the study found that there is a positive correlation between mindfulness programs and distress and anxiety management. 

The authors conducted research using 125 students as the sample before concluding. This makes the information presented in the article to be a primary source of information thus credible. Also, the information presented covers the research topic thus making it a reliable source. 

Grus, C. L., Bodner, K., Kallaugher, J., Lease, S. H., Schwartz-Mette, R., Shen-Miller, D., & Kaslow, N. (2017). Promoting well-being in psychology graduate students at the individual and systems levels.  NAM Perspectives

Grus et al. (2017) argue that more than 70% of the psychology doctoral students experience an increased level of stress that can affect their full functioning ability. The major stressors are mainly due to anxiety, academic responsibility,and poor work-life balance. These students cannot cope with the stressors due to the poor relationship with the faculty and lack of support. Due to increased stressors amongst the students, it has led to the need to introduce strategies that can help improve the coping skills. Self-caring strategies are important in ensuring that the students can cope with the stressors. This starts with the self-awareness and understanding the internal and external situations. 

The authors present information concerning the need to develop self-care strategies to help cope with the stress. This information is reliable in helping promote the coping strategy thus making the article relevant and reliable for the research study. Also, the authors provide both information from research as well as literature review thus making the article credible. 

Gura, S. T. (2010). Mindfulness in occupational therapy education.  Occupational Therapy in Health Care 24 (3), 266-273. 

According to Gura (2010), mindfulness-based stress reduction programs have shown positive results towards enhancing the quality of life regarding the reduction of stress in therapy education. When the students are provided with the learning opportunities and experience mindfulness, they are more likely to have enhanced self-awareness and increased empathy as well as a reduction in the judgment of the client. Sufficient research exists to confirm the effectiveness of mindfulness programs in improving the outcome of the patients by the therapists. It increases empathy and self-mastery for the therapists thus promoting effective therapy to the clients. 

The author provides information on the relationships between the positive client's outcome and mindfulness education on the therapy students. This information is relevant and reliable for the research topic. Also, the article presents credible information both from the primary research as well as literature review thus making it reliable for the research topic. 

Hofmann, S. G., & Gómez, A. F. (2017). Mindfulness-based interventions for anxiety and depression.  Psychiatric Clinics 40 (4), 739-749. 

Hofmann and Gomez (2017) note that the cognitive and behavioral treatments for depression have been enhanced due to the implementation of the mindfulness practice. Over the past few years, the mindfulness practice has attracted more research especially with areas such as mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Research shows that applying mindfulness practice has great positive results in the reduction of stress and depression. The use of mindfulness is useful in helping the students and professionals to develop the coping skills which are essential in the management of depression and anxiety. The mindfulness-based protocols and principles have over the past years been integrated into the therapeutic interventions to help improve a positive outcome. 

The information provided in the article is relevant and reliable because it provides significant information regarding the application of mindfulness programs. Also, the article has information from the research as well as literature review thus making it credible for use in the research topic. 

How to Reduce Stress Through Mindfulness | Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging With Physical Disabilities. (2019). Retrieved from http://agerrtc.washington.edu/info/factsheets/mindfulness 

According to the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, practicing mindfulness can help in the health and the overall well-being. Mindfulness is made up of various elements such as awareness, focus, acceptance,and observation. An individual must be willing to accept their feeling and develop awareness of the present moments. Using mindfulness practice can have crucial benefits and reduce stress. It can help improve the moods through the reduction of anxiety and depression. It also reduces stress and its effects by developing the coping skills for the various stressors of life. 

The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center is a reputable institution which focuses on research on various areas concerning well-being. The information provided in the article is therefore relevant, reliable and credible for the research topic. By providing the breakdown of what mindfulness is and how it operates, the article is relevant for the research topic. 

Jennings, P. A., Frank, J. L., Snowberg, K. E., Coccia, M. A., & Greenberg, M. T. (2013). Improving classroom learning environments by Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE): Results of a randomized controlled trial.  School Psychology Quarterly 28 (4), 374. 

The authors of the article note that cultivating awareness and resilience in education is a program that can be used to reduce stress and improve the performance of the teachers. Teachers play a crucial role in the educational attainment of the students. Recent studies have shown that the social and emotional skills, as well as the well-being of the teachers, are necessary for promoting the educational attainment of the students. As a result, there has been a need to promote the socio-emotional abilities of the teachers. Various intervention can be used to improve the social and emotional abilities of the teachers and to enhance their performance through stress management and development of the coping skills. 

The authors of the article provide information based on the primary research as well as the use of literature review thus making the information more credible and trustworthy. Also, the article provides significant information on the issue of stress management and coping skills which is essential for healthy well-being. This makes the article more relevant. 

Jha, A. P., Krompinger, J., & Baime, M. J. (2007). Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attention.  Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 7 (2), 109-119. 

According to Jha, Krompinger,and Baime (2007), mindfulness can be defined as a process of bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis. The various mediation-based practices can be used to train an individual on the mindfulness to increase the cognitive functioning and minimize stress. Mindfulness training plays a crucial role in helping in the development of positive cognitive and mental abilities. The mindfulness training helps an individual learn to develop the coping skill that can be used to control the cognitive as well as behavioral functioning. 

The article has relevant information that covers the mindfulness training as an intervention to cope with the stress and improve behavioral as well as cognitive activities. The researchers provide information obtained from research as well as literature review which makes the article trustworthy. 

Kuyken, W., Weare, K., Ukoumunne, O. C., Vicary, R., Motton, N., Burnett, R., ... & Huppert, F. (2013). The effectiveness of the mindfulness in schools programme: a non-randomized controlled feasibility study.  The British Journal of Psychiatry 203 (2), 126-131. 

Kuyken et al. (2013) argue that the mindfulness-based approaches are the essential intervention that can help enhance the mental health and well-being of the young people. By conducting a study with 522 young people aged between 12-16 years as the sample for the study, the authors find that the mindfulness programs play a positive role in enhancing the efficacy, health and the overall well-being of the young children. The findings provide that there is promising evidence of the mindfulness program’s acceptability and efficacy. Implementing the mindfulness programs is therefore essential in helping improve the health and well-being of the children. 

The authors provide significant information regarding the application of the mindfulness programs in helping improve the efficacy and overall well-being of the young people. This makes the article relevant for use in the research topic. Also, it provides the primary source of information which makes the article a credible and trustworthy source of information for the research. 

Oswalt, S. B., & Riddock, C. C. (2007). What to do about being overwhelmed: Graduate students, stress and university services.  College Student Affairs Journal 27 (1), 24-44. 

According to Oswalt and Riddock (2007), stress is the inability of an individual to cope with the perceived threat to one’s mental, emotional and physical well-being. Mental issues and stress amongst the university students have been on the rise calling for the need to identify the best intervention strategies to help solve the problem. Due to the high-stress levels amongst the university students, the academic attainment has been reducing over the past years. Various strategies that promote self-awareness and understanding of the present situation can be implemented to help these students cope with the stress. \ 

The authors provide credible information that has been obtained through research and review of the literature to conclude. This makes the article more reliable and relevant for the research study. 

Ratanasiripong, P., Park, J. F., Ratanasiripong, N., & Kathalae, D. (2015). Stress and anxiety management in nursing students: Biofeedback and mindfulness meditation.  Journal of Nursing Education 54 (9), 520-524. 

The authors of this article examine the effectiveness and efficacy of the biofeedback and mindfulness programs in the management of stress amongst college students. The authors use a sample of 89 students from a nursing college in Thailand as a sample for the study. In their findings, the authors note that biofeedback has significant positive effects on the anxiety and stress management amongst the college students. Also, mindfulness meditation is found to play a crucial role in anxiety reduction as well as the development of stress coping skills. They conclude that the use of biofeedback and mindfulness meditation interventions play a key role in the management of stress and anxiety. 

The authors research a nursing college using 89 participants. This makes the information in the article to be credible and trustworthy. Also, the article covers important areas on using mindfulness as a stress management tool, information which is relevant for the research topic. 

Schwind, J. K., McCay, E., Beanlands, H., Martin, L. S., Martin, J., & Binder, M. (2017). Mindfulness practice as a teaching-learning strategy in higher education: A qualitative exploratory pilot study.  Nurse education today 50 , 92-96. 

According to Schwind et al. (2017), the majority of the students in the higher learning institutions experience increased stress and anxiety which affects their educational achievement as well as the overall personal well-being. The implementation of mindfulnessmeditation can be a key aspect that can help in the reduction of stress and anxiety while also increasing the overall well-being. When students are taken through mindfulness mediation training programs, it helps them develop self-awareness and acquire skills that can help in the regulation of stress and anxiety. 

The authors provide information that has been obtained from a thoroughly conducted research thus making the article a credible and trustworthy source of information. Also, the article contains information on the use of mindfulness programs to reduce anxiety. This information is useful for the research topic thus making the article more reliable and relevant. 

Warnecke, E., Ogden, K., Bentley, M., & Nelson, M. (2017). 5-year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial of the effects of mindfulness practice on medical practitioners’ stress.  MedEdPublish 6

The authors of the article provide an overview and detailed report on the effects of mindfulness programs on the stress and anxiety regulations amongst the medical practitioners. The study conducted over five years seeks to identify how mindfulness programs can help medical practitioners manage stress. The findings state that most medical practitioners continue to use mindfulness programs to manage stress and reduce anxiety. 

The information provided in the article is obtained from research done over five years among the medical practitioners thus making the article more credible and trustworthy. Also, the article provides significant information on the research topic thus making it a relevant article for the research. 

Zoogman, S., Goldberg, S. B., Hoyt, W. T., & Miller, L. (2015). Mindfulness interventions with youth: A meta-analysis.  Mindfulness ,  6 (2), 290-302. 

According to Zoogman et al. (2015), mindfulnessmeditation involves a validated intervention for the management of symptoms of stress disorders and anxiety. The authorsprovide a review of the literature on the areas where mindfulness meditation has been used and yielded positive results. Over the years of its application, the mindfulness meditation has proved to produce a positive outcome in reducing the stress symptoms and regulation of anxiety both in adults and children. 

The authors of the article rely on the information both from direct quantitative research and literature review to conclude. This makes the credible article source for use in the research topic. It also provides information that covers areas relevant to the topic under research. 

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StudyBounty. (2023, September 14). Mindfulness: How to Be More Present in Your Life.


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